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Show TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9, 1934. PUBLIC GIVING STADIUM CARD GOOD SUPPORT School Is Eager To Obtain Fund For Buying Band Instruments OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Lar¬sen, Associate Editor. It is amazing, surprising, gratify¬ing to note how generously, loyally, faithfully the members of Ogden service clubs and the public gen¬erally are supporting "Bandantics" to be given at the city stadium Thursday afternoon, October 25, at three o'clock. This afternoon of sport and fun will consist of: Base¬ball game, clubs; Football game, Junior High schools; Wrestling and Boxing, some of Ogden's outstanding performers. The affair is sponsored by the service clubs and has for its objec¬tive the raising of funds to purchase much needed instruments for the Ogden High school band. We are sure the venture will meet with success, for every Ogden citizen is interested in obtaining a first- class high school band. Hear the KLO broadcast every evening, six forty-five to seven o'clock. RUMMAGE SALE SOON The rummage sale will be held this Saturday. Students, do you real¬ize what that means? You are obli¬gated to bring every kind of wearing apparel, every type of useful utensil, every variety of household fixture and ornament this week without fail. The Girls' association has sincere¬ly appealed to you, members of Ogden High school, to support their cause. Are you a group of dreamy idlers that you haven't even enough loyalty or interest to support school functions? Surely not. Bring clothes or any article for, which you have little or no use. In this way boost the Girls' association and the school which you attend! SPEAKING CONTEST Dear Editors: I am a junior and am still unfamiliar with some of the regulations of Ogden High school. I have always understood that anyone could try out for the extemporane¬ous speaking contest if he wished. I had planned on doing so but now I have been told that the speakers have already been chosen and are preparing various subjects. Would you please explain to me just how these students were chosen and why and what qualifications the con¬testants must have?—A Junior. Dear Junior: Anyone who wishes may be a contestant in the ex¬temporaneous speaking contest. Tell your class president that you would like to give a talk, for he is the one who appoints the students for this function. Naturally, you must have a good voice and other desirable character¬istics which would aid you in organ¬izing your topic and making an effective deliverance. WHERE IS PEP BAND? At our school games, the athletic team relies a great deal upon the enthusiasm of the student body. It has been proved that the presence of a pep band at our games im¬proves the attitude of the students as regards school spirit. So far this year we have failed to see a pep band at our games. As a result, it is almost impossible to sing the school songs. We need the pep band! May we urge the music depart¬ment to arrange for a pep band to be present at our athletic contests. BUGANTICS To our list of new words I wish to add bugantics. Like some other words, it would aid us in scholastic understanding. When we go out on a 'bring 'em back alive' expedition, or, sometimes, with a cyanide bottle, we wish to have no misunderstanding of our actions. We don't know what con¬stitutes being crazy but we don't like people to think that we have "bats in our belfry." We should like them to understand that we are not exactly afflicted with a portion of insanity but with bugantics—just a scarcity of bugs for some scientific course—an ailment for which bugs, insects, and more bugs are the only cure.—June Streeter. CLUB REPORT The S. W. E. club members have been very busy during the last month. This organization has taken up some discussion of art and voice, pantomime and retold stories. We find that we have some very talented students in this group who will be a credit to our school. Our officers' have proved themselves capable, and we are all gaining experience that will benefit us. We invite all members at Ogden High school to visit our club meetings any fourth period in room 305.—Elzada Carlson, Reporter. GREEN DESKS Why do we have green desks in the library, while in other rooms we have red ones? This question may seem very odd but it really perplexes me. I am going to give two reasons of mine for this difference of color, and I wish someone would inform me whether they are correct. If neither is right, I should be very glad to learn in some manner of the real cause for painting the desks green. My first reason is that green is the color which nature gives to plants and trees when they come to life in the spring. Now, spring is the time of the year when students get the spring fever and, since green accompanies the spring, could the desks be painted this color to offset that fever? Students become tired of greenness after a long winter of studying on green desks. Second, all other desks in the city schools are painted red and Ogden High in try¬ing to be "different" is experiment¬ing with another color which, by the way, is the exact opposite or complement that all the other desks are painted. Could these conclusions be logical? If not, please help me solve this question.—Max Carruth. The board of education has adopted green as the official school color and is being given to all school furniture as rapidly as is convenient to do so.