OCR Text |
Show o | a = == = — = ae > ws — = ae 25th St. , T Stone Storage Stone Stone Stone Stone Ti Geo messr Geo B Geo rms moved 1955 to Grant Salem E lab Superior U, Honey Stone Jas Stone Hilliard L |JStone Jay Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Cc opr mach S G cashr John lab Stone John M O b 2244 Pr 2130. Ogden UR farmer rp Jackson Fowler Iron Wks & D 286 Ca W am r 264 2d. trmr © Pp & P Co Store Wm Stone Wm Stone student b 2130 Wm onedraker W Student rms 2633 Adams Adelia bh 3129 Eccles Fred C painter r 153 Jos carp r 3129 Eccles ay. 35th. eT J.A.Mcc ‘REAL ESTATE, OFFICE TEL. 301 ay. Office ‘ames Under «av. First AND LOANS RES. TEL. 2814-3 |} National! Bank Building V' 461 ae Ae N clk eden, ae | Knit Wright’s b Co b 852 ie t es tchr av, Weber Tel Wm. painter A Harry Julius b r.N : : | r | q 4 Stoutz David John A Coll rms r 21st, : b N (a a dob tA Tel : 568-W. Ogden. i) “ “i | Ogden. mach r 616 31st. 2843 Jefferson av. lab a 504 | CS> ia Story Robt W mldr Ogden Iron Wks Ni ic Story Stewart J trkmn rms 2618 Wall ay. Stout a aye g 485, Normal iene Madison av. Storey Maude (wid Chas H) r N Ogden. Storey Maurine b T B Storey. A Storey Pauline student b 852 Canyon i } Storey Robt W student b Chas pe Storey Scott T piano tuner r 2321 Quincy Storey Thos tmstr rms 2456 Grant av. Storey Thos B farmer r N Ogden Storey Vera Lb Mrs Maude Storey. Story Story Wee | nee Canyor or to H A Purdy),:Insu ToT a LV). ites Mary 3 Jefferson av. ee Harrisville. 2518 Lincoln av. : Stowe Dolly student b 421 River s es Stowe Ellen pkr Shupe-Williams ee ‘ONE-PRICE toe ces s ay. ' Loans fe. STOREY | and [Insurance Fire, ullochAgency| INSURANCE Sila | cae ‘Se Storey ay, Schl rms 718 25th. ee Hattie B asst J W Pidceock rms 2436 Helen student b 504 pist. ets STOR av. Lucile M student b 3129 ay. Eecles av. H jan Lorin Farr Schl rms 2468 Wash Maret ichr Hich Stonebraker Stoney John TB COMPENSATION Felephone 197 3 DIRECTORY—1923 Storey Henry mach § P b 2321 Re Storey Jas sec No Ogden Can ae r Storey John § farmer Ny otane Storey Jos S farmer r rden. ete ay. Grant: b farmer 1 Gertrude Bec, ae a 442 1 36h. Vere Fowler r CO Florence clk Ogden-Utah oY rms A motrmn UT GO 75642 H cond 8 P r 934 17th. Stonebraker BE pecraker Stookey J S Ghas ay Stone Mattie tchr Hunts ville Schl p 2982 Wash Stone May rms 120 234. av. Stone Moroni farmer r 226 24. Stone Morris H mech Utah Constn Co pb 2982 Wash av. Stone M Spencer asst gr Superior Honey Co r 180 Adams Stone Ray W brkmn U P r 736 Canyon r Stone Roy A repr Amal Sugar Co r 248 Wd. 2d. Stone Sage Walter EN’S a ee cy Chas CE farmer storey H farmerr 852 yon rd. b C. Ca nyon rd Storey Ephraim farmer r N 08 Pica 2336 Madison av. Mrs Lizzie rms 463 (30th. Lloyd G insp Ogden Grain Exch r 1742 Lincoln ay. Lynn E bgemn r 949 294. Mrs Mallie rms 1921 Grant av. Maria B (wid Merlin J) r 2869 Grant av. r p 1724 Lincoln ay. StoneeFhelma M stewo Wrig ht’s rms Stone Vera rms 2927 Child s ay. Carl Bercy 20th. Stone Martha J D (wid Stone Mrs Mary A movedDudley W) pr 2982 Wash Stone Mary E (wid Jas H)-rto Idaho Falls. rear 286 W 2d. CITY Tornado Glass, Automobile a Street carp Pilate Storer Jos cafe 330 25th r Sr oiehe he ‘\ibt apiarist b T B Storey, Storey av. 44.3 (AV INSURANCE t Health, and 9@DEN Stoolbers Fritz R av. €o rms BONDS, wonty-Fourth ——_—__ ts Lawrence W lab r 3073 Wall av. Leland B elk Wattis Kimball p 2982 Wash ay. Leslie F SsIsman Five | Points Drug Co r 932 Binfor Lewis P florist 674 12th p same, Stone Lillian Stone TY ay. Stone Stone Stone Accident Burglary, ? Adams GODDARD, H. Life, er av. Co p 367 B. Fire, Telephone 1: GladysF clk Glen Banner slsmn Last Ice Cream bpb 286 & Thomas 931 W 2488,24d. Grace N tehr State Indl Schl p 1312 Wash ay. Harold farmer r 93{ 21st. Harold A elk Wi tler aya Nash av. pr Tel Co b 2982 Wash av. Herbt L formn OUR&D Cor 261 Franklin. Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone | R. L. POLK & CO.s_ Stone & a Stone E Maude steno U § Forest Serv b 2869 Grant ay Stone Fred N brkmn S P r.932 Binford Stone Fred T slsmn Murphy Whol Gro Coav. r 454 17th. Ogden — = ‘(mag AND = ne = 156-164 ransfer ; TT . - SRS ree on ; worsursenn (MANTELS, = rr = —————— Vill Work — GRATES is ee | - emcee poner : : 2373 @ Plate Giass, Liability, Auto and Burglary. Accitent, Health and Compensation Local Agent, AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ASSETS Hudson Av OVER é $135,000,000.00 Telephone Phone 495 | Dumke Floral Co., Inc. | ARTISTIC Wedding Cor. 24th ‘munwuncemeuuscmunmmmey FLORAL Decorations, and Hudson PIECES, Ferns, Av. CUT Vases, Wh) debtelen Jardinieres, , Telephone Etc. 52 : had |. |