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Show Rubber Belting and Packing at L, D, Wilson & Co.'s. 34 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. "At half-past five the rails were laid to a point in a line with the Tithing Office Street (now Fourth Street), five blocks north into the city. On the stand were Hons. F. D. Richards, L. Farr, A. F. Farr, Colonals D. Gamble, W. Thomson, W. N. Fife, Major S. M. Blair, Captains Joseph Parry, William Clayton, Major Pike, A. Miner, F. S. Richards, Joseph Hall, Gilbert Belnap, J. McGaw, F. A. Brown, Esqrs., Col. J. 0. Little, D. B. Warren, and Johnson, Esqrs., and others who were invited, but whose names I did not learn. "The vast audience being called to order by Hon. L. Farr, of Ogden City, Hon. F. I). Richards was introduced, who delivered an eloquent and soul-stirring address. "Three cheers for the great highway were then proposed and given, when the wildest enthusiasm and demonstrations of joy prevailed, and loud shouts rent the air. Amid the alternate pealings of the artillery's thunder, the music of the band, and the long-continued, shrill whistling of the three engines, the waving of hats, kerchiefs, and other demonstrations of pleasure, rendered the occasion such as will not soon be forgotten by those present. "Addresses were also delivered by Hon. L. Farr, Col. J. 0. Little, Major Blair, and A. Miner, Esq." Only a few weeks after, in the early part of May, the connection with the West was completed, by the laying of the last rails at Promontory, when the spanning of a continent was consummated and the future greatness of the Junction City assured beyond a doubt. But Ogden was to have a longitudinal outlet by rail as well as a latitudinal. On the 17th of the same eventful year, near Weber River, ground was first broken for the Utah Central road, a creation of the fertile brain and powerful will of Brigham Young. On this occasion, jjg , *% Butterick's Celebrated Paper Patterns at WOTHERSPOON'S, & Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. 35 cs-o TO HOWARD SEBREE, Salt Lake City and Ogden. Utah, 3? tFoiR, the celbbeated MM WAQ< ^. >% And all kinds of Agricultural Implements. The Racine Wagon and Carriage Co.'s Spring Wagons, Champion Reaping and Mowing Machines. The Tiger Self Dump Hay Rake, Randall Disc; Pulverizing Harrows; Oliver Chilled and Moline Steel Plows, hoth walking and riding; together with a full assortment of Harrows, Cultivators, Scrapers, Sliovel Plows, Corn Planters, &c, &c. NO OTHER HOUSE IN UTAH Carry as large a stock of FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Before making your purchases do not fail to call on or address, i€. HO^TT-^-^S-ID SEBREE, Salt Lake City or Ogden, Utah. |