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Show Post as well commar as the local aunepeners that Italian er Mn "Sonne be authorized te vieit the selected localities with an " iaawlnen escort Prior to departure on Pass the pertinent area provost marshal will be notified and ciate it: nerary of the passe party, the name and ~ of American personnel in charge, ree}er of Italian personnel in party, , and time each place is to be visited. Privileges without , Chapels extended te the new escort of American personnel, within ng the juart units Area, include freedom to patronize, post exchanges, Restrictions theaters, and and exceptions include signated as "off lim Agitation over aggravated from within, by the issuing of passe the agitators and “barracks lawyers" and from outside by civiliar friends and relatives who visited the compound. Another difficulty was over their pay. ‘Some of North Carolina and the pay records took considerable time for adjustment As Prisoners of Yar a base pay of ten month is provided, they do work. for outside even if they don't As Italian commeret.al high as $1.20 a day. listed men. coupons. Service contract cents a day or three work and eighty Units they receive or piece work cents dollars a a day if the same pay, except for which they can make ae $24.00 a month is the pay for all officers and en- Prisoners of “ar draw all of their pay in post The Italian Service Units draw theirs, one third in cash and two thirds in Army exchange coupons, or the two thirds may be credited iss a, tr. adj. ‘., | 155679, SPX 322, 2h May 19h. 26 dune 194. ~5le Signed Aobert H. Dunl |