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Show High School Announces Spring Graduation List Nearly 450 Pupils Will Receive Diplomas at Exercises May 29, Providing Study Requirements Completed Ogden High school will present diplomas of graduation this spring to nearly 450 pupils, provided their work is completed, according to Principal A. M. Merrill, Exercises will be held May 29. The graduates are listed alphabetically by courses and names as follows: COMMERCIAL COURSE In the Commercial course: Nora Lou Allen, Erma Jean Alvord, Katherine Ames, Floris Marie An¬derson, Fontella Anderson, Lillian Lucile Anderson, Mable Louise An¬derson, Tamo Aoyama. Pae Bailey, Blanche Emma Bateman, Richard M. Baxter, Richard Berghout, Helen Irene Berglund, Alex John Bertangnolli, Ruth Birnie, Barbara Blackwell, Albert J. Bovero, Pauline Breitweiser, Phyllis Brown, Ruth Elaine Brown, Evelyn Burnett, Edna Burton, Melva Bur¬ton, Elaine Bybee. Nettie Cantlin, Ruth Ortell Carr, Charlene Cook, Ruth Charlesworth, Virginia June Combe, Ramona Cou¬turier, DaRue Crabtree, Helen Pa¬tricia Critchfield, Read Croxford, Verla LuDee Cunningham. Venice Dallof, Olga Dellamar, Ann deMik, Patti Lake Doherty, Cleo Donoviel, Harold James Dopp. Ebertha Elsie Edsinga, Eunica Ma¬rio Edvalson, Earl Fisher, George Ford, Martha Foulger, LaRu Free-stone. Lois Geiger, LaVell Blaine Glanville, Leone Evelyn Grandy, Doro¬thy Grant. Dorothy Hall, Barbara Ellen Han¬dy, Leslie Harris, Adele Harris, Lu¬cille Heiner, Dorothy Hendrickson, Fern Hokanson, Don Holden, Doro¬thy Cleone Hunter, Ellen Huss,. Helen Fae Jeppesen, John Leslie Johnson, Darhle Florence Jones Steve Muir Kennedy, Iola Langford, Iona Langford, Blaine Thomas Larsen, Arlene Lever. Merle MacFarlane, Rosalie Malan, Cathryn Malin, Alberta Masters, Jean Kerr Milligan, Martha Mumford, Myrl McArthur, Darline McBride, Bernice McKinnon. Maxene Naisbitt, Fae Fannie Neiditch. Helen Irene Olsen, Mary Ca¬milla Olson. Delia Juanda Parker, Delightra Katherine Passey, Donna Mary Pet¬erson, Virginia Pettigrew, Helen Idonna Pickett, Aline Piper, Ruth Potts, Beth Powell. Thelma Raty, Dorothy Dean Reeder, Paul Arthur Reeves, Earl Rob¬ertson, Jenny Ruward, Helen Ruud. Katherine Sandman, Marjorie Schoss, Cullen Seegmiller, Erma Seppi, Ruth Sessions, Rae Shurtliff, Iris Virginia Carter Stimpson, Eliza¬beth Siddoway, Alice Smith, Marvin Smith, Marjorie Ellen Steele, LaVerne Summerill, Dolores Sugar, Warren Stewart. Beatrice Mary Taylor, Evelyn Tay¬lor, Mary Ellen Taylor, Alice Teachman, Fern Thomas. Mary Phyllis Vance, Anthony Van DeGraaf. Earl William Waldram, Iola May Watts, Margaret May Warner, Mary West, Bernice West, LaFare Wheel¬wright, Virginia Helen Wheelwright, Allie Whitaker, Leota Whitaker, Ruth Elaine Williams, Anna Wilson Helen Wolthuis, Leland Heiner Wright, Helen Wright. Louise Young Alice Zondervon. ENGLISH COURSE In the English course are: Dankel Arthur Alsup, Alice Af¬fleck. Arleen Ballinger, Bertha Barker, Norene Ruth Bingham, Francell Bishop, Harry Bond, Margery Boyle, Melvin Briggs, Leland Richard Briggs. Elizabeth Cardon, Iris Elaine Car¬ver, Valine Checketts, Buellah Cher¬ry, Mary Chugg, Justus Kent