—Editors. INJURY We were sorry to note a few days ago that Willard Whittaker, one of our football stars of last year, received a broken leg in football practice at Weber college. All of the seniors remember "Toots" and know of his exceptional ability on the gridiron. We are sure that We¬ber college will miss his services. The Ogden High school wishes you a speedy recovery, Willard! SCRAPBOOK EDITOR Students desiring to become scrapbook editor of the Notes may hand their names to one of the editors. The duty connected with this office is that of collecting every edition of the Notes. These copies are saved and placed in a scrapbook. The list of students desiring this office will be brought before coun¬cil, and this body will elect the scrapbook editor. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE The remaining games on the Tiger football schedule are as follows: Carbon, October 5; Bear River, Oc¬tober 12; Box Elder, October 19; Lo¬gan, November 2; Weber, November 10. The games with Carbon, Box Elder and Weber are home games. LOCKING DOORS We have been informed that some of the teachers in our school have a habit of locking the door after the second bell to prevent late stu¬dents from entering. Although the habit of punctuality should be im¬pressed upon all students, we won¬der if the locking of the door is in the best interests of the students in the room. The first rules of the school state that no classroom doors should be locked during school hours. To insure the protection of the student body, we urge the fac¬ulty to find some other way of en¬forcing punctuality. Our building is too much of a fire-trap to risk the lives of our students by locking classroom doors while classes are in session. DICTIONARY Apple polishing—the difference between an "A" and a "B." Blind date—Formerly a very prominent feature at O. H. S. Now almost extinct, as the boys know better. Live and learn. Chairman—A person who tears his hair while his committee matches pennies. School Notes—The expression of student opinion if the opinion hap¬pens to be the same as the edi¬tor's. Cords—acceptable for school wear only after they are able to stand erect in a corner alone.—From "Ex¬change." THE OGDEN STA EFFORT BEGUN TO STRENGTHEN COUNCIL POWER Able Handling of Duties Declared Necessary For Success OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Emily Merrill, editor. Blaine Larsen, associate editor. Except for the initiative and ref¬erendum that council provides, this group is the legislative body of the Ogden High school. All school func¬tions come under the jurisdiction of this body. In the past council has complained because it could not obtain desired results, due to vari¬ous interferences. This year the faculty advisors and the student body officers are striving to ob¬tain power. Whether they will or not depends on council alone in the method that it handles the follow¬ing enterprises. It must elect the yell master, form the pep organiza¬tion and investigate and approve expenditure of school money through the finance committee, which will give a financial report in assembly after each major school function. It will have legal authority over club activities ,through the club committee. Other school operations are com¬ing soon and will keep council busy. If the members of this group will display some fortitude, some desire to attain every aim, some intelligent objectives, and some school spirit, each will become an efficient mem¬ber of an efficient organization.— Dick Baxter, president Of the stu¬dent body. CARBON VS. OGDEN Our Tiger team faces the Carbon machine Friday at three o'clock on the high school practice field in a non-league encounter. Carbon is said to have a very fine squad. We feel, however, that the Tigers will be a match for the visiting team. Your student body card will be honored. Students without student body tickets will be charged twenty- five cents. Suppose we prove to Carbon that we have a patriotic group of stu¬dents as well as a fighting football team! TO IMPROVE SCHOOL There are many ways to improve our school. One of the first and most important things a student can do is to conduct himself as the stu¬dent of a fine and honorable school should conduct himself. He should be loyal, above everything, in thought, speech, and actions. He must never berate his school and must always impress upon his lis¬teners that his school rates far above the average in both athletic and social activities; that the actions of his principal and teachers are al¬ways fair and just". When a stu¬dent does all of these things, no one can say that he is lacking in school spirit. A student should take pride in keeping his school clean and always presentable. The school board spends great sums of money regu¬larly to better the conditions of school life and to perfect the equip¬ment and facilties for teaching. They expect the student to justify these great expenditures and it is rank ingratitude on the part of the stu¬dent if he disregards these many favors and violates the trust that has been placed in him by destroy¬ing school property. A good student must feel that any insult offered to the school is a personal affront to himself. He must feel that upon the honor of the school depends his own honor and that to lower the school's standards is to lower his own. Fellow students, I think that if we would all look about for ways in which to improve the school we could find literally hundreds. Let us all become "school conscious" and I am sure that our school will soon be far in advance.—Burton Barrows. |