Title |
1923 R.L Polk & Co's Ogden City Directory |
Creator |
R.L Polk & Co. |
Description |
This is a listing of residents, streets, businesses, organizations and institutions, giving their location in Ogden, Utah. It is arranged alphabetically, geographically and in other ways. This also has advertisements for businesses. |
Biographical/Historical Note |
The city directory will contain an alphabetical list of citizens, listing the names of the heads of households, their addresses, and occupational information. Sometimes a wife's name will be listed in parentheses or italics following the husband's. Other helpful information might include death dates for individuals who had been listed in the previous year's directory, names of partners in firms, and forwarding addresses or post offices for people who had moved to another town. |
Subject |
Directories; Address books; Ogden, Utah; R.L. Polk & Co.; Advertising |
Digital Publisher |
Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date |
1923 |
Date Digital |
2023 |
Item Description |
Hard bound 11.5x8.4 inches boox with brown spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type |
Text |
Format |
application/pdf |
Conversion Specifications |
Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Adobe Bridge. PDF/A files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s). |
Rights Holder |
R. L. Polk & Co. |
Source |
979.228 R62726, Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
ark:/87278/s6hw7epp |
Setname |
wsu_wcpd |
ID |
117933 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6hw7epp |
Title |
Page 111 |
Format |
application/pdf |
OCR Text |
Show oe | SERVICE DEPARTMENT WATTIS- OUR KIMBALL LARGEST GENUINE Phone 3700 EFFICIENT 224 R. Hirt Francis M SHOP L. student b POLK 2209 DON’T KNOW it Hh { i : Pa ‘ ns TILL TASTED ‘Pierce's Hjort Enoch Christine Hee odge CO. Hodges Hodge \agks NN “ mlnr Louise 22s Bee . b 1955 Wash Irvine appr Ogden Shop b W Elmer Violet Tel Co Wash Iron rms Co r 1955 Wks Co b 555 Hodgson Norma Phyllis student steno U b 2255 8 Forest & McCLENAHAN Serv Z SHOES HONEST saya b 2255 Tel OPrBUS ) Distinctive Shoes os Hoffman J Jacob Ellis messr b 111 W Fee et p | av. Orchard av. Hoggan av. Geo Ris! Ye tok a : : F T ae eg b 2710 ee ro “ Chester. Brown Ice Cream Hoggan Robt EK mgr E GC Olsen r 175 W Madison Madison Hoggan Hoggan Hoggan ay av. ee 539. | MEN’S AND || womens | 2461 WASH AV |, fo) Car av. Wash Wash ae Nees Pies Hoggan Ernest W carrier P O r 6214 Hogan Mrs Ethel rms 1229 26th. av. Wash av. erentng r 2457 ‘i cad moved to Effingham Il. av. o Hee Wash A ee ; ae 2 u ae rms Schl Points Five ie ee ; cile steno : Re nostas feed J brkmn S (P rms New Brigham Hotel. Hogan Rev Cuthbert moved to Park City. ‘ ae o Hoggan Albt C elk Scowcroft’s b 2710 ‘Monroe Hoggan Alex carp D H Peery Est r 2022 Gramerc} : Hoggan Art E hostler b 2022 Gramercy av. ‘ e n Hogga Eliz (wid Robt M) r 2710 Monro av. (LS Hodgson, M A McClenahan), Licensed Architects, 504 Eccles Bldg, Hodson see also Hudson. , Hodson Alma W farmer r Plain City. Hodson Althea student b 355 23d. 7. ANTE HONEST av, : Studio Link Victor Walter ons a Chester. Madison Nee Maa mgr asst Nee Boe ones Hoenes Hoenes Wash 