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Show at io Ore it w Mu FOLEY VARIETY STQ : BB } Pee en: 9 i Pad b ae 7 aHy} te 4 Pat , wa a ; ae. A Pe Y 4 ri in - Fe is ft) : \ i we ; i ni Si : { : La : . q ‘| H; tet ii } 1e int i} ay i. | a awe 4 et y > , : ea ft a i ; ot B14 Et aq 1] a ee | Pas : ’ Roars) 4 ; i: i wie q ‘ : Tires a ah te | . ae ho Bie it) :* irre NM a ie Le ie 4 7 i ‘* eh H Than 7 yee ie) c! 7 ‘ tu. Ye be £ 7 | f " F babs y 5 aM? 7 i ;. ‘ j ae ej: vt id E oi j " 1] iu aa: 3 - ee Rm) h se’ nay : : i d my 4 Ne i oe} a: é } aan i; r j 5 ; ’ Accessories Vulcanizing | 1? a y.- : * Tubes !,- ne : ry CaE ; Ts ee ‘Diamond e 4! ; ay iad ¢ el: ae A 4 ; . a? ie oe wr fe oe " s if ea a i ’ t ait Fal uaa re a4 4% oH ; i vi ¥ ee / F : f t : - 7 z By a) ae t _ : : ;Ae ee bf nie Ais 7 : ' * R ed “ i in fe ( ; hae | ei Pee Pe ie ad ea a Bee << * e a 1 ‘1 bet 1 i! Derastus E horse. dlr 2783 Gibson ay r ¢ Mrs Florence R office mgr BurroughsiA 4), ay ‘ARMe r same Nellie maid 2555 Eccles av av. r 7: . Hawthorne Wm M swchmn O UR & D Go rms 22 Hayball Edith asst agt U S Dept Agrl rms 349 Ww Hayden Gladys maid 2564 Brinker ay. Hayden Ruel C firmn S P r 29 Argyle An Hayes Hayes see also Hays. Cornelius J clk Pac Hayes Mrs Fruit Exp Delta D laund Hayes Ernest Hayes Jas mach S P Co U P Lndry C plmbr r 721 r 2624 Grant 2550 W Wat av. Hayes Wm T lab Amal Sugar Co r W Haynes see also Hains. Earl H farmer : Hooper. hipr S P Haynes Edwd Haynes Haynes Francis C blrmkr 8 Fredk G mach S Pr Haynes Harry Haynes Harry r 528% 24th. hlpr r 3268 Wall Plea 456 30th. av. see Jos Mrs (Royal arne Louis a Confection tmstr r 2139 Lincoln Mae r 493 Cross. Co) sismn Last & Thomas L cond r 2300 Adams Mur- V-Pres r 274 23d. b 830 24th. av. th Benj cook rms 159 26th. a h Frank F swchmn O UR & D Cor 25382 Orchard av. h Henry bgemn OUR & D Cor rear 2047 Jefferson av. h Ida M moved to San Francisco Cal. ain \T DR JOHN H, DC, N C, Chiropractor, Graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, 226 Col Hudson “Bldg, Tel 871-J, Office Hours 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 Other Calls Jas er Geo Heywood. L ArT jes D ie ae Virginia. 27th. hy Whol Gro Co, r 2580 Eccles av. ily R lab Interstate Sugar Co r Hooper. vd Edith student b 274 23d. e . j Mary E (wid Reginald) clk Last & Thomas ; D patrol Police Dept r 830 24th. eron wali see also Hayes. Hugh 1414 feal) Mary (wid Patrick) r 2529 Jefferson av. y Mary B died Jan 3°24 age.419. aly Maytor J eng SPr 444 27th. LY PATRICK JR, Pres Comi National Bank, (See h John H Hays Clyde C swchmn O U R & D Cor 2864 Liber Hayward W Gam drftsmn Globe G & M Co rms 6 Haywood b by Appointment, adv opposite S P r Corey firmn r 2660 classified Eccles av, Tel Chiropr actors) . Apts. th Mary (wid Nathan A) r 728 26th. th Nathan A died Mar 1 ’21 age 76. th Nathan J clk S P rms 3502 Riverdale rd. th Richd clk Washington Market rms 3502 Riverdale rd. venhill Eunice mgr Ogden Clinical Lab rms 566 24th. ert Henry F acct S Pr 8 Doxey Apts. kert Mrs H F acct S Pr 8 Doxey Apts. fe Jas D painter E F Emley rms 2659 Grant av. ee Geo E bkpr C E Armstrong & Co rms 2452 Madison av. Horace repr rms 2452 Madison av. es Mrs Jessie L tchr Madison Schl rms 2452 Madison av. avis R bgemn r 546 28th. SJos L hipr S P. Ogden, Haynes Harry R farmer r 64 Wilson la. Haynes John mach S P r 3301 Wall av. Haynes John jr hlpr Amer Can