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Show B. H. GODDARD Building Material | Tope 6 Mill Work wuouesate deera GRATES ' MANTELS, 156-164 24th INSURANCE, 429 AND TILE Telephone 128 St. REAL Twenty-Fourth CLASSIFIED 572 Ogden Transfer & Storage Co. R. POLK Burton.Creamery Co 2312 Wash ay. Economy Butter Shop, 2450 Wash av. ° Kleenmilk Dairy 633 31st. Mutual Creamery Co, 102 23d. Nelson=-Ricks Creamery Co. 2264 Wash av. CREAMERY Brewer A L Wall av. Dairy Co, 24th Creamery Co, 102 Creamery 23d. Co. 2264 Wash Oakland Dairy 1040 W 12th. Purity Dairy 665 37th. Roylance H T N Ogden. Stokes E E Slaterville. Taylor Dairy Harrisville. Uintah Dairy Prods Co 3667 Wash and RATINGS. Brewer A L Wall av. ay . Wright WH 24th. Dairy Supply AND CURIOS Smith F L City The Co, 24th and ACADEMIES. 440 Home cor Dumke Floral Ogden SOUVENIRS. 351 24th. — *CUTLERY. Armstring C E Co, 306 25th. Lowe Geo A Co, 2326-28 Wash av. Riichardson-Hunt Co, 2419 Wash av. rel ygare Hardware Co, 2414 Wash DAIRIES. also Creameries. Clover Leaf Dairy 33d and Tyler ay. Hunter J sg Slaterville. Irving E L W 12th. Kleenmilk Dairy, 633 31st. Model Dairy 940 Ww Loti Mount Ogden Dairy Burch Creek. cor COMPANIES. S & Co, 2449 Wash av. * DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS. Poik & L & Co, 613-616 Dooly Bidg. Lake City. DIRECTORY—1923 DRY Salt W Dental 228 25th. LABORATORIES. Lab 501 First Nat Wilcox 4 M G 316 Eccles P 2349 Wash See Bank Bldg o “DRESSES AND See nw DYERS AND also Cleaners ELECTRIC Electric 2349 2344 *ELECTRIC Lighthouse The, * ELECTRIC 23d. 2264 Wash Wash REAL OFFICE TEL. Office ESTATE. INSURANCE 301 Under First National AND LOANS RES. TEL. 2814-J Bank Building ONE-PRICE CONTRACTORS. 2452 FIXTURES Wash STORE av. AND SUPPLIES. * ELECTRIC av. av. GLOBES. Armstrong C E & Co, 306 25th. Electric Servant, 2344 Wash av. *ELECTRIC Ogden Iron Works HOISTS. Co, 2257 Lincoln ; McCULLOCH AGENCY| THE av. Ee J. A. av. Armstrong © E & Co, 306 25th. Electric Department Store, 2336 Wash av. Electric Servant, 2344 Wash av. Lighthouse The, 2452 Wash av. Independent Light & Power Co, 204 23d. Ogden Electric Supply Co, 2430 Wash av. Redfield Elec Co 314 Wash av. Co 155 24th. 2236 Wash av. Wash De APPLIANCES. Servant, Culley Drug Co 2479 Wash av. Depot Drug Store 108 25th. E av, EGGS—WHOLESALE. DRUGGISTS—RETAIL . C CLEANERS. and Pressers. Mutual Creamery Co, 102 Nelson-Ricks Creamery Co. Ogden Egg Co 333 20th. DRUGGISTS—WHOLESALE. Driver Wall cor Alden -E. R-2570: 2Anceln av. Barney Marie 1766 Wash av. Carr B B 9 Corey Apts. Cronin Laura 1965 Eccles av. Gilmore M I 2368 Adams av. Gregory F A 729 24th. Herrick Allie 1162 23d. Jones H’ W 233 26th. Prade B M 6389 22d. Roberts Kath 739 25th. Shupe Pearl 1820 Ogden ay. Williams Belle 358 21st. Yeamans Bessie 228 30th. Carr T H Pharmacy 300 25th. Cave Geo F Drug Co 2301 Wash Clark: dW 27.4 25th, cor Model Cleaners, 2147-2153 Pingree Branch 2477 Hudson av. . Ogden Steam Laundry, 437 25th. Superior Cleaning, Dyeing and Laundry Luxe, 2470 Grant av. WAISTS. Last & Thomas, 2441 Wash av. Messengeér’s, 2461 Wash av. Paine & Hurst, 2467 Wash av. Wright W H & Sons Co, Wash av 24th. Ogden Whol Drug Sterling Whol Co se GOODS—RETAIL. Burt.S .3.