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Show UNIFORMS GO OUT OF SIGHT FOR ONE WEEK Cadets Sprucing Up For Annual Inspection of R.O.T.C. Unit OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. Because of the approaching date of the annual R.O.T.C. inspection, May 10, the drill office announced no uniforms will be worn the rest of the week. It is supposed the cadets will clean, press and repair their uni¬forms for this important event. It would be well to remind the jun¬iors that a great deal of stress is placed by the inspecting officer on the neatness and appearance of the R.O.T.C. unit. Fellows, be sure to use the rest of this week to good advantage on your uniforms. STUDENT BODY OFFICERS According to custom, the first elimination in the student body race was held last week. For the office of president, Don Dee Olson, Bob Becker, Adam Bengoeschea, and Scott Dye were successful in remaining in the running. For vice president, Helen Abbott, Beverly Betts, Mary Cave and Maxine Leek were the lucky ones. LaMar Briggs, Frank Fuller, Earl Thompson and Josephine Stone will contest for the right to advance to the finals in the race for the office of secre¬tary. Probably the next vote will be taken today. In voting for these people, the utmost care should be taken. The student body officers have huge responsible tasks to take care of. The election of a person ill-fitted for the office would detract greatly from the success of Ogden High school next year. JUNIORS Juniors, it is up to you to make next year the outstanding year of your lives. Your class so far has always displayed wise judgment. Seniors, you already, through your good choice and decision, have brought much happiness and suc¬cess to yourselves and Ogden High school. This is your last chance to make next year even better for the juniors. Surely everyone knows how the office of vice president has been idealized this year. Let's continue the good work. Vote for the one girl for this position—Beverly Betts.—A Knowing Senior. ATTENTION JUNIORS Ever since the beginning of this school year the seniors have made us welcome by giving dances and other entertainments for our amusements. We probably will do the same next year for our juniors, but this year there is a more im¬mediate problem on our hands—the junior prom. The junior prom is the juniors' dance, given each year by them for the purpose of returning a few of the many kindnesses received from the seniors. We really won't be able to repay them very much, but we can do our best—and by our best I mean making the junior prom a success—and that is as much as any one can do. Also, if the prom turns out a success, the seniors will be assured that they are leaving their school in capable and appreciative hands. So come on, juniors, and support this dance as you have never supported a dance before. Re¬member, you are the hosts, and it is your dance given as a farewell parting to the seniors.—Barbara Clark. VOTE FOR JOSEPHINE There has been a little bit of de¬rision on the boys' part because Jo¬sephine Stone is the only girl up for secretary. Yet can these boys point out "one of their nominees and say that he is the best speller in Utah? Can they say that he won a trip to Hollywood because of his ability to spell? I doubt it. We girls can say both of these about Josephine Stone for they are true. Come on girls, we want a girl for secretary, and what better one could we have than a girl who can spell through a dictionary?—Bar¬bara Clark. SCHOOL MAKES STUDENT BODY NOMINATIONS Eight Names Are Listed For Each Position At Ogden High OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen. Associate Editor. On Wednesday after school, dele¬gates from every advisory class as¬sembled to nominate student body officers for next school year. Considering the great number of worthy candidates, the eliminations were somewhat difficult. However, eight students, were finally selected for each position. Those chosen as nominees for president are: Don Dee Olson, Scott Dye, Bob Becker, Bill Kinard, Jens Thorne, Ward Willis, Charles Wood¬cock and Adam Bengoschea. For vice president: Beverly Betts, Kathlene Painter, Mary Cave, Maxine Leek, Katherine McGowan, Hel¬en Abbott, Evelyn Beuhler and Lorene Wallace. For secretary, Frank Fuller, Earl Thompson, Corey Cherrstrom, Bob Hinckley, Hugh Rowe, Junior Bramwell, LaMar Briggs and Josephine Stone. For the next few days it would be well worth while for every member of Ogden High school to decide which nominees are best fitted for the positions. ANNOUNCEMENT CARDS In the trophy case eight different styles of announcement cards are on exhibition for the seniors, who will in six weeks be graduated from Og¬den High school. They are the ones who will need to have announce¬ment cards of their own liking, no one else. Seniors, reveal to your class of¬ficers which card you personally pre¬fer by dropping in the Notes' box the number of the card you desire and your name. This show of cour¬tesy will be appreciated by Dan Alsup, whose job it is to make the final selection of announcement cards. CHRYSALIS During this winter Ogden High was populated with moths. In their dark colors of blue or black they busily attended to their studies. If any one had dared to wear a bright Colored dress, the moths would have Iooked at her in amazement. Then suddenly a hint of spring was in the air, and the moths began to get ready for their naps (spring fever) in their cocoons (desks). Print Dress week became the chrysalis of Ogden High. All the drab moths emerged from their co¬coons and suddenly discovered that they had become varied colored but¬terflies. Instead of dark brown and blue they wore all the fanciful pig¬ments of the rainbow. These gay butterflies turned sedate Ogden High into a school of fashion plates. There is nothing so sweet as colorful print dresses, and believe me, there was a lot of lovely ones worn last week. —Barbara Clark. THOUGHTS Life is only a minute compared to the endless eternity, but how long sometimes seem the seconds. A friend is not one who will share your troubles, but one who will amend your troubles for you. Great is he who has wisdom, but greater is he who uses it. Love weakens the heart: Evil breaks the soul. Knowledge makes the start; Power wins the goal. A bad deed is like a ball attached to rubber. It always comes back. VOTE OF THANKS The clever Conversationalist club of Mr. Robins' first period English class recently held an election of of¬ficers. The new officers are: Presi¬dent, Ruth Greenwell; vice president Alice Barton; secretary, Karlene Jackson; and reporter, Hazel Engeeke. The club expressed its thanks to the preceding officers, who have completed a very successful term of office.—Reporter. PROVO READY TO HOUSE ALL CONTESTANTS Information Forwarded On Music Tournament Arrangements OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editors Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. Glenn L. Hanson, director of music at Ogden High school, has received word from J. C. Moffitt, chairman, concerning housing ar¬rangements for the state music fes¬tival in Provo, April 18, 19 and 20. Mr. Moffitt writes: "The housing committee of the state music festival has now defi¬nitely under its control fifty-one hundred beds. It is planned to have the girls sleep in private homes and the boys from each music organiza¬tion sleep as a group in clean, mod¬ern, steam-heated buildings. In other words, our housing committee can handle with ease one thousand more contestants that have regis¬tered up to the present time. All dormitories will be supervised night and day. We suggest the feasibility of having students tag their blankets. "We solicit the co-operation of music directors to instruct all stu¬dents that no smoking will be al-lowed in any of the dormitories or in any public building. The Provo homes and Provo business houses have been very generous in offer¬ing their homes, their beds and other properties for our use. All of Provo will be a parlor and a living room. You, Provo's boy and girl guests, wherever you are, may we ask that you feel as welcome and happy and have the same attitude you would have if we could meet and greet you individually entering a private parlor." ANNOUNCEMENTS Ogden High school contest com¬mittee makes the following an¬nouncements: S. A. R. tryouts—April 15, three- thirty o'clock, room 305. Judges: R. E. Widdison, chairman; Mrs. Blanche McKey, L. A. Robins, Miss Lamont Poulter, W. R. Thornley. Lewis preliminary — April 16, three-thirty, room 305; Judges: R. E. Widdison, chairman; Willis Smith, Paul Hansen, Miss Nan Os¬mond, A. M. Merrill. O. H. S. WINNERS Several Ogden High students put at least one day of their spring va¬cation to good use when they car¬ried off first and second places in the Utah Federation of Music clubs contests in Salt Lake City April 1. Both first and second place honors in cornet were received by O. H. S. music students, with Howard Wil¬liams gaining first place and Her¬man Kuchler second. In piano en¬semble work first place winners were Beth Cardon, Martha Zinn, Bar¬bara Taylor and Wallace Warren. In piano solo work Amy Rose Keep was awarded winner. Patricia Critchfield was judged second best in the violin contests. To these students we extend our highest compliments and best wishes for success in the music festival this week! CONGRATULATIONS! To Jack Doone, one of Ogden High school's most battling stu¬dents, we give our congratulations for his splendid efforts exerted in making a success in one of his hob¬bies. He has accomplished consid-erable honors in the fistic field. As a result he has been sent to St. Louis for a short time to try his skill against national champions. Best luck, Jack! REMARKS Sometimes when one is reading, a person is fortunate enough to come across a quotation well worth di¬gesting. Such is this one found on Mrs. Newcomb's blackboard: "To¬gether, the most inspiring word in the English language, coming to- GIRLS WEARING PRINT DRESSES Brighter Hues Desired In Keeping With Spirit of Spring OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. Today is the beginning of a new era for Ogden High school—Print Dress week. High school girls are requested to wear spring apparel of brighter hues in keeping with the weather. The school will seem a brighter, cheerier place with a lot of girls in airy, bright colors. To wear print dresses all five days will help create even a better at¬mosphere of friendliness among the girls. Besides that, the use of print dresses will prove to be comfort¬able and economical. Three cheers for print dress week! COMPLIMENTS TO JACK Very seldom is it that a student of high school age, such as Jack Doone, is afforded the honor of being selected as the only A. A. U. champion from Utah. Ogden High school is proud of Jack for the splendid work he has done in the fistic field. Although he lost Wed¬nesday night and is coming home, everyone is sure he will carry on in obtaining more honors in the fu¬ture. In the past he has exerted every effort for the benefit of his work and his school; he will assuredly do so in the future. HOSPITALITY SHOWN Ogden homes were open to all visitors Friday night and worthily displayed hospitality to the five hundred school guests who were in Ogden for the music festival. For a while it was feared there would not be enough places for the boys and girls, but the Ogdenites proved themselves to be gracious. To ask parents to house over a half-thousand boys and girls is quite an undertaking, but they dis-played their capability in shoulder¬ing this responsibility. Parents, we compliment you. gether means beginning, keeping together means progress, working together means success. MORE HOSPITALITY All week the information has been pounded into our ears about offer¬ing our hospitality to the high school guests who are coming to Ogden this Friday for the music fes¬tival. But what has been the re¬sponse? Hardly anything. What is wrong with all of us? Surely we have enough courtesy and polite¬ness to extend our hospitality to those who seek it. Let us all co-operate; let us all open our doors to cur friends and give them a hearty welcome. FAMOUS QUOTATIONS "When faith is lost, when honor dies, the man is dead!"—John Greenleaf Whittier. "Frailty, thy name is woman!" —William Shakespeare. "Trust thyself — every heart vi¬brates to that iron string."—Emer¬son. "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men—that is genius."—Emerson. BETTER HOUSING Ogden High school is participating in the better housing program spon¬sored by the government. Every stu¬dent has been asked to familiarize himself with the details of the plan and to commit his thoughts to paper. Later, a goodly number of these essays will be used as material for orations. On Monday afternoon, W. C. Lamoreaux, special representative of the federal housing administration, paid a visit to the high school and gave some interesting instructions concerning the carrying out of the program. |