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Show OGDEN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1928 COLLEGE PREPARATORY English ENGLISH a—b ALGEBRA a—b LANGUAGE GEN'L. HISTORY General Science Vocational Fine Art PHYSICAL ED. ENGLISH c—d GEOMETRY a—b LANGUAGE c—d Biology Social Science Vocational Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. ENGLISH e—f Social Science Vocational Fine Art *Natural Science Mathematics DRILL or PHYS. ED. ENGLISH—g-h or j-k AM. HIST. & CIV. *Natural Science Social Science Vocational Fine Art Mathematics Engineering ENGLISH a—b ALGEBRA a—b GEN'L. HISTORY General Science Vocational Fine Art Language PHYSICAL ED. ENGLISH c—d GEOMETRY a—b Biology Social Science Language Vocational Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. ENGLISH e—f ALGEBRA c—d *Natural Science Social Science Language Vocational *Mech. Drawing DRILL or PHYS. ED. SOLID GEOM., TRIG. AM. HIST. & CIV. Natural Science Social Science Language Fine Art *Mech. Drawing English Latin-Mod. Language ENGLISH a—b ALGEBRA a—b LANGUAGE GEN'L. HISTORY General Science Vocational Fine Art PHYSICAL ED. ENGLISH c—d GEOMETRY a—b LANGUAGE Biology Social Science Language Vocational Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. ENGLISH e—f LANGUAGE e—f or a—b *Natural Science Social Science Language Vocational DRILL or PHYS. ED. ENGLISH—g-h or j-k LANGUAGE g—h or c—d AM. HIST. & CIV. * Natural Science Social Science Language Vocational Fine Art Scientific ENGLISH a—b ALGEBRA a—b GENERAL SCIENCE GEN'L. HISTORY Vocational Fine Art Language PHYSICAL ED. ENGLISH c—d GEOMETRY a—b BIOLOGY Social Science Language Vocational Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. ENGLISH e—f ZOOLOGY-BOTANY or CHEMISTRY Social Science Mathematics Language Vocational Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. PHYSICS or CHEM. AM. HIST. & CIV. Social Science English Mathematics Language Vocational Fine Art VOCATIONAL COURSES Commercial ENGLISH a—b ALGEBRA a—b GEN'L. HISTORY General Science Language Vocational PHYSICAL ED. ENGLISH c—d GEOMETRY a—b NATURAL SCIENCE Social Science Language Vocational Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. ENGLISH e—f {TYPEWRITING STENOGRAPHY or {BOOKKEEPING I SOCIAL SCIENCE * Natural Science Language Vocational Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. BUSINESS ENGLISH {TYPEWRITING STENOGRAPHY or BOOKKEEPING AM. HIST. & CIVICS *Natural Science Vocational Fine Art Home Economies ENGLISH a—b ALGEBRA a—b SEWING GEN'L. HISTORY General Science Fine Art PHYSICAL ED. ENGLISH c—d GEOMETRY a—b COOKING *Natural Science Social Science Language Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. ENGLISH e—f SEWING c—d Social Science Natural Science Language Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. COOKING CHEMISTRY PHYSIO.-EUGENICS AM. HIST. & CIVICS Social Science Language English Fine Art Mechanic Arts ENGLISH a—b ALGEBRA a—b SHOP GEN'L. HISTORY General Science Fine Arts PHYSICAL ED. ENGLISH c—d GEOMETRY a—b SHOP * Natural Science Social Science Language Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. ENGLISH e—f SHOP MECH. DRAWING *Natural Science Mathematics Social Science Language Fine Art DRILL or PHYS. ED. SHOP MECH. DRAWING AM. HIST. & CIVICS Natural Science Social Science Language Fine Art English The heavy type subjects indicate minimum required subjects in each course. General History must be taken in ninth, tenth or eleventh year. VOCATIONAL COURSES:—Sewing Cooking, carpentry, auto mechanics, electrical construction, mechanical drawing, typewriting, office machines, stenography, bookkeeping. NATURAL SCIENCE:—General Science, biology, zoolofy, botany, chemistry, physics, physiology, eugenics. SOCIAL SCIENCE:—Sociology, commercial law, economics, history. FINE ARTS:—Art, music, oral expression. LANGUAGE:—Latin, French, Spanish, German. MATHEMATICS:—Advanced algebra, solid geometry, trigonometry. Star indicates subpects or their equivalent that must also be taken some time during the course, e. g. Two years' history and two years Natural Science required in all courses. In case starred twice in the same course, two years' work required. Two years of language are required to receive any credit. Hours of instruction, 8:30 A. M. to 4 P. M., with forty-five minutes intermission for lunch. The regular amount of work permissible is four and one-half units. Students who have no grade below "B" in previous semester may be allowed to take additional work on rec- commendation of advisors. A student body fee of three or five dollars is required at time of registration. The five dollar fee entitles one to attend school activities and to secure a copy of Year Book. REGISTRATION:—All students are expected to register on Friday, September 7, or before noon on Saturday, September 8. REGISTRATION PLAN:—Students will first pay Student Body Fee. When this receipt is presented at office the student will be given daily program and provisional tion card. This card will be signed by each teacher from whom work is to be taken and when completed handed in to Advisor (Teacher of second "9:30-10:20" period). (Ma copy of your program for your own use.) |