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Show Is, *■ ■—T--.*■-".", M1^--"iirr-;'i,iiii'ii;'v'J'l-!-:' -L-'" ■■i.».,.:'-:.:i^&J~.i:«'i ;■>_ .-.•.■■■ ".':i__ t____to____fc| 94 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. ■-■ - ■-■■■ i- - ■■■I-, ■ i, -I, ■ ■ in i ■ ■ ■ '*■-"- "■'■ _bid_ __r_ _s__^__._i_v__:__P'TO_rsr, OGDEN, UTAH. 0-_E6-A."_T LI IMC ZEES _3XJ_E^j_T_h33D —AND— Furnished at Reasonable Rates by Carloads and Small Lots. 30 CENTS PER BUSHEL. Kebate allowed on large consignments. ___C. J". _PO"V7"_E_l__^S7 m. id., 3P____3rsIciei____ sielcL S"C_rg:e©____, OGDEN, - - - UTAH. Venereal Diseases and Diseases of the Throat and Lungs specialties. OFFICE : COBNEE FOUEIH AND TOUNtJ STS. Bishop & Sehsefer's Drug Store. JOSEPH JACKSON, r, . k Manufacturing all kinds of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL BRICK, AT HIS OWN YARDS. He is prepared to execute any building contract at most Favorable Rates. Address, fc- Joseph Jackson, P. O. Box 349, OGDEN. JX K Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. 95 0GDEN jSFETija jamiiis. 2ft Main Street, Ogden Utah. JOSEPH CLARK & CO., Proprietors. These Celebrated Mills Turn out a SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF FLOUR. Their Work is equal to that of the Best Mills this side of the Missouri River. Shipping by Carloads in all Directions Promptly Attended to. Orders Solicited from all Parts. _=. O. Bo_ 35, Og-den, TTtalx. E. STRATFORD & SON, Dealers in All Kinds of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Baby Carriages, Ficture Frames, Window Cornices, Shades, Etc., FINE PARLOR MB BED-ROOM SUITS A SPECIALTY. We Warrant All Our Goods to he First-class in every particular, PRICES AS J_OW AS THE LOWEST. Prompt Attention given to Mail orders. West Side Main Street, Ogden, XJ. T. _=>- O. _3o2C, 265. 9sl I |