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Show wae doing about it. He reslied, of hie statenent and lack of “Very little." interest, A notation was made and Was read back to him to be gure there was no misunderstanding of his remark. He further stated he was not the officer in charge of the operation and so could deo nothing about it. | | "Oe could sot "At it. be » HSS Sullir located. 2145 P.M, was not on | duty at 91:30 FY. and. % daly GL 1943, igre und ir the t observed a ilian eaployees of the Cfficers' Ness, Joe freshwater curb in front of the said wees talkeikei the g on in sitt with ‘ group of prisonere of war, whe were spreading top soil ever the grass in front of the Officers! Clu. "The guard was questioned cedure i b Le be to and ariel irregular ; dnitted Dayna = oe this opt e abe eh sein of the depot, but aleo admitted that be nad takaoe “Bo steps a. aspera ate aes were baresa inl 4%, to pre soamended that steps be taken to male both guards and ealize that prisoners of war are aembers of the arwed nesy country and are not graph 2, basie communication, guards should be sore observant te be spoken te or consorted in stating that the pe risoner of. wor and keep the p | charge umier such ¢leser eurveillance. A periods oak, shakedown of he or! soners before admitting thes to the orison enclosures enould AC hes ny Metheny BL Pance Signal, Ewpely ‘secthen ‘arehousea prisoners was " etvhaabie, i called and of names en the before | they were the fact that — result admitted spgau 329.2 the the ahak one ef 30 wire oo cutters ~ ee. . internsent ihenwe, was = nf is in from. this oSrine Subjects ee to Civilians Consorting with Prisoners of War. 10 from a *21tr, trom Lt. Col. Mathes, | Bi BOY m to the prison a time c bee was Seeurlty © Intelligence Branch, Ade. Div. =25= a" |