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Show SB Ogden Standard-Examiner, Monday, March Final Science Fair Winners Announced Through a mixup of papers a| ninth grade student from ‘Roy High School took a second place| competing with senior high | presented by Weber Cou nt y Commission while Bonneville | took the Ogden Standard-Examiner senior trophy. | Revional Saturday School students at the Weber) So Fai peetonal science Fair. During the awards assembly at Weber State lege, it was annou Col- that sen-| Charles Jensen of Roy, Who) ior high first and nced second place| Should have been entered in and junior first place exhibit s the junior high section of sci- would ence reporting, took a second in Valley be shown at the Weber Air Fair July 4. tral senior high biological. _|. Top three students in the junHis “The Effect of Gibbrellic ior high competitions in first, and Indole Acetic Acid on Mar-|second and _ third place order, chantis Polymorphs as Shown with by Previous Experiment” was their honorable mentions and schools, are as follows. | second only to Darrell Bench of Seventh Biological: Carl D.| Ben Lomond. Stuart, South; Scott A. oe | er SESE ) PAIR ‘oht| |South; Bettyjo _, young Bench won the right quist; Karen to representof theArtsfair and in theLetters Utah | qUS'> Academy state reporting meet Bruner, Centra Mannin 7 g, Wahl. Davis; Val D. Nicholls, Wahl- quist; Debbie R. Moore, Sou April 16 _ MORE WINNERS nth Physical: Kelly D. His report was “Comparison WrigSeve T. H. Bell; Val B. Wilof Pigments of Various Flowers liamsht, , South ; Paul R. Petty, Utilizing at Weber State College. Paper Chromatograph- South; A. Denise Thompson, ic Techniques.” . : John D. Lyksett, Bonneville South Eighth Biological: Shelly LewHigh, took the first in report-|is, Mt. Ogden; anne Neland Congenital! son, Roy: Steven Mari Stoke r, Roy; | Opthalmological Diseases and Kathy Barker, Roy; Stephen Disorders.”” Campbell, Wahlquist: Dave ing “Genetical Earlier Dr. Walter board chairman, Buss, fair Grant, said he hoped; South. : Eighth Physical: John R. both Mr. Bench and Mr. Lyksett| Hale s, Mt. Ogden; Melvin would be able to compete in the Thom pson, Roy; Martin Mon-| state contest. , South; Brent A. Evans, Third place in senior high _, bi-/R{erief oy; Maree Ellis, Wahlquist; | ological went to Dyrell Nelson! Stev en Ericson, Wahlquist. | _ Of Roy High School. Ninth Biological: Wayne G. Second place in enetics and Geilman, South; Kip Hussey, related fields (won by Mr. Lyk-| Wahlquis t: Debra Brown, Wahl-| -Sett) went to Katherine Burton ; Stephen Jolley, Roy. of Roy. Third went to Donna quist Ninth Physical: Brian Skar- | Stimson, also of Roy. _ |stad, South; Rebecca Roper, SCIENCE REPORTING eae es ye Davidson, was" divided ino sadea Beli, Seat Heiner,e "Moreegan ‘no | ton; Charles and two. |” ~| Jerry Pelk, South. Mark Stuart of South took first place in section one; Faulk of Wahlquist, took Bill second; and Karen Keller, Wahl-|f WHITE quist, third. . SHIRTS | Eldon White, Wahlquist, took first in section two; Sallee Jean Love Custom Hughes, South, took second; and , Care Laundry Stephen Campbell; third, >. South Junior High School took ‘ the junior Sweepstakes trophy Soran NEW POCKETS HAMPTON’S | At Hampton’s, tailoring is an art— _ cuffs, pockets, pegging, etc. At... | HAMPTON’S ‘SUPERIOR CLEANERS uN a xg Phone . RE a Ce a 394-9533 E ESTA 7 ; mr PRS 466 26th Street ae A SEY: I| ; | Opposite erst! Utah Power an! T. H. 21, 1966 |