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Show O.H.S. column after all.—Dan Alsup. BOYS' ASSEMBLY Dr. Mills, one of Ogden's noted physicians, and always a friend of the Ogden Senior High school gave a talk to the boys of the school which proved very interesting. This assembly was given for the boys because up to this time the girls have had assemblies from which the boys were barred. To equalize the opportunities of the boys with those of the girls, Mr. Merrill has kindly consented to give assemblies as often to the boys as to the girls.—Pat Quinn. MR. MERRILL SPEAKS Wednesday, January 23, Mr. Mer¬rill in the sixth period study gave a very timely and appropriate talk on order in the study halls. This talk also reproved those people not being on time for classes. Be loyal students, and if you have nothing to do yourself in study—or any oth¬er class, read a book or think, but don't disturb others.—Busy Body. ELECTION HELD T. O. Smith's fifth period sociol¬ogy class held a class election. The officers receiving places of office are as follows: Stanley Whittington, president; Jean Tueller, vice president; Elzada Carlson, secre-tary. These officers with the co-opera¬tion of the class will make sociology a very interesting subject.—Cath¬erine Casmas. BETA ZETA TAU LeConte Stewart gave a talk to the club of Beta Zeta Tau on the beautiful exhibit the club is spon-soring. The exhibit consists of block prints and etchings. These studies are done in colors and also black and white. The pictures are on ex¬hibit in the art room of the Ogden High school. We, the club of Beta Zeta Tau, urge each and everyone of you to see this exhibit before it is too late.—Alleene Sampson, club reporter. MONEY, MONEY Yesterday we had an excellent lesson on economics broadcast from the office. It had for its subject "Money" and the theme was the five year depression is due largely to the stagnation of money. Money in and of itself is valueless; it is only when money is in circulation that it has value. Money is piled high in banks, in safety boxes, in jars, in stockings, etc., serving no purpose other than contributing to the lengthening. "Idle men is the curse of this country and has been for some time. Idle money breeds idle men and idle men breed hard times. Most of the idle money—two-thirds of it at least, is owned by a few wealthy men. Their refusal to put it to LULLABY. Now the dusky shadows creep Softly on their wings of sleep; Close your eyes and sleep now, dear, Stars are shining, God is near. And high above will glisten' soon The lamp of love, the yellow moon; Above the dreary skies will gleam, So close your weary eyes and dream. —Elizabeth Parkinson. WOOD DISFIGURED. The little phrase, "An idle mind is the devil's workshop," came to life once more on or about Thursday, January 31. Some person with noth¬ing to do but disfigure public prop¬erty maliciously drove his knife into the south window-sill in the west hall of the main floor. This nit¬wit, for such he must be, deliberate¬ly carved some frivolous name upon the up-to-this time unmarred wood. Protect your property, students, and reprimand any individual molesting our old school—Busybody. DEBATERS CHOSEN. Try-outs were held Friday after¬noon for Ogden High school's en¬trants to the state debating con¬test to be held at Weber college February 12. Members for three teams were chosen. Conrad Smith, Stratford Smith, Paul Packer, Don Dee Olsen, Dan Alsup and Larry Evans were the lucky fellows. Congratulations, boys! We wish you luck. CHARMING STUDENTS. In Ogden High school are many students who have charms mag¬netic, grace unbounded and loveli-ness plentiful. These praiseworthy characteristics are easily seen by the fine reactions of the youths and maidens to various happenings which occur in the school. For example, when a call was given to help the needy at Yuletide, every individual who possibly could supported the cause without regard for any per¬sonal discomfort in preparing Christmas baskets. Many of those in clubs have stud¬ied harder to raise their grades to boost the commendable organiza¬tions in which they belonged, showing a spirit of appreciativeness. Others have strived diligently performing many campaigns undertaken by the student body to attain a desired end. These are only a few of the nu¬merous instances demonstrating the graciousness of high school individ¬uals. May their laudable qualities never change. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1935. PIRATES WILL BE PRESENTED IN NEW OPERA Students Urged To Take Up Music Work, Join Choruses OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor We have good news. It has at last been decided that we shall have an opera this year. What's more, the copies have arrived and Mr. Hanson and his music classes are hard at work. The title is "Joan of the Nancy Lee." The story concerns women haters who turn pirates. Clever songs, and dances and scrip make "Joan of the Nancy Lee" an opera of which the school will be proud. There are ten men leads and a number of women's parts. A large band of pirates is also needed. As this is the half year, we urge all who are interested in taking part in the opera to make arrangements to take music in some form during the last half of the year. The Boy's Glee club the Girl's Glee club and the seventh period mixed chorus class are all open to further enroll¬ment. S. W. E. NOTES As report cards threaten for the third time and the half way mark of the school year is approached the S.W.E. (Speak with Ease) club looks back upon a very progressive and successful existence. Having finished up the first 18 weeks with a flourish (a myth¬ology project in other words) every student is eager to start on the down hill path, his only hope be¬ing that the second lap will be as profitable as its predecessor to the members of this club.—Reporter. FAILURE Oh, men have yearned for great suc¬cess. Believing such is happiness, But give me failure every day To strengthen me along the way; Yes, give me failure o'er and o'er So I'll be trying more and more; PLENTY OF PLAY All work and no play would make school a dull place. No one is being worked too much. That is certain, for in the halls of our educational institution linger students who are continually ex¬pressing their happy characters. Many, especially the girls, approach friends and throw their arms around them and sometimes, even, affec¬tionately kiss each other in fun. Then linking fingers together, two comrades spryly walk down the hall. When failure whispers, "try again Oh, let me be the wiser then. —Elizabeth Parkinson. PHYSICS BENEFICIAL Physics is the study of all things that make up our everyday life. Physics is the basic foundation of all sciences. When a person studies physics, he does not accept a theory until he finds out for himself that it is based on truth. Let us take, for example, the theory of heat expansion. Scientists tell us that with heat all metals ex¬pand to a certain degree. But how are we to find out for ourselves? We run steam through a hollow tube of a certain metal, and with accurate instruments we measure the tube before and after the addi¬tion of steam. Thus we find the heat expansion theory to be true. Everything we use has to do with physics. Even the common light- switch envolves a principle of this wonderful science. Therefore, every high school course should include the study of physics in its curricu¬lum.—Ed Chatelain. DO YOU THINK? How many of you students pos¬sess the facilities necessary to think? All of you. How many of you ever really think, really form an in¬telligent opinion of your own? Not more than one or two per cent, or less. One of the curses of the world today is the fact that most people do not think. For instance, how many of you could listen intelligently to the ex¬temporaneous speeches Friday, or how many of you listened closely enough to make a general outline of the three most important forms of municipal government? In one English class, Friday, it was found that only one or two pupils, who (strangely enough) were the ones who shine brightly in class, had retained more than a slight smat¬tering of the information given by the speakers. In fact, some stu¬dents could not even name the three types discussed. And yet, these same pupils are those who would be the first to agree with anyone who would venture an opinion. Will you, when you become the citizens of to-morrow, be swayed by every silver tongued orator who has an opin¬ion, whether good or bad? Leam to think for yourselves to form opinions; for the greatest ser¬vice school can render you is to teach you to think. This, however, can be accomplished only if you co¬operate. Learn to think.