1955 Hodgkins Verna opr Tel Go rms 464 29th. Hodgman Adelaide B (wid Wm A) r 739 24th. Hodgson Leslie § (Hodgson & MeClenahan) r 2255 Hodgson 3 < av. 963 Jefferson b W farmer Richd Hodson Hodson Ruth W (wid Wm) r Marriott. Hodson Saml V farmer r Marriott. bh eee oe Hodson Thos armer r rity. Hoggan JempUP&LCor opr 1955 Hodson Jos T farmer r W Hodson Leonard B farmer b Marriott. Hodson Myrle farmer r Plain City. Hodson Parley P farmer r ae eas ; Hodson Pearl (wid Jos G) r 355 av. Ora M insp8 P r 224 224. Robt H supt Ogden Iron Wks HODGSON ON EoD Milton ne Cross. City. Hodson John H farmer b Plain Warren. ia : - Hobson Glen Fclk OUR & DCor Marriott. Hobson Jesse D caller 8 P b 367 32d. Hobson Jesse L eng disp § P r 367 32d. {Hobson John H farmer r 3480 Porter ay. Hobson J Willard farmer r Roy. Hobsou § Vern elk r 967 Binford. Hobson V' Lindsay student b 967 Binford. AHobson Wanda clk F W Woolworth Co b 367 32d. Hock Alfd L emp U P & L. Co r N Ogden. Hock Alma linmn r N Ogden. Hock Augusta b N Ogden. Hock Chas R swchmn OUR & DCor 40 Park Apts. Hocking Chas H mech r 797 45th. Hodge Agnes student b 1955 Wash av. r 598 | OGDEN Geo A farmer r Sla ervil 4 . Geo A jr farmer r Marrio Jedediah farmer r Plain City. John farmer r Plain City. John farmer b W Se Hodson Hodson Hodson Hodson Hodson 4 33d. r 319 Geo Beacon av. dobson Geo C farmer b Roy. Hodge Hodge ms SINCE Quincy eo Wm E ap ae W 28th. ; Hobert Lee F gen storekpr Pac Frui Exp Hobson see also Hopson. Hobson Vera Eb 3180 Porter av. UTAH CANNING \ 2354 Robt H br mgr Skaggs No 8 r 2354 Quincy av. Athan lab Amer Gan Co b 2414 Madison av. Chas J mach § P r 3360 Van Buren av. Edwin W clk Golden Rule Mer Go r La Frantz Apts. Fred C painter r 165 W 28th. John F. brkmn U P r 2414 Madison av. Hodgetts A b ay. av. N Ogden. student 2 2 5| r Plain City. Boson on Benj:C Danl H farmer farmer b W ‘Warren. Hods Delbt farmer r Marriott. eon Edna student b Plain’ City. Hoas n Emilyl b Plain City. Hobbs John H cook Ross & Jack r 2650 Eccles av. Hodge OGDEN lab P Or Forrest Hoare Hobbs Hobbs | Hobbs Hobbs Hobbs poaee \ Adams . 229 Tel. 96@DEN CITY DIRECTORY—1923 —_—__—_ av. CAR CA Av. Washington 2550 & CO.’s Hitchens Alfd G welder § P rms 2664 Adams |}Hoare ‘“UTAH’S LIGHT LDEST DEALERS ” y ooo iy] as METHODS Adams Hirt Frank J r 2209 Adams av. ag a | 26th and Wash Ay | Hirt Grace P compt opr DG & H Dept b 2209 Hiss Alois A brkmn U P r 2974 Adams av. YOU Co. | PARTS | ALKIRE-SMITH AUTO CO. ASSET | i#iGTOR oemaAca=—29C7 i | OUR 4 BE ee 4 Emery Hogge Arch Patterson. R M Hoggan Shirts, Wilson Mgr, Bros farmer r Wilson. Oxford Hand Furnishings, ogge Chas farmer r W Weber. Hogge CG Alex farmer b 2628 Brinker av. Hogee Navid ian 8 J Burt & Bros rms 1036 Hogge David § gdnr r 2632 Van Buren av. a : th By : E 1114WPatterson Robt M mgr Hoggan’s r 2727 Brinker av. © Walter Fr 2022 Gramerev av. : Wm 8 rlk Hoggan’s r 2214 Eccles av. lioked GIOEHLS HOGGAN’S, — Cor es ed Tel » LC 50. : in 422-2428 shinaton- idle 22d. WHERE SMART Orth 335: 2 The Store of Satisfaction | THE DRESSERS 2470 Washingtén’ Av ue boven, Utah gden, Phone 2261 ig) on eT ' |
Setname |
wsu_wcpd |
ID |
118044 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6hw7epp/118044 |