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Show THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 22, 1934. SCHOOL WILL SOON PRESENT ANNUAL PLAY Ogden High Will Stage "Cappy Ricks" Early In December OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill. Editor; Blame Larsen, Associate Editor. It has been announced that the annual school play, "Cappy Ricks will be presented December 7 in the Washington Junior High school, it will begin at eight p. m. Reserved seats will cost fifty cents. Regular admission will be twenty- five cents. By presenting the stu¬dent body ticket at the office Og¬den Sigh students will receive a ticket for a reserved seat. Get your tickets early. NEW MEMBERS The Forum club, after much de¬liberation, announces the election of nine new members. These fellows have shown their debating ability through many trial debates within the club. Larry Evans, Wayne Bundy, Don Dee Olsen, Pat Quinn, David Rich¬ards, Joe Limburg, Don Smith, Frank McCune and Edward Chatelain are the students who have ful¬filled the requirements. The new members will be a fine addition to our club. We congratu¬late them.—Dan Alsup, President. PROTEST What degree of humor is neces¬sary to make this dissatisfied, hu¬mor-hating person, who calls him-self "Shakespeare," laugh? It is true that no one in the high school can write an article for the Notes that will please this pessimistic per¬son? And, is it true that he can write a bit of humor, humor that is really funny, to tickle the funny-bone of the school Notes-minded people? He or she mentions a certain kind of humor that vaguely mentions certain people, people who few of us know. I, too, think this sort of humor is disgusting, but why should this "Shakespeare" hold himself re¬sponsible to write humor that will surpass all that has ever been writ¬ten for the paper? I ask no pardons, because I think what this "Shakespeare" says about the degree of humor in the Notes is unjust. There are many students who spend long hours trying to think of something funny to grace the face of our school notes for the enjoyment of those who read them. Here's waiting for your grand humorous masterpiece!—Yur Sun. DESERTED The scene: O. H. S. The time: Three-thirty. Suddenly to the listening ear comes the gentle ring of the bell, then a murmur, gradually rising. Finally, with a thunder like stam¬peding cattle, the human tide of the school bursts from the rooms into the hall. Then all is one long welter of sound. Lockers crash, books slam and students call back and forth. Here and there one finds it almost impossible to crowd through the jam. Five minutes late, the crush is gone, but the memory lives on. Scattered through the halls, stu-dents, in groups of two and three stand talking, or stroll leisurely down the hall. Suddenly, there is the quick thum of heels, and some soli¬tary student comes swiftly around the corner. The halls are empty now but still, in the classrooms, a few weary students labor. Finally, the last tired student leaves, and the school slumbers, dark and quiet, waiting for the returning students to bring it- to life again on the morrow.—W. B. NOTICE! Remember, parents and students, the Christmas cantata of Ogden High school will be presented a week from Thursday, December 20. Promising young singers, a splendid orchestra, and a capable director Mr. Glenn Hanson, will all con¬tribute to make the musical produc¬- PROPER DRESS At the girls' meeting Wednesday Miss Corless discussed the subject of woman's dress. A goodly number of models were demonstrated by girls of the domestic art depart¬ment, showing different types of dresses for different occasions. Mr. Merrill took occasion to talk to boys in their class rooms through our broadcast system on the same subject as applied to boys. He com¬plimented the male sex on having developed and standardized men's wearing apparel, which he desig¬nated as simple, sane and appropri¬ate. He spoke of the democracy demonstrated in the U. S. uniform which 95 per cent of the students have elected to wear each school day. The uniform makes us all equal in appearance, so outwardly we are distinguished or marked as neither rich nor poor, but all com¬mon citizens of a great republic. He advocated a respect for the uni¬form and encouraged all to appre¬ciate the uniform and take best pos¬sible care of it. He also spoke on personal cleanli¬ness, on manners and on healthful, wholesome, clean living. After this talk the subjects men¬tioned were discussed in each class¬room by all boys in the school. AN INNOVATION Frequently in the past the girls of the high school have had spe¬cial meetings about once a month. Hereafter, according to Principal Merrill, we shall have boys' meet¬ings as frequently and as regularly as girls' meetings. We think this a step in the right direction. DR. PETTY TALKS Dr. Russell Petty gave a very in¬teresting talk on the care of the teeth before Mr. Oberhansley's physiology class Tuesday. EXECUTIVE PLEASED Superintendent Hopkins visited every classroom in Ogden High school Tuesday. He was much pleased with our splendid enroll¬ment and the excellent work wit¬nessed in every classroom. He also gave a report at the microphone on his trip to Butte with the athletic team. He compli-mented the boys very highly on their conduct and the excellent game played at Butte before 4000 spec¬tators. The management of the ho¬tel and also the railroad officials, he said, spoke in highest terms of the conduct of our boys en route and at Butte. A COINCIDENCE Twenty years ago last Saturday Ogden High school played Butte. The score on that occasion was 10 to 10. It is said that Ogden was penalized on that occasion 185 yards so they couldn't win. We do not vouch for this statement—we only give it as reported to us. Ed Smyth of Ogden, now of Butte, was on that team twenty years ago. TO A SNOWFLAKE. Tell me, who gave you those laces so fine? Whence came your jewels so bright in the sun? Diamonds glistening star-like in line, (Would that such jewels might some day be mine). Name me the price I must pay you for one; Why must they gleam with some unearthly shine, Why may your gems by no mortals be won? Why must they fade in these cold hands of mine? —Elizabeth Parkinson. CONGRATULATIONS. We wish to extend our heartiest congratulations to Ruth Burnham and Scott Wangsgard, of Weber High school. They have edited a school paper, The Chieftain, which is commendable and very worthy of a high school organization. Their pluck and initiative in pro¬ducing this literary publication are indeed admirable. CHITTER. Who was: The girl who wrote J. R. a letter asking if she could be his sponsor' The girl that made W. N. blush during his seventh period study in Mr. Robin's room? The sponsor that was being con¬tinually sent to her seat in the seventh period study? —A. W. Wend. BASKETBALL. Basketball season is on. Ogden High school meets Morgan in a double-header Friday afternoon at three-thirty in the school gym¬nasium. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 6, 1934. SCHOOL WILL PRESENT PLAY FRIDAY NIGHT "Cappy Ricks" To Be Seen In Washington Junior Auditorium OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor The annual school play, "Cappy Ricks," will be presented Friday at eight o'clock at the Washington Junior High school hall. The parts are taken by talented individuals; the play itself promises to be high¬ly entertaining. Such an amuse¬ment produced by Ogden High school for members, patrons and the public in general could not help but offer clean and worth¬while enjoyment. Come, all of you, to "Cappy Ricks," and spend one evening of pure pleasure. SCHOOL FIRES. In the past two weeks, two fires have been started within our building by some unknown person. One who would endanger our school building by stooping to such foolish tricks has no right to freedom within a community! If a student of Ogden High school is guilty the student body officers desire to make clear their opinion of the matter. Such a fool¬ish, narrow-minded person should be dropped from our school! If, on the other hand, some other person has become so rash, the student body association asks the board of education to demand pro¬tection from city officials. No matter who the person may be, an act such as has been com¬mitted in our building is one of cowardice and insanity.—Blaine Larsen, secretary. FAIRIES. What are fairies? Up to the ripe old age of seven or eight we be¬lieved them to be little people who could give us anything we wanted. Every day we would sneak around corners, look in the cracks of chairs, and peer in dark closets, hoping to find a fairy. At night after our prayers we would always hope that perhaps we would find one tomorrow. Then, as we became older, the sophistries of a cynical world caught hold of our minds and hearts. Quickly we dropped the lovely illusions that had brought us so much joy. "We are now wise! There are no fairies," we exclaimed with a look of wisdom on our faces, far beyond our meager years. But we are sadly wrong. There are fairies—good fairies and bad fairies. They are our thoughts. All those little fairies that we hunted so diligently in our babyhood have always been with us, sending good or bad thoughts to those we know. Let us always cultivate the good fairies and banish the wicked ones from our minds and hearts. In do¬ing this we will always have many friends surrounding us, for they will like us because they know that only good wishes for their well- being and happiness are in our hearts.—Barbara Clarke. FAMOUS SAYINGS. Such Is Life—An egg yesterday, a feather duster tomorrow. As the Thanksgiving turkey says, "Serves me right! I wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't lost my head." The world is making great strides after all. In Webster's time only one sucker was born each minute. Although your meat may be tough, cheer up! You will probably manage to bend the gravy!—Zilch. ELECTION. The fifth period Spanish class held an election Monday for the third term officers. Those elected are: President, Thei Nielsen; vice- president, Alice Affleck; secretary, Joe West; reporter, Harry Booth. These officers succeeded Roy Peck, as president; Don Olsen, as secretary; Annabelle Hubbell, as vice president; and Joe West, as reporter.—Harry Booth. HOLIDAY CALL IS TEMPTING TO O. H.S. PUPILS Dec. 12 Studies Most Important of Tasks, Writer Points Out OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor With Christmas just around the corner we all are possessed with a holiday gift spirit. To obtain money for Christmas shopping we are often tempted to remain out of school a week or so to do some little odd job. We say to ourselves, "I can easily make up the work, and my educa¬tion will not suffer a bit." But we are mistaken. We never stop to think that a percentage is taken from our marks for absences. Neither do we realize that, although we make up the work outside, we lose the spirit of the class and the companionship of teachers and classmates, which is, after all, a major thing in our school life. There are ever so many years we will be able to work after we leave high school. Are the few dollars we might earn now worth the price of several days of school. —E. C. CLASS ACTIVITIES The students of Mr. Hancock's sixth period sociology class wish to extend a vote of thanks to the retiring officers. The classes they con¬ducted have been most successful and they have aroused the interest of each pupil. The students elected to office for the third term are: President, Harold Humpheries; vice president, Paul Grogger; secretary, Ed Wat¬son; reporter, Ruth White; and chairman of the program com¬mittee, Ruth Skelton. The officers have assumed their duties and have presented many interesting subjects. Sam Harris gave a most splendid extemporaneous speech on "Boulder Dam, the Gateway to Prosperity" in which he explained the benefits of a large project both for the state in¬dividually, and the nation as a whole.—Reporter. A REALIZATION Fellow students, what if you were told, with positive proof as to the truth of the statement, that upon graduating from school you would enter a world inhabited by an in¬superable monster whose depreda¬tions and infringements upon society would endanger and even take your lives and the lives of those you love. Wouldn't each of you immediately begin preparing yourself to combat and suppress this terror. I'm sure that you would—yet, we are faced with just such a monster whose in¬surgency has caused and will cause events even more terrible than I have represented. This monster is the direct cause of most of the crime, corruption, and acts of vio¬lence in the world today. His name is Public Indifference— indifference to all sorts of crime and insurrection. The average citizen knows fairly well just how much crime is going on in his own com¬munity, yet he closes his" eyes to it and does nothing whatsoever to counteract it. He lies back in immagined security until some phase of it injures him, then his is the loudest voice of complaint against the inability of the government to do away with this evil. He doesn't seem to be able to comprehend that most of the blame lies upon him and others like him. This article is written to try in a small way to bring to the high school student the realization that the responsibility of this great battle for peace and safety lies—not on the minion of the law, or upon our fathers and mothers—but upon us, the youth of the nation, that it is upon our efforts toward the supression of crime that the future happi¬ness of the nation depends.—An¬other Student. |