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Show Gent's Furnishings in Great Variety at A. KUHN & BRO, 50 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. party were all alive with the hope that a pronounced opposition would develop itself in the People's party, giving a chance for a coalition. The People's party, however, won the day, their whole ticket being elected by a large majority, D. H. Peery leading with 1,050 against 813 for J. S. Lewis. &~ y. Before purchasing your Hosiery and Gloves call on Wotherspoon. A, KUHN & BRO. Lead the Market in DRY GOODS. ^— _ _ ^ Directory of Ogden City and Weber Comity. 51 MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES -OF OaDEN CITY, For 1883-4. Mayor—David II. Peery. Aldermen—First Ward, E. Stratford; Second Ward, N, Tanner, Jr.; Third Ward, Joseph Farr; Fourth Ward, F. A. Miller. Councilors—Samuel Horrocks, John Pincock, R. J. Taylor, Alfred Folker, John A. Boyle. Recorder—Thomas J. Stevens. Treasurer—Robert McQuarrie. Marshal—William W. Fife. Captain op Police—William W. Fife. Assessor and Collector—Thomas D. Dee. Supervisor of Streets—John W. Taylor. Watermaster—James Burch. Sealer op Weights and Measures—D. E. Browning. Inspector of Buildings—John Ellis. Medical Board of Examiners—John D. Carnahan, Wm. L. Mclntyre, E. G. Williams. Quarantine Physician—Wm. L. Mclntyre, Stock Inspector—H. V. Shurtliff. Inspector of Provisions—David E. Browning. Sexton—Frank Gale. Supt. of Water Works—James Burch. Chief of Fire Department—A. W. Child. Jailor—James M. Brown. Pound Keeper—H. V. Shurtliff. X. M Dress Making a pleasure by using BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS, |