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Show 188 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. EDEN PRECINCT. Beginning at a point in Ogden Canyon in the middle of the channel of Ogden River where said river crosses the Salt Lake meridian line dividing Ranges 1 east and 1 west, and running thence north alone- said meridian line about 9{- miles to the northwest corner of Section 6, _ _ iii Township 7 north, of Range 1 east, thence east 9 miles to the northeast corner of Section 4 in Township 7 north of Range 2 east, thence due south about 5 miles to the middle of the channel of the Middle Fork of Ogden River, thence in a southwesterly direction down the middle of the channel of said Middle Fork to its junction with the North and South Forks there forming the Ogden River, thence in a westerly direction down the middle of the channel of said river till it crosses the said meridian line, and to the place ot beginning. NORTH OGDEN PRECINCT. Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 1 in Township 7 north, of Range 1 west, and running thence south 5| miles, thence west 2 miles to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of Section 35 in said Township and Range, thence south about 2| miles to a point immediately east of the center of the street running east and west, about one-fourth of a mile north from the south line of Sections 10, 9, 8, and 7 in Township 6 north, of Range 1 west, thence west and along the center of said street about 2^ miles to the center of the main street running north and south leading from Ogden to North Ogden, thence north along the center of said Main Street about one-half mile to a point one-fourth mile south of the north line of Section 8 in Township 6 north, of Range 1 west, thence west to a point one-fourth mile east of the west line of the northeast quarter of Section 8 last aforesaid, thence north one-fourth mile, thence west one-fourth mile, K Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. 189 a thence north one-half mile to the center of Section 5, in Township 6 north, of Range 1 west, thence west one-half mile, thence north 1 mile, thence wTest one-half mile to the center of Section 31, in Township 7 north, of Range 1 west, thence north about one-third mile to the south side of the County road leading from North Ogden to Plain City (said road running through the northern part of Section 36, in Township 7 north, of Range 2 west, and Sections 31 and 32 in Township 7 north, of Range 1 west), thence east along the south line of said road to a point 6 and 25-100 chains west from the east line of the northwest quarter of Section 32, in Township 7 north, of Range 1 west, thence north to the north line of Weber County, thence northerly following said County line till it crosses the Township line between Townships 7 and 8 north, thence due east to the place of beginning. HARRISVILLE PRECINCT. Beginning at a point 50 feet east of the center of the track of the Central Pacific Railroad Company where said track crosses the north line of Weber Countv, thence _* ' south-easterly parallel with said track and 50 feet from the center thereof, to the south side of the County road leading from North Ogden to Plain City (said road running through the northern part of Section 36, in Township 7 north, of Range 2 west, and Sections 31 and 32 in Township 7 noith, of Range 1 wrest), thence east along the south line of said road to a point where said road crosses the east line of the north-west quarter of Section 31, in Township 7 north, of Range 1 west, thence south to the center of Section 31 last aforesaid, thence east one-half mile, thence south one mile, thence east one-half mile, thence south one-half mile, thence east one-fourth k€- -X |