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Show Dear Percy; A gal sluffed a date with me the other day and I'm all boined up. What should I do about it? Gus Warlaumont Dear Gus: Unguentine, quick! Percy Prudence Dear Mr, Prudence: Should I marry a widow with four children? Maurice Berrett Dear Maurice: It may be your only chance, but don't blame me if it doesn't work out. Percy Prudence Percy: You bonehead! I thought you promised not to fell Dora I took Adelle Fleming for a ride. Bob Allison Bob: Stop bickering, pinhead, could I tell a lie when she asked me pointblank? Percy Prudence Dear Mr. Prudence: Do you think I would get more dates if I went on a diet? The Duchess, Dear Duchess: Absolutely! You look too much like a hearty eater to be popular in these times of depression Percy Prudence Dear Mr. Prudence: I took your advice. Frances Kearns Heiner Dear Francis: My congratulations to you and Foss Percy Prudence Dear Mr, Prudence: How can I get him back? Dear Lucille: This is Leap Year, Lucille Ha les Percy Prudence Dear Mr. prudence: Realizing that this is Leap Year, I determined to get the man of my choice but he leaped before I did, and he leaped clear out of reach. What can I do about it? Pat Fredrickson Dear Pat: Nothing at all. Self preservation is the first law of nature. Percy Prudence Dear Mr. Prudence: When some of the Weber College boys were here last fall, one of them made friends with me. Can you furnish me with his address? Stockade Sal Reno, Nevada Dear stockade Sal: Clarence Clarke can be reached by writing to him in care of this column. Percy Prudence Dear Mr. Prudence: Who are you? Your Admiring Public Dear public: I'm known as News Nose Willie Smiley, the Weber Weasel, and to my love lorn correspondents as Percy Prudence The Acorn Crumbs 1932 Private to Elda Poulsen: I'm sending the answer to your letter by return mail. It is, I understand, of interest to no one but you and me. Percy Prudence |