°& Bros,.2429 Wash av. Five Points Golden Rule 242 Wash av. Golden Rule Mer Co 2257 Wash av. Last & Thomas, 2441 Wash av. Paine & Hurst, 2467 Wash av. Wright W H & Sons Co, Wash av nw cor Paty, DRAYAGE. Express and Drayage. DRESSMAKERS. Bldg. Yoshitaka Munagi 2480 Grant av. Zimmerman J E 23 Lewis BIk: 2329-2333 Wash av. Carpet Co. 2422-28 2486 GOODS—WHOLESALE. Johnson-Stevens Co 313 24th. Scowcroft John & Sons Co 23d av. DRY av. 197 Ensien Drugs “Co. 333° 24th: Five Points Drug Co 200 Wash av. Harris Drug: Go: 204 95th. McBride Drug Co, 2463 Wash av. McIntyre A R Drug Co 2401 and Wash av. Major. Drug Co 178 25th: Stratford CG L: 1682 Wash av: Sullivan Drug Co 2600 Wash av. Tabernacle Pharfacy 2201 Wash av. J Boyle Furniture Co, Ogden Furniture & Wash av. Baker F W 2479 Wash av. Baker W J 2479 Wash av. Barber A D 217 Eccles Blidge. Carver Parley J 714 Eccles Bldg. Clarke sR .336 >: 25th, Crown Painless Dentists 2468 Wask Dallimore F C 219 Eccles Bldg. Dinneen J P 2465 Wash ay. Doxey G R 316 Eccles Bldg. Felshaw E M 709 Eccles Bldg. Foutz A J 2469 Wash av. Foutz E A 2469 Wash av. Foutz B R 2465 Wash av. Foutz H B 2465 Wash av. Greenwell E E- 723 Eccles av. Lamb C A 219 Eccles Bldg. McKell R W 312 Eccles Bidg. Moore W A 3:25 Eccles Bldg. Naramore F L Hudson av cor 225i New Method Dentists 2465 Wash ay. Pack E M 727 Eccles Blades Packard N H 2359 Wash av. Paine W S 228 Eccles BIdzZ. Petty A W 2415% Wash av. Petty W H 219 Eccles Bldg. Snedaker J F 40 Lewis. Blk. Thatcher E B, 224 Eccles Bidg. Tribe L F 3:14 Eccles Bldg. Watson A W 2421 Wash av. Wherry S W 238 Lewis Blk. White. D N..712 Eecles Blades GLASS. Inc, nw * DRAPERIES. DENTISTS. FLOWERS. Co See Delicatessen DENTAL *CURTAINS. CUT av 25th. DELICATESSENS. Boyle Furniture Co, 2329-2333 Wash av. Ogden Furniture & Carpet Co. 2422.28 Wash av. Wright byl WH & Sons Co. Was an av hw cor *CUT Wash * DIAMONDS. Lewis DECORATORS. See Painters. GLASSWARE. AND Co. Inter-Urban Terminal Depot 254 24th. Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co Union Sta. ay. Winslow 25th. 107 BUSINESS STORES. LOANS Telephone * DISTRIBUTORS. White (Rating Co, 2419 Wash ay. Sons Co. Wash av nw Sons DEPOT 2” Commerce Bldg. & SUPPLIES. DANCING Lewis J S & Co, 2449 Wash av. Lowe Geo A Co, 2326-28 Wash av. Richardson=-Hunt Co, 2519 Wash av. (910 DEPARTMENT Nelson-Ricks Bradstreet Co, 310 Newhouse Bldg, Salt iLake City. Dun is & Co, 321 Clift Bldg, Salt Lake ity. ee Credit Bureau, 202-203 Eccles CROCKERY Tel. CO.’S DAIRY *CREDIT Richardson=Hunt ae H & 2340 Grant Ave. & Mutual SUPPLIES. Supply Ogden Chamber of Dept), 202 Eccles WE MOVE ANYTHING WITH TWO ENDS L. ESTATE, Street LOWERS ‘RESH ROM THe GREENHOUSES DUMKE FLORAL OCO., Inc. Cor. 24th and Hudson Av. STORE TEL. 52 Greenhouse Tel 125. av. Phone 860 |