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Show ill iiip X 58 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. "X e J&Jp ____£ Pkopkietob OF Fifth Stir©©! mw®wjt F©©&, -__2iT__- SALE STABLES. (Buggv Teams and Saddle Horses on Short Notice. HACKS TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Opposite Broora Hotel, Og-den, TTtal-. PIONEER TIN STORE. i_»__a W _ bk—iN ga^nwwj \/\/ a__V__e__MK____B N ^ Manufacturer of all kinds of TIN, COPPER, and SHEET IRON WARE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ti-sr ^oozfiz-tg- .a. s:p:EoiA.__,T-_r.. All Work Warranted. Prices equal to the Cheapest > & m 1\\T G FOOL! For Plunging, Swimming, or Wading, SECOND ST., HALF BLOCK EAST FROM TABERNACLE. WARM AND COLD BATHS. to_=_::_t _£_. TOST. ^ -y Table and Pocket Cutlery at h D. WOSU & CD'S. ft— M Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. 59 THE PRESS. Ogden City was, for about nineteen years, without a newspaper of her own. Indeed, for a number of years the only journal published in the Territory was the Deseret News, which was issued weekly. Realizing the truth of the adage that "the pen is mightier than the sword" in many respects, both for good and evil, and being anxious for an exponent of their own—an organ through which they could represent themselves—it was with unfeigned pleasure that in the winter of 1868 our citizens heard that Mr. T. B. If. Stenhouse was intending to publish a newspaper in Ogden. But it was not his intention at that time to move to this city and publish the Daily, Semi-Weekly, and Weekly lelegraph. It was the design of Mr. Stenhouse to issue a weekly journal to be called the Ogden Times. For this purpose he purchased press and material in the East, and when the temporary depot or way station was located at "Taylor's Switch," Mr. Joseph Hall was dispatched to Wasatch to hunt up the freight car containing the material for the Times. But fate willed that the journal under that name should not receive birth in the Junction City. Mr. Hall succeded in finding the freight and getting it released; no easy task at that period of railroad rustlings. Delays, however, were frequent and lengthy. The winter rolled away, spring set in, and the program of the Ogden pioneer press was changed. It was determined that Stenhouse should move to this city and bring the Telegraph establishment with him. Mr. Hall and Mr. Thomas G. Odell were engaged making preparations and receiving the K Fine Line of Underwear at Marks, Goldsmith & Co's, 3i |