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Show faculty and staff members had resigned largely in response to higher wages being offered by military installations, which made staffing the college at this point a major difficulty. With the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and a fear of possible military action in the western United States, short courses were conducted at the college in first aid and in preparation for possible emergencies. The demands of the war increased the need for some classes at Weber which were directly related to the war effort, while regular enrollment decreased and teacher loads were uncertain from quarter to quarter. The entire college was actively engaged in special training programs in support of the war effort. During the spring of 1943, the college was reorganized into nine divisions under the direction of President Dixon and with the approval of the State Board of Education. This organization into divisions was done to provide a better administrative structure for the college as well as a better education for the students. The reorganization included the following divisions and chairs Economics and Business Guy H. Hurst Humanities Leland H. Monson Life Sciences Orson Whitney Young Mathematics and Physical Science Merlon L. Stevenson Physical Education Reed K. Swenson Social Science C. H. Anderson Technical Education Robert A. Clarke Adult Education Walter Buss Civil Aeronautics Administration C. H. Anderson Each of these division chairs was released from part of his teaching load to administer his division, and each became part of the Administrative Council of the College. The main responsibilities of each division chair involved the quality of instruction, recommending new faculty and new courses, recommending library acquisitions, counseling students, and approving students for graduation. Salaries were set by the college president. Beginning in the fall of 1943, the Administrative Council of the College began to meet on a weekly basis to conduct the business of the college. This was an important change in the college structure as most business of the college had earlier been transacted in regular faculty meetings. General faculty meetings now began to be held on an infrequent basis (only three during the 1943-44 school year). This administrative organization, with some modifications, continued until 1967. From 1940 to 1944, under a 6,000 grant from the General Education Board, a subsidiary of the Rockefeller Foundation, and an appropriation from the Utah State Board of Education, Weber College conducted a study concerning the terminal education program at Weber in relationship to the needs of the Ogden area. Written in part and edited by Henry Aldous Dixon the finished report of 181 pages was completed in 1944 and included contributions from 15 Weber faculty. The report was written for a national audience. With participation in the national study concerning terminal education and the publication of the Dixon report which was prepared for the Commission on Junior College Terminal Education of the American Association of Junior Colleges, Weber College was identified as one of the leading national institutions in vocational terminal education. Through the era of the World War, even though the enrollments at the college dropped, Weber College continued to buy properties on the college block (24th to 25th Street and Adams to Jefferson Avenues) through monies provided by the state of Utah and surplus funds accumulated at the college. The land purchases included the Flygare, Thorne, Tracy, Anderson, Rich, and Utah Oil properties with the costs exceeding 100,000. The plans of the college with these land purchases indicate that during this era as far as most were concerned Weber College would continue to occupy its Jefferson Avenue location near downtown Ogden and growth for the college would be accommodated in that area. Plans were developed for renting some properties, tearing down others, clearing land, and maintaining these properties as well as the educational facilities. The war years at Weber saw a decline in regular student enrollments and a resulting decline in faculty positions. Many faculty pieced together a full teaching schedule. This extended day concept allowed some faculty to teach summer quarter on the regular nine month contract and not teach spring quarter. This flexibility in scheduling allowed Weber to keep many fine faculty members. Webers budget allocation for 1941-1942 was set at 203,817 but was lowered to 190,982 for 1942-1943 with a decline in students. These years also saw a notable increase in war-related classes. For example, many of the defense classes were by March of 1941 being taught during weekdays, weekday evenings, and on Saturdays, and by the end of March, some courses were taught on a graveyard schedule. One group of students who bolstered Webers enrollment figures in 1940 were federally sponsored N.Y.A. male students from many parts of the United States who resided in the old courthouse dormitory which was leased from Weber County. Each N.Y.A. student could attend school four hours a day, and was expected to work on a N.Y.A. project another four hours a day up to 100 hours a month. For the work, each young man received 30 a month which would be spent as follows: 18 for board and room, supervision and medical care; 10 a month for tuition at Weber; and 2 a month for spending money. N.Y.A. students were required to register for terminal or vocational courses. Some W.P.A. (Works Progress Administration) students and C.C.C. (Civilian Conservation Corps) students were also educated at the college during the early years of the war. Beginning in the 1941-1942 school year, women were enrolled in all of the defense courses, and men were becoming more scarce as many had become involved in the Armed Forces. Webers training programs became even more important during the fall of 1941, as Hill Air Force Base officials announced that the civilian work force would be expanded from 3400 to 6000 workers. The 1940-1941 Lyceum program was typical of Webers efforts to bring cultural programs to students, faculty, and Ogden residents as well as the Opera Faust which was presented as a college effort by students and faculty. The artists who performed during the year for the Lyceum program included: Robert Aubert, Swedish concert pianist; the Trapp family, acappella singers; Rufus Rose, marionette troupe; Eva Jessye, negro choir; Emman-ual Feuermann, cellist; Yehudi Menuhin, violinist; Ernst Wolff, baritone; Helen Traubel, soprano; Barton harp quintet; Max Gene Nohl, deep sea diver; and |