Clark, Sidney Jane Cole, W. Royal Cragun, Ruth LaVin Cragun, Henrietta Curtwright. Jack Coe Doone. Florence Eames, Edgar D. Earls, Lois Ensign. George Nevin Facer, Zoe Marion Farr, Ray B. Ferrin, Edwina Fife, Mable Helen Fletcher, Barbara Foulger, Elveda Lila Fronk. Margaret Gaddie, Miriam Jewell Gaddy, Margaret Addie Giles, Mar¬jorie Glines, Ruth Goddard, Delma Johanne Grasteit, Edward S. Greenbanc, Mildred Grix. Robert Hall, Fred Hannah, Mar¬garet Lucille Hansen, Frances Heflen, Mary Frances Heinen, Thelma Herrington, Dorothy Dean Hoggan, Frances Margaret Holmes, Mildred Hooper, Anna Belle Hubbell. Marion Jenkins, Sydney Lewis Johnson, Kenneth Jones. Ruth Klomp. Betty Ann Lake, Marion Susan Lambert, Joe Laucirica, Norma Lon¬don, Albert Lund, Ruth Olive Lundquist. Raymond Keith Manfull, H. H. Mark, Jr., Phyllis Virginia Mayer, Jean Miller, Rose Morrison, Elmer Mumford, Virginia McNamara, K. Frank McQuown. Frederick William Nantker, Ray Newcomb, Fred Nickson, Theo J. Nielsen, Verona Frances Noble. Elizabeth Parkinson, Richard Payne, Roy Vern Peck, Hal Ernest Peterson, Bill Poce, Marguerite Pratt. Karl M. Rackham, Delia Rae Rob¬erts, Irene Elizabeth Roudebrush. Millie Rukavina, Dolores Rowland. Ernest Saunders, Anna Saunders, Dixie Scowcroft, Edith Sherman, Allan Shively, Wells Shurtleff, Mar¬ian Smith, Conrd Alfred Smith, Beth Spencer, Alice Mae Starr, Betty Stewart, Charles Guy Stowell, Viola Katherine Syphers. Bill Taylor, Barbara Esther Tay¬lor, Edward Louis Tingen, Walter Frantzen Todd, Elena Trevino, Ruth Trousdale, Charles Tsukamoto, Will¬iam Henry Turner. John Wright Volker. Dorene Walker, Ivyl Louise Walk¬er, Helen R. Warner, Harold Grover Wheeler, Marion Wheelock, Don Wheelwright, Fay Williams, Harold Williams, Lola Woodbury Rose Kimie Yoshioka, Clara Young. ENGINEERING COURSE In the Engineering course are: Baker, Harold; Belnap, Ralph Arias; Bergen, Delore; Butler Wayne Stephens. Call, Woodrow; Cook, William Morrison; Crowe, Aaron. Dalton, Alfred J.; Decorso, Ben Joseph. Folland, Richard Webley. Jenne, David; Jensen, Duane A.; Johnson, Ralph Grange. Kemsley, George Charles. Larson, Len Rowland. Merrill, Howard Deal; Moffett, Oren; Morrin, Dean F. Pack, Philip; Peterson, E. Howard; Phillips, Eugene Dee. Redfield, William Byron; Ross, Aaron Belnap; Rowse, Earl Jeanney; Rubin, Herman. Shurtleff, Owen; Skeen, Grant G. Smith, Donald; Smith, Edwin Stratford; Stodtmeister, Fred. Tamaki, Jiro. Unander, Ronald Clarence. Wedell, William John; Wilson, Jack; Winward, Orson; Wright, Jack Wheeler. Zinn, Martha Charlotte. GENERAL COURSE General course candidates are: Allen, Lois; Anderson, Elaine; An¬derson, Florence Elba. Bullough, Irene Nancy; Byrne, Glenn; Burnett, James Nielson. Clark, Robert Guy; Cook, Gene¬vieve. Ellery, Vern. Felt, Lauretta. Glines, Frona. Hales, Jack; Hansen, Maxine; Harlin, Helen; Harris, Fred; Harris, Samuel Smith; Harris, Milton; Hegstrom, Eunice; Holden, Fred; Hopkins, Iris LaRue; Jacobson, E. LaVarr; Johnson, Doris; Jones, Jack W. Kunz, Enid Bertha; Krumperman, Lucile. Limburg, Julian. McKay, Norma; Miller, Earl Mil¬ton. Owen, Norris. Patterson, Helen. Readicker, Dale; Reeder, Norman Freeman; Reid, Melva June; Riche, Thomas; Ririe, Ruth; Robison, Theron H.; Robinson, Don Rex; Rose, Leora Jane; Ross, Thelma; Rush, Charles M.; Russell, Mary Ellen. Shorten, Annadale; Shurtliff, Dorothy Louie; Smith, Lot; Smith, Shirley; Stoddard, Ella. Vandehei, Sylvester William. Watson; L. Edwin; White, Delora; Wilde, Donald Glen; Wilson, Donald; Wright, Merton R. Youngman, William George. HOME ECONOMICS In the Home Economics course are: Aubele, Eleanor Elizabeth. Bemenderfer, Helen L. Dawson, Ruth. Gale, Maxine. Jackson, Lillie Mary. King, Reta M. Mortensen, LaDean; Murray, Fay Geddes. Roberts, Le Ida. Stephensen, Sarah Lucile; Stringer, Mayo Eloise. Taylor, Norma Rose. Wagner, Louise Emilie; Wilson, Isabella; Wright, Pearl Maxcine. IN LANGUAGES Latin—Modern Language course candidates are: Affleck, Helen; Anderson, Dorothy Bernice; Andrew, June. Barrett, Frances; Benowitz, Ralph Milton. Davis, Jane. Evans, Lawrence Chambers; Everts, Constance E. Haygood, Arlene Mae; Higgins, Jessie Ada; Hobbs, Doris. Keep, Amy Rose. Larkin, Elijah Ferrin. Maginnis, William Lyman; Man¬ning, Emma Marie; Marriott, Rose-marie Helen; Merrill, Emily Stephens; Morrell, Katherine. Nichols, Betty; Nichols, George Louis. Packard, Joseph; Piers, Mary Lou. Rhine, Doreen. Scoville, Val; Singleton, Joe. Taylor, Luell; Tracy, Virginia; Tueller, Miriam. Williams, Ruth Green. Young, Betty. MECHANIC ARTS In the Mechanic Arts course are: DeHaan, George. Hales, Bob. King, Jay Bennett. Lay ton, Eugene Fife; Lee, James. McKinstry, Addis Emmett. Nelson, DeForges Volney; Nelson, Herman. Powell, Thomas Charles. Thorsted, LeRoy H.; Tsukamoto, Asao. Ujiye, Kay. Vining, Dick. SCIENTIFIC COURSE In the Scientific course are: Alkema, Lloyd. Bailey, Alvin Q.; Barnett, Charles Harold; Barrett, William Waldo; Barton, Shelton; Becraft, Chester Arthur; Burt, Darold James; Bus- well, John Robert. Carlsen, Merrill; Carruth, Max Lynn; Carver, James Whitaker; Collins, Raymond W. Davis, R. Harold. Edson, Lyle. Emmett, Robert Rollo. Folkman, Angus E. Gleason, William Thomas. Hancock, Ralph. Johns, Lamont James. Limburg, Joe; Lowe, George H. Jr.; Lubeck, Jess. Madsen, Edward; Miller, John Murray; McEwan, Max H. Nye, Jack. Packer, Paul; Pence, Howard. Randall, Jim Newell; Revell, Philip K.; Richards, Jack; Savage, Henry Carlyle; Stratford, Keith A.; Syphers, Thomas. Thurston, Fred. Way, H. Grant; Westbrook, Her¬man John; Wheeler, Royle. OPPORTUNITIES KNOCK Recently, several contests have been held wherein young, aspiring journalists have had ample oppor¬tunity to display their literary tal¬ent. Prizes and honors have been given to those fortunate enough to win recognition. The others have benefited, as they derived valuable experience for their future vocation. Again there is opportunity for student writers to acquire technique and experience. A national better housing contest is open to all high school students. Think of it! One thousand dollars will be awarded to the first winner; five hundred dol¬lars to the second; two hundred and fifty to the third; and one hundred dollars to the fourth. This is a chance of a lifetime, students. Grasp it. ANOTHER TERM ENDED Another six weeks has just rolled by. never to return. In that time students of Ogden High school have added a little more to their general fund of knowledge. How much they have assimilated has depended upon the efforts they have exerted in the past few weeks. A few holidays and the spring vacation have interrupt¬ed the regularity of school routine but have given the students opportunities to make up delinquent work. This afternoon report cards, re¬cording each one's grades, were is¬sued to every student at high school. May everyone do better the last six weeks! MUSIC FESTIVAL The return of our many students from Provo marked the end of one of the most successful musical events in years. Soloists, vocal groups, and instrumentalists combined talents to produce a quality of music never before known in Utah. The success of the music depart¬ment is due to the splendid efforts of our fine director, Mr. Hansen. The record of Ogden in the Provo music festival reads: Solos: Violin, Catherine Morrell, highly superior; tenor, Chester Christenson, highly superior; so-prano, Betty Herrington, highly su¬perior; piano, Ruth Lavin Cragun, highly superior; contralto, Faye Bar¬rett, highly superior; trombone, Mack Cook, highly superior; cornet, Howard Williams, superior; baritone, James Andrews, superior; cello, Rob¬ert Clark, superior; saxophone, Dor¬othy Anderson, superior, viola, Mar¬tha Zinn, excellent; French horn, Ross Glasmann, excellent. Small groups: Male quartet, su¬perior; girls' trio, superior; mixed quartet, excellent. Chorus, class A: Girls' Glee club, highly superior; mixed chorus, high¬ly superior; a capella choir, highly superior; boys' Glee club, superior; orchestra, class A, superior; band, class A, good. Summary: Twenty-one events en¬tered; nine highly superior ratings; eight superior ratings; three excel¬lent ratings; one good rating. A capella choir declared most out¬standing musical group participat¬ing. They were invited to sing on two exhibition programs. O. H. S. ADVISED INSPECTION TO BE HELD MAY 10 Neatness, Knowledge and Drilling Skill To Be Investigated OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. Word has come from the R. O. T. C. office that inspection will be held May 10. This means that an army representatives will inspect the four companies for neatness knowledge of the R. O. T. C. manual, and squad, platoon, and company drill movements. No competition between platoons or companies will be held on this day. For a great many years Ogden High school has been selected as an honor school in R. O. T. C. The support of the entire student body is necessary to insure a repetition of this high ranking this year. BOXING CARD TONIGHT Boxing fans of the school and Og¬den in general will be pleased to learn that a fancy boxing card has been arranged for tonight in our gym at seven-thirty o'clock. Among the performers will be such capable pugilists as Jack Doone, Hal Peter¬son, Dan Milligan and many others. Tonight's event will probably be the last of a series of smokeless smokers conducted at our school this year. All who have attended these contests have thoroughly enjoyed them. Come out and see the last smoke¬less smoker! |