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Show with the four birthday cakes. These boys help Mrs. Petersen light the eandles and then all sing Happy Birthday. There are ten companies Wednesday night is company night. approximately arranging eight two hundred and twenty men each. the refreshments, seating, hundred men and visitors program, game from two ten PM, until tournaments, Mrs. small personal things latives, id does many visiting hours entertainers--road visitors for them in Ogden. are held shows, etc., attend. things for the ISU. She buys ‘She helps them locate re- obtained permission to borrow English grammar books from the Ogden City School Board, law books, canvas brings library and of paints, books taken out in her name, scrap equipment, wire coil, Out of serap metal they have made many clever things. clock out of parts of a hardwood for the pendulum. It keeps battleships, jewelry and etc. Until the rings out of traffic in this line. but she chair, One boy plugs,etc. ma de a a talcum can and nails bent good time. They have made to exact silver, etc. rriday the band gives a concert, with professional Petersen invitations, and on Sunday, at which about eight hundred men a As hostess, The companies take turns attend. Thureday night is visiting night, Saturday night with scale measurements, F.B.I. stopped the practice United States They gave Mrs. Italian coins there was submarines » of making considerable Petersen fifty dollars to buy old could get none.?>> infractions.~~ The change from Prisoner of Wer status to Italian Service Units did not seem to make any change for the better in the epidemic of stealing among these men. 33s. Lila Petersen. It became intensified, Public Relations. ~66- if any- 13 January 1945. oe |