—W. B. FOR THE LIBRARY We have received this week the report of the "Committee of Nine" appointed by Governor Blood. This is a very exhaustive, complete sur¬vey and report on "Utah's govern¬ing units" and will come in mighty handy in our library. We have re¬ceived also the report of the state superintendent of public instruction. This also is placed in our li¬brary. VALENTINE'S DAY Since the beginning of the Chris¬tian era, girls and boys have sent fancy missives to the dashing gallants and ladies fair who are nearest to their hearts. There are many popular beliefs concerning the origin of this day, dedicated to Cupid and his arrows. One belief is that it is the pagan festival, the Lupercalia, Christianized. Saint Valentine, who has given his name to this day, was a bishop or pope of the early Christian church in the days of the Claudian reign. The nearest he ever came to the fair sex was at the time he was thrown into prison by Claudius. The keeper's daughter was blind and he cured her. For that kind deed he was beaten with clubs and behead¬ed. There is also another Valentine who shares the honors of the day with Saint Valentine. He also was a dignitary of the church, but little is known of him except that he swallowed a fish bone and choked to death. It is indeed a mystery why this day is named after two men who had forsworn the right to love. There might be an explanation in the fact that both valentine and gallentine, which means a lover of the fair sex, spring from the Latin word valens. If the two bishops could spring from the earth February 14 and watch the world observe a day named in their honor, they would probably be quite mystified by its meaning.—Barbara Clark. PUNCTUALITY ASSET "On the clock of time there is but one word—now." How essential that quality of promptness is, for lives can be lost, armies defeated, and success ruined because someone did not know the value of a few min¬utes. Caesar's delay to read a message cost him his life when he reached the senate house; Napoleon said he defeated the Austrians because they did not realize the worth of five minutes, and Alfred the Great said that he owed his success to being "always ready." Not only in a crisis of life do sec¬onds count, but in our daily work as well. Promptness takes the drudgery out of an occupation and is the very soul of business. The longer an individual delays whatever he has to do, the harder the task seems. The person who is always leaving important details until to¬morrow makes a poor business man, for he lacks method and seldom at¬tains his goal. It is the man who is ready who wins. Students, now is the time to ac¬quire the quality of punctuality. Let us always be on time, and prompt to our classrooms. The habit of punctuality will be a great aid in our lives. CLUB EXTENDS FIELD TO ALL LITERARY WORK Feb. 4, 1935 Adopts New Home To Show Objective and Holds Officer Election OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen. Associate Editor. The literary club, formerly known as Novi Poetae, has re-organized for a larger field of advancement. We have included as a motive in our club all literary writings as well as poetry; therefore, in order to harmonize with our work we have changed the club name to Amor Scribendi, which means, "I love to write." We are setting our goal high, hop¬ing to accomplish a great deal. In our last meeting we elected new officers, as follows: Dick Bailey, president; Barbara Blackburn, vice president; Parley Jenson, secretary; Frona Glines, reporter, and Mr. Thornley, advisor. A membership committee was appointed by the president, with the vice president as chairman. The other members of the club are Glen Stone, Rose Yoshioka, Iona Langford, Iola Langford, and Jack Richards. A party for initiation of members was held at the home of Parley Jenson. An enjoyable evening was spent.—Reporter. THE GOLDEN HARVEST The grains of golden wheat are being gathered by Ogden High school students and stocked for the harvest of memories that will feed them in the winter of their lives. These are magic grains which con¬sist of laughter, happiness and sad¬ness. The friends of our school days will parade through our aged minds, and once more we will laugh at the pranks of our schoolmates. Each grain with which we feed our minds will bring the golden sunshine of summer into the grayness of winter. Students, appreciate the wheat that you are planting and take good care of it, so that you will gather a rich harvest of memories to brighten your future days that will be spent outside the portals of Ogden High.—Barabara Clark. MUSIC EVERYWHERE In the stores, on crowded streets, throughout school, at home and everywhere music lingers in the air. The radio is continually ringing with melodious melodies; pianos are played with beautiful expression; boys and girls are usually gaily sing¬ing; phonographs and their records are run until they are completely deteriorated; blast instruments are sometimes heard. At school we have fine glee clubs an excellent orchestra, even strains of music diffuse in the atmosphere before our principal speaks. When we talk, when we walk, when we run always bits of harmony will greet our ears to affect us as it will. What a musical world, indeed, this is! |