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Show x- Latest Telegraphic News in the DAILY HERALD. 160 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. 2ft Rumble James, painter, 8th, west of Wall. Rush ton Frank, gunsmith Browning Bros., cor. 7th and Spring. Russell James M., hides and leather, Main, bet 3 audi. Russell Thomas, boot maker E. J. Watkins, Smith, bet 3 and 4. Russell W. H., engineer, Central Hotel. S Sad Albert, capitalist, Main, bet 5 and 6. Saddler Mrs. William, Young, bet 3 ami 4. Salisbury R. II., engine wiper C. P. Salter Thomas, bar keeper Bluuden, Franklin, bet 5 and 6. Salter William, plasterer, 8th, bet Spring and Smith. Salter William D., brick layer, Sth, bet Spring and Smith. Sanders Joseph, laborer, cor. Smith and 2. Sauder Benjamin, tinsmith Curtiss & (To., Sth, bet Main and Young. Saunders Heber G, butcher, cor Pearl and 3. Saunders William G., Avagon maker, 2nd, bet Spring and Smith. Schansenbach Adolf, rectifier F. J. Kiesel & Co., Spring, bet 3 & 4. Schansenbach M., clerk F. J. Kiesel & Co., cor. Spring and 5. Schansenbach Theodor, F. J. Kiesel & Co., cor. Spring and 5. Schat Martinus, laborer, 2nd, bet Smith and Pearl. Schramm S. S., druggist, Young, bet 3 and 4. Scofield John, truckman IT. P., Sth, bet Main and Young. Scofield John G, druggist Wade and Co. Scofield Walter, fireman, 4th, bet Pearl and Green. Scott W., fireman C. P. Scoville H. B., broom manufacturer, Young, bet 4 and 5. Scoville Lester S., broom maker H. B. S., Smith, bet 3 and 4. * ScoAvcroft John, confectioner, Main, bet 7 and 8. Scudder William A., lunch stand, Wall, bet 5 and 6. Seager George, carpenter, Main, south of 8. Seager George F., teamster, 5th, bet Green and East. Seaman John book-keeper B. White, 4th, bet Franklin and Wall. Sears H. J., book-keeper Z. C. M. I., 4th, bet Spring and Smith. Seibert D. S., paper hanger, Franklin, bet 3 and 4. Seitz E. L., register clerk P. O., Franklin, bet 5 and 6. Severn Joseph, Smith, bet 3 and 4. Sewell Joseph, merchant, 4th, bet Franklin and Wall. Sewell Joseph B., clerk S. H. Frank & Co., Wilson Lane. i€. After you read BOYLE k CO.'S lines, profit by them. -X The HERALD has the Largest Circulation in Northern Utah. x 5 —.^ Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. 161 Shadwell Henry, restaurant, cor. Franklin and 5. Shaefer J. M., clerk Chamberlain House. * Scheefer Paul F., druggist, 4th, bet Young and Franklin. Shakespeare A. D., proprietor of Broom Hotel. Shaw A. E., of Clark & Shaw, Mound Fort. Shaw James 11., salesman B. 11. & W., Mound Fort. Sheasby W. H., baggageman U. P., Franklin, bet 3 and 4. Sheldon Daniel, painter. Franklin, bet 1 and 2. Shepherd Anthony B., carpenter, 3rd, bet Main and Spring. Sherbourne Augustus, foreman C. P. car shop, 2nd, west of WalL Shiells Fred A., city ticket agent U. P., cor, 7th and Green. Shiner Daniel, fireman C. P. Shipley Thomas, section hand U. C, Franklin, bet 3 and 4. Shipley William, 4th, bet Young and Franklin. Short Albert L., laborer, cor. 7th and Spring. Short Robert, tinsmith Newman, 4th, bet Franklin and WalL Shorten George, merchant, Wall, bet 6 and 7. Shrieves Thomas, clerk Z. C. M. I., Main, bet 3 and 4. Sbupe Andrew J., of Shupe & Co., Main, bet 2 and 3. Shupe Mrs. Elizabeth, Young, bet 1 and 2. Shupe Hiram, plasterer, Sth, bet Spring and Smith. Shupe Isaac, of Shupe & Co., Main, bet 2 and 3. Shupe James M., of Shupe & Co., Main, bet 2 and 3. Shupe James, blacksmith, Main, south of 8. Shupe John W., mill owner, Main, bet 2 and 3. Shupe Peter, of Shupe & Co., Main, bet 2 and 3. Shurtliff Ezra, with Carroll, Sth, bet Main and Young. Shurtliff Haskill V., ass't agt. Tithing office. Young, bet 3 and 4. Shurtliff L. W., 4th, bet Green and East. Silva V. M. C, hides and avooI, 3rd, bet Main and Young. Simpson William, druggist, McNutt & H. * Sisters of the Holy Cross, Sacred Heart Academy, oor. Main and 6. Skellington Arthur, farmer, 1st, Avest of Wall. Skillhorn W. II., engineer, Main, bet 3 and 4. Slater William, shoe maker, 4th, bet Pearl and Green. Slutchell Edward, carpenter, Central Hotel. Small Joshua, shoe maker, 4th, bet Pearl and Green. Smith Alex. G, com. traveler, 4th, bet Spring and Smith. Smith Charles, laborer, Main, south of 8. Smith Edward C, saloon keeper, 4th, bet Main and Young. Smith Elizabeth, grocer, 4th, bet Young and Franklin. Smith James T., harness maker Hodgman, Central Hotel. Smith John A., barber, 4th, bet Franklin and Wall. ,& Boyle k Co,, Wholesale Dealers in Furniture, Main Street. y |