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Show The Oldest Hardware House in Ogden is L, D. Wilson & Go's. ^—__ . _.—____—, i £. 98 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. ganization was effected, under the presidency of the officers above named. This is still in foi ce. In addition there is a Society in each of the Ecclesiastical Wards of the County. The names of the various societies and of the Presidents are as follows: Martha A. Critehlow, Ogden (1st Ward.) Mary A. Ellis, " (2nd " ) Lucretia B. Farr, " (3rd " ) Marianna Stratford,.. " (4th " ) Margaret McBride Eden. Eliza A. Tracy Huntsville. Almira Raymond Plain City. Mary Chadwick North Ogden. Mrs. Maycoek Pleasant View. Mary Hegstead Harrisville (West end.) Melissa ShurtlhT. Harrisville (East end) Mary Bird Lynne. Annie Taylor Mound Fort. Ann Fields Slaterville. Ann Biekington Marriott. Mrs. Adeline Belnap Hooper. Mary Douglass West Weher. Jeannette Bingham Wilson's Lane. Rhoda Dye Uintah. Martha A. Bingham Riverdale. An out-growth of the Relief Society of this County are the associations for young people. Several years ago, before there were any such organizations as now for Mutual Improvement, Apostle Richards and Mrs. Jane S. Richards inaugurated a series of meetings for the young a-entlemen and ladies of the communitv which were so beneficial in their results, that they have been continued until the present time—though now under the names which follow in the two succeeding titles: £ ■ . — y Jas. Wotherspoon, Agt, for the Only Reliable Paper Patterns, l K* Whs sell as Lsw as the Lowest! L, fi, WILSON k 00. Directory cf Ogden City and Weber County. 99 » THE Y. L. M. I. A. The Toung Ladies' Mtitual Improvement Association was organized May 10,1879. The officers for the County are, Mrs. Safah A. Herrick, President; Mrs. Emily S. Richards and Mrs. Josephine R. West, Counselors; Miss Rosalthe Canfield, Secretary and Treasurer. There are seventeen branch associations, the Presidents of which are named as follows: Elizabeth N. Hill Ogden (1st Ward.) Emily S. Richards " (2nd " ) Elizabeth Y. Stanford " (3rd " ) Ruthinda Monch " (4th " ) Hannah M. Russell Riverdale. Julia Dabelle East Harrisville. Sarah McEntire West Harrisville. Mary Slater Slaterville. Sarah A. Hart West Weber. Sarah J. Stuart Plain City. Mary A. Crane Lynne. Annie E. Madsen Marriott. Sarah Belnap Hooper City. Mary M. Halls Huntsville. Elizabeth Montgomery North Ogden. Jane Ellis Pleasant View. Eliza D. Martin Wilson. • THE Y. M. M. I. A. The organization of this Association was effected on the 15th day of June, 1877. The following were the officers of the Ogden City Society: Jos. A West, President; David Kay, First Counselor; Moroni Poulter, Sec- \ ond Conselor; E. T. Myers, Recording Secretary; R. P. Harris, Corresponding Secretary; Willard Farr, Treas- !£ Wotherspoon has the Finest Line of Swiss Embroideries, y |