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Show succeeded by Robert Arway. In 1986, Arway was replaced by Ron Holt. By the mid-1970s a successful B.G.S. program (Bachelor of General Studies) had been initiated under the direction of Candadai Seshachari. Perry T. Larsen became director of the Center for Research and Development in 1973 upon the resignation of Helmut Hofmann. Larsen was later replaced by Alan Dayley. Dayley who had been Dean of Students was replaced in that position during 1974 by Kay Evans who became Executive Director of Student Life. In 1974, Helen Farr was appointed director of the Commission on the Status of Women at Weber State College. Fall quarter 1975 enrollment figures showed an increase of 10 over the previous autumn quarter (9,458 was compared to 8,574). Early in 1977, K. Stan Greenhalgh was appointed personnel director for the college. On April 17, 1974, President Bishop announced several administrative changes on campus including the formation of three academic schools from the former school of Arts, Letters, and Science. Bishop suggested a reason for the change was that the former School of Arts, Letters, and Science embraced 19 different departments while there were only 15 departments in the rest of the College. Bishop stated that this gave the large school too much campus political power that had often resulted in the barring of changes or actions that were in the best interests of other campus units. Dello Dayton, dean of the School of Arts, Letters, and Science, became dean of curriculum. After a three-week selection process involving candidates from the faculty, Lawrence Evans became dean of the School of Social Sciences, Garth Welch became dean of the School of Natural Sciences, and Robert Mikkelson became dean of the School of Humanities. Other deans who were dismissed or reassigned on April 17, 1974 included Caseel Burke of the School of Education, Wendell Esplin of the School of Technology, and Paul Butter-field of the division of Continuing Education. Robert Rose of the School of Business had resigned his position shortly before the April 17 announcement. Blaine Parkinson became the dean of the School of Education, Dale Cowgill became dean of the School of Technology, and Richard Ulibarri became dean of the division of Continuing Education. In August of 1974, Candadai Seshachari was appointed director of general education at the College, and in September of 1974, Sterling D. Sessions was appointed dean of the School of Business and Economics. The April administrative changes made the headlines in Utahs newspapers, and the Executive Committee of the Academic Council called a closed faculty meeting to be held on April 24, 1974 to discuss the ramifications of the changes. Students and administrators were barred from attending the closed meeting, and two students who insisted on attending were ejected by the campus police. At this meeting attended by 270 faculty members and over the next four years, votes of no confidence in the administration were called for by the faculty and others. The faculty asked for involvement and a voice in campus changes, both in personnel and curriculum. By the summer of 1975, both the Institutional Council and the Board of Regents began to probe the operations of the college in both open and closed meeting sessions. During this period of time there were persistent rumors concerning the impending resignation of President Bishop, and investigations at the college by the F.B.I, into alleged incidents of wiretapping. During the summer of 1975, issues concerning the school administration became more intense including some charges of double-pay. In response to the variety of issues raised, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee issued a statement: The Faculty Senate Executive Committee has not been concerned with nor has it charged President Bishop with malfeasance or willful criminal negligence. The real issue and paramount concern of the faculty in this controversy is and should be the viability of the policies and procedures of the college administration and the effectiveness of Dr. Bishop as President of Weber State College. In part to ease faculty unrest, administrative changes continued to be made on campus. In September of 1975 President Bishop announced that Jerald T. Storey former academic affairs vice president was reassigned as vice president for planning and administrative systems. Dello G. Dayton was to be moved from the office of dean of curriculum to become interim vice president for academic affairs. Daytons new responsibilities included coordinating the academic sector at the college. Bishop further announced that vice president Dwight Burrill had accepted a position with the Utah System of Higher Education and would no longer be working at Weber State College. The Standard Examiner stated on September 18, 1975 that never, in its long history has it Weber State College gone through a more traumatic experience than it has during the last 18 months. Meetings of faculty, administrators, Institutional Council members, and members of the Board of Regents contin-ued to be occupied with issues relating to the administration of Weber State College. In September of 1975, Board of Regents chair George A. Hatch and Faculty Senate chair Richard Sadler addressed 300 members of the Weber faculty in a meeting called by the Executive Committee of the Senate. Hatch challenged the faculty to become involved in the process of making Weber State great, while Sadler reminded his colleagues to be creative teachers, responsible critics, and professional individuals acting with integrity and dignity. New academic programs were developed to meet changing needs of both students and society. These programs included a cooperative nursing program which was housed on several campuses throughout the state and directed from Webers campus, a gerontology program, a dental hygiene program, human potential seminars, a pilot program for individualized instruction in general education courses, cultural awareness seminars, a crime laboratory, paramedic training program, a modular child development program, and a distributive education program. Students from Saudi Arabia became involved in Webers Police Science program in 1975 under a special grant from the Saudi Arabian government. The 1977 Utah State Legislature with the prodding of House minority leader Roger Rawson passed a bill urging the Board of Regents to study the possibility of Weber State College offering a masters degree in education. After studies performed over the spring and summer, the Board of Regents authorized Weber to participate in a joint Master of Education program with Utah State University. The decision was made in September of 1977. College and |