OCR Text |
Show WATTIS - KIMBALL AUTHORIZED 26th and Wash : 7* {|F E: 0. WATTIS, Pres. €7>=-" Av THE paabeak “ALK + uy sales AND] ar ‘SERVICE ¢ W. R. KIMBALL, Secy and Mgr. 176 Funk MOTOR Co, a om Phone ‘ PS | a __ fps 4 3709 | he TH be if pee et == Furgeson Furgeson ‘Furgeson Furgeson jfurgeson furgeson R mach r 2975 Pingree see also Ferguson. Chas E John H John W Le Roy Otis W Furlong § P wmaheani . av. : John eng § P r 726 25th. . coe Furniss Bryant J clkiScowcroft’s r 3071 Furniss Clifford A blrmkr S Pr 33418 253 rms 150 Gager John A clk R M § r 2029 Gale ) tale a 25th. _ a Gajewsky Harry appr Theo Gajewsky 24st. Mary furrier Theo Gajewsky b b 428 428 21st. Gajewsky Galarza Theo Jos mgr furs 416 24th r 428 24st, Coml Cigar Store rms Galbraith Alice C, student b 220 28th. Galbraith Chris L (A BG Coal Co) r 2903 Wash Galbraith Chas L jr tchr b 2903. Wash av. Galbraith Elmer J student b 2903 Wash Hotel, a av. : oe av.. (wid Wm HONEST See cic Ate HONEST A) Ce § M r 3754 Ogden av Robt J] Distinctive Shoes _/ = Go. rms av. ;764, 24st. Dora (wid Wesley) r 2825 Pingree Grace student b Henry Gall. Harvey A blrmkr 8 P. Henry farmer r W Ogden. of Trunks, || Hudson av, ¢ Gallacher Grant 'W trunkmkr Mrs D I Gallacher r 271 23d. Gallacher|Kenneth D clk Mrs D I Gallacher b 2547 Lincoln av. Gallacher J clktchr OU Grant R & DSchl Co brms25472248Lincoln av. av. Gallagher Ronald Mrs Erma Jefferson Gallagher Gertrude Gallagher Wm Gallentine Bros F hkpr rms 506 23d. Utah Constn Co r-4 Helm Apts. (L J and VR) ‘proprs Anything A to Z 2418 Grant av. a Gallentine John Rb 525\Canyon rd. LEMOYNE J ; (Gallentine Bros), Satisfaction V-Pres Conti- Gallentine Twila V b 525 Canyon rd. MEN’S AND, WOMEN’S © 2aet av. Scowcroft’s b 2825 Pingree av. Gallentine Vernon R (Gallentine Bros) 468 | av. Gall Bert farmer b 107 Wilson. Galloway Verne : : J messr Her 2422-2428 nental Bldg & Loan Assn, r 2250 Adams av, Tel 981-M. |) washington Gallentine Norris B student b 525 Canyon rd. r 220 28th. WMorts Paul P r ¢327274029th.Wash, eng (wid S Jas) GALLENTINE Galbraith Spencer T hlpr § P b 2903 Wash av. Susana a a av. Galbraith Itha J clk Last & Thomas b 2903 Wash Galbraith Mamie J b 2903 Wash av. : 60. Tel 1442-M, r 2547 Lincoln av. | : Galbraith Erma J student b 2903 Wash av. Galbraith Jan, 28 "22 age J died student b 220 28th, Gall Wessell W farmer r 107 Wilson. Gall Wm farmer b 107 Wilson. GALLACHER MRS D I, Dealer and Manufacturer Suit Gases, Valises and Leather Goods, 2376 a wig Marion DIRECTOR¥—1923 A Gall Kate smstrs a a av. b 510 Wash b 428 21st. q Gall Annie b 107 Wilson. Gall Gall Gall Gall a av. Gaisford Madeline A cl O PO & G Co Gajewsky Alex furrier Theo Gajewsky Gajewsky | ” ft Gaisford Dean D clk O P & P Co r 506 Wash av. 229 oe Thos C tmstr Scowcroft’s r 3473 Ogden av. Gale Walter whsmn Scowcroft’s r 3257 Ogden av. Salkins Jas E biksmth § P. By Alice student b:107 Wilson. a i Monroe l. be Jos H Gale Lilley Be. . 26th. Gailey John H hlipr Nat Pkg Corp r 2351 Iowa av. Gaines Albt b 1915 Grant av. Gaines Jas T’ stkmn r 1915 Grant av. Gaisford David jan Five Points Schl r 519 Wash T | 7 a Gaasch W € slsmn r 308 Plaza Apts. Benino hrdr V. \ a G Gaasch Matthew (New & Second Hd Store). r 2210: Wash a Gaasch Mrs Myra cashr New & Second Hd Store r 2210) Was Gabiola | a .| . — Gabiola Frank hrdr rms 150 26th. Gabriel Tofos cinr-O UR & D. Co. Gaddis Mary (wid Henry) rms 1132 Gaddy Saml J slsmn r 427 Cross. . Washington } ”a av: 25th. vm a i 2550 CAR r a. Arch J patrol Police Dept r 2629 ON ROSLBY =. Beatrice clk Wright's b 2727 Madison av. a. Clyde T tmstr Scowcrowft’s b 3473 Ogden av. ai Edna (wid Hyrum E) r 309 ayo: ai. Esther student b 3266 Adams av. ‘pank farmer r Plain City. | ! Bieso prank Fr H formn Gunn Supply Co r rear 2719 Madison av. Gale Fred E elk O UR &D Cor rear 622 23d. Gale Glen D lab S P b 359 30th. Gale Harold F timekpr S$ P b 359 30th... Gale Heber D whsmn Boyle Furn Co r 3266 Adams av. Gale Herma opr Tel Co b 3266 Adams av. Gale Hyrum E cabtmkr Boyle Furn Co b 2727 Madison av. av. Madison carp © S$ 2727 Jas PGC welder Gale Jas P r 2949 Ogden av. av. & D Go. OUR ¥ | dae sails Wit GPE ON th FurnitureeeExchange (Herman Rosenthal) eos ueeee cha We J swchmn DEALERS ee ———— el Galbratti : Porter Wash a = Furniss Earl whsmn Scowcroft’s r 2762 Lincoln av. Furniss Florence A steno Metro Life b 555 47th. Furniss Glen student b 1103 Oak. Furniss John J motrmn U RB T Co r 1103 Oak. John Fyles Jone Rois Yy OGDEN CITY mach r 3318 Porter av: mach § P r 3314 Porter av. lab rms 3536 Porter av: | C b 3318 Jefferson av. r 3548 Jefferson av. CO. | rey LiaHT ‘ R. L. POLK & CO.’s Robt AUTO ae Oe rms 2936 cig eS ol : vol Pingree , 7G. ead Weare Apr av. r 525 Canyon rd. WHERE THE SMART DRESSERS Le alee Se ait AdehUe Ogden, Utah es Phone 2261 |