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Show BOOK PLEASURE HEIGHTENED BY ENGLISH STUDY Nov. 30, 1934. Value of Training Becomes Apparent As Reading Pursued OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor Many times I have heard my friends tell me how much they en¬joy reading. I have often said the same thing, for reading is my favor¬ite pastime. Yet, if we did not Have lessons in English, grammar and rhetoric, we would be getting little value and realize small joy in reading. In order that we may fully un¬derstand and appreciate the liter¬ature of the World, we are taught in English the grammatical con¬structions of the language and how good rhetoric is used. We would miss the real value of the literature that we read if we did not have the knowledge that our English teachers ' have so patiently labored to give to us from the first grade up. Everyone can sit down and read from a book, but only those who have put forth their best efforts to accomplish something in English are really able to read a book and enjoy it to the fullest extent.—Bar¬bara Clark. I. R. C. ACTIVITIES. The I. R- C. has completed the study of contemporary poetry and poets. During the last term the club has been under the capable direction of the following officers: Director, Marion Smith; parliamen¬tarian, Fred Nickson; clerk, Norma London; reporter, Arlene Haygood. Last Monday officers were elected for the following term. They are: Director, Sidney Cole; parliamen¬tarian, Betty Young; clerk, Marion Wheelock; reporter, Barbara Foulger. The next term's work will be Christmas readings, and the class will also conduct a trial.—Barbara Foulger. REPORTER REPORTS. When Mr. Hancock begins talking about his experiences in Old Mex¬ico, Carrumba! It causes one to want to hop the next freight out of town, heading south toward that colorful, delightful land. During the fourth period Span¬ish class Tuesday, an interesting discussion ensued on the subject of Mexico City and surrounding places of exquisite beauty and in¬terest. If you take Spanish, any of you, and if you are not interested or prepared, just start Mr. Hancock off on his favorite subject of Mex¬ico or South America and forget that you ever had a lesson. (So will Mr. Hancock until the cards come out). This is a temporary re¬lief anyway.—Reporter. OH, WELL! Walking along the hall with an open book in my hand, I started to read aloud to myself. I received several glances from passing stu¬dents who were wondering if I were sane. In order to save my reputa¬tion, I decided to find some place where I could recite undisturbed. I rushed down the side hall positive of finding a place, but I ran into a nicely progressing radiator romance. I peeked into all the rooms that were not locked. (You see this was during a noon hour). Looking up¬stairs and downstairs, I couldn't find a single place unoccupied. The whole building seemed to drip with them. I even had to trip over some girls that had started upstairs and claimed a rest half way. Oh, well, I was only unprepared in oral expression. Maybe I mem¬orize at home instead.—Dolores Rowland. IN ELEVENTH HOUR. The halls are filled with students. They stand talking by the lockers; they walk through the halls in groups; and here and there, they block the stairways. Suddenly, an overwrought student pushes his way through the jam. Marvelous block¬ing! Finally he reaches the stair¬way and begins to battle his way up. Here he meets little opposition, and he soon is in the upper hall. Then, he sprints for the physics room. He rushes through the door, and paying no heed to his friends' greetings he goes straight to his seat. There he sits, scribbling fev¬erishly. Finally, the last bell rings, tfte instructor faces the class and the class settles itself for the en¬suing period. Oh! thank goodness! The dear teacher is going to talk a few minutes before he starts class. Finally, however, he reaches for the roll. The first few students answer, "Unprepared," in small voices; the teacher warns them to study harder, or else. Slowly, but as inexorably as fate, the teacher works down to his name. Jus as his name is called, he puts the last decimal point in place, and in a tired but proud voice answers, "Prepared."—W. B. "IGNORANCE IS BLISS." The height of protection: Locks on Panama canal to foil thieves. The height of irony: The high school band going down to greet Santa Claus. The height of ignorance: A per¬son unable to understand why a white cow gives milk and a black cow doesn't give ink. The height of suspense: Waiting for Mr. Smith to hand out the re¬port cards. The height of embarrassment: Finding my radiator occupied by my girl and another guy. The height of surprise: How I got B in Latin. The height of bewilderment: Try¬ing to formulate this column. The height of impersonation: The animal impersonators heard in a certain study hall.—"Toots-Zilch." COLLEGE WILL AGAIN PROVIDE SCHOLARSHIPS Nov. 4, 1934 Ogden High School Invited To Send Application To California OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor, Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor The committee on awards of trustee scholarships at Mills col¬lege, California, has written to Principal Merrill as follows: "The trustees of Mills college are again to give public recognition to fifty outstanding high schools and preparatory schools for girls which are making a significant contribu¬tion to secondary education. "Upon each of the schools selected the trustees will confer an hon¬orary trustee scholarship. This scholarship will constitute an invi¬tation to that school to send to Mills college in 1935-1936 one of its most representative graduates as a trustee scholar to live and study with a group of young women who will be typical of students educated by the foremost schools of the country. Each award provides five hundred dollars to be applied to¬ward tuition and residence expenses of the sponsored student. Details are outlined in the enclosed state¬ment: "I need not tell you that we have been gratified to have had a rep¬resentative of your school in the person of Miss Adele Whitlock among our initial group of trustee scholars. We hope you will wish to have your school again considered by the committee for the new awards. If so, will you not write me by December 15, 1934? The list of schools upon which trustee schol¬arships for 1935-1936 are to be con¬ferred will be made public in Janu¬ary." REQUEST MADE FOR CHANGE IN STUDY HOURS Nov. 19, 1934 Allow Few Minutes of Each Period, Suggestion To Teachers OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. Lessons, lessons, lessons — that is all a student hears! He comes to school in the morning at eight- thirty and remains till three-thirty. After these hours he is busily intent on preparing assignments, some¬times large ones. To accomplish this, he spends much of his time that he could be exerting on an outside ac¬tivity. One should study when he is in school—that fact is granted and per¬haps, too, it is right to expect a stu¬dent to study an hour and a half in the evening, but certainly not more. However, any individual who comes prepared to all of his classes must spend more time than this on home¬work. Is it fair to expect students to spend from eight-thirty until three-thirty on lessons and from seven until nine? Every one thirsting after knowledge will do so if such is re¬quired for preparation, but teachers, why don't you allow a few minutes each period in which to study? Such an arrangement would save the students' time and assuredly would be appreciated by every student at High school. NEW FACES NOTED As the bugle sounded "face in" Tuesday morning, the cadets of Ogden High met in squads and com¬panies under many new officers. They now start a year's labor that will, at the end, place our school again among the first in the west in regard to R. O. T. C. training. Under the daily direction of very capable officers the cadets should gain a world of training and experi¬ence that will display itself to the inspector on the day of days, In¬spection day. No, we are not trying to be prophets. We are just making known that which is possible, pro¬vided the officers and cadets work in harmony throughout the year. May the officers have the assist¬ance of the entire school. MALES CONCEITED Oh, the conceit of these males. They actually think a girl powders her nose just for their benefit. Don't they realize a girl hates a shiny nose and feels conspicuous with one, even if it doesn't improve her fea¬tures? A girl would feel as uncom¬fortable with a shiny nose as a boy would if he had forgotten to comb his hair before coming to school. When the boys come to school with uncombed hair we females will come with shiny noses.—A Disgusted Junior. THE LETTER BOX Deer Mother: Yesturday i woke up with a bad stumick. I was purty sick till about ten minuts past nine u clock. After that i felt purty much better. I had all my lessuns so i went fishin. I cot a nice string of sukurs an carp an cat fish. Wen i wus fishin the prinsibule called the house and wantud too no why i wusnit to school. The lady sed i wus fishun. I wus on a spot. To make it rite with the prinsibule i decidud too take him sum fish. Wen i got to his house, he wus eetin, so i nocked on the door and walked in with my fish. I explained that i wus out of skool because i wus sick till aftur nine u clock. Then i sed i went fishun cause their wusnt nuthin else too do. All the time i had the fish in back of me and wen he asked me if i cot any¬thing i sed "yes" and brung the fish around purty fast and a liddul cat fish flew off the string and lit in his oister soup and startud swimun around. He got purty mad and i went out of the house purty quick leavin, of course, the fish on his over-stuf set. I went too skool today and the prinsibule jest stood and glared at me and made me feel like a haf sent peace. I aint going to stay out of skool no more unless i stay in bed all day.—Yur Sun. NOTICE The Note's Staff would greatly ap¬preciate humorous contributions for this column. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. Christmas spirit comes to me only once a year, and when it comes, my heart experiences a feeling that is akin to happiness and peace. I catch that spirit best when I sing the old carols and recall again the birth of our Savior. My mother told me that, when I was born on Christmas morning in far away Jaoan, some carolers came and sang "Silent Night, Holy Night" to me. A sacred feeling steals into my heart when I sing or hear these beautiful songs. It is during the Christmas week that I delight in going window shopping and in seeing the gaily decorated windows filled with love¬ly gifts. The Christmas spirit always fills my heart with kindness, and I long to play Santa Claus to everyone. Even though I cannot brighten everybody's heart with presents, I can give good will to all.—Lillian Kadoike. DICK SICK. For the past few days our student body president has been ill. We have even been told that he is in bed. Suppose we let him know that the student body missed him in as¬sembly last week! Also, his bright and smiling face was absent at our Thanksgiving dance. Dick, we hope you will be able to be with, us again very soon! (Even though by the time this ar¬ticle is published, Dick may be "back in the harness.") "THANKSGIVINGITIS." After four long days of glorious vacation, double helpings of turkey, and a dance or two, one naturally suffers a terrific let down, on Mon¬day when school resumes its weary i course. In fact, most students show an alarming aversion to paying at¬tention, while a good many students find themselves going to sleep in class. This occurs not only on Mon¬day, but on Tuesday and Wednes-day, as it is, of course, impossible to recover quickly from five nights of little sleep. At the time this seems not to matter, as the student, in his be¬fuddled condition, is impressed by the mistaken idea that the work on these particular days is easy. Maybe it was for him, that is, it didn't take much time, or at least he didn't spend much time on it. Furthermore, it has been noticed that most teachers are more or less indisposed too. Of course, this comes from sitting up late correct¬ing papers. (We hope). By the next Monday, the student is back in condition again, and al¬ready, he regards the week before as of little importance. By the end of the term, he will have entirely forgotten about it. Not so the teachers. When they give out the grades, they find zeros and low marks at the first of the term, and the cold-heartedly pass out Cs and Ds. Therefore, students, watch your step. Don't slump. You can't af¬ford it, as one zero can make an awful difference in a grade. It's all right to enjoy yourself during vacation, but don't waste the next week tring to recover. Snap out of it!—Wayne Bundy. READ 'EM AND WEEP. Leland: "I was mistaken for Buddy Rogers the other night." Maxine: "You were? How's that?" Leland: "Oh, I was standing on the corner when a fellow came up to me and said, 'Buddy, can you spare a dime?'" Paul: "I'm in love with the most beautiful, the grandest, the dear¬est and the most charming girl in the world." Marge: "I like you, too, Paul." A: "Do you believe in love at first sight?" B: "Yes, but you've had so many looks." X: "Am I the first fellow you ever kissed?" Y: "Why, certainly! Why do you |