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Show THE CLASSICUM 33 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Marjorie Brewer In connection with the physical education for girls in the Ogden High School is a Personal Efficiency department, which aims to stimulate interest in Physical Education and to standardize and promote high ideals for health, sportsmanship, and citizenship. To accomplish this aim each girl is made a member of a team. Play has a prominent place in our organization. During the year we have sponsored volley ball, basketball, tennis, service ball, hit pin, and baseball tournaments. Every girl has taken an active part in each tournament. We do not limit our activitis to the gymnasium. In the fall we have some interesting hikes. The snow proves an incentive for a winter sports carnival, and in the spring we have real swimming meets. Twice during each week we study hygiene. All girls are interested in knowing just what they must do to be healthy, vigorous, and attractive. To gain this knowledge we study the physical makeup of the human body and how to care for it. A beautiful body and good health are of no value to a girl unless she has poise and personality. We study also social etiquette so that each girl learns how to do "THE RIGHT THING AT THE RIGHT TIME." R. O. T. C. Major C. W. Dyer The mission of the R. O, T. C is to awaken in the student member an appreciation of the obligations of citizenship, to prepare him to better discharge his duties as a citizen, and to qualify him as a military leader. If the mission as outlined above is satisfactorily accomplished, the student will, without question, have been rendered more efficient in fighting his life's battles whether they be those of peace times or of war; his training will be of material benefit to him in any vocation or profession which he may follow in later life. This increased efficiency will be in direct ratio to the interest and effort displayed by the individual. To satisfactorily accomplish the mission of the R. O. T. C. it is necessary that all who participate possess certain characteristics, among them being a willingness to work and to do his part in all things, integrity, patriotism, loyalty to constituted authority, self-confidence, initiative, promptness, neat¬ness, courtesy, and ambition. The development of these characteristics is stressed in the R. O. T. C., and it is an established fact that the benefits accruing to the young graduate are well worth the time, effort, and expense consumed. The student who has conscientiously given his time and effort to a satisfactory completion of his military training will be of increased value to himself, his fellowmen, and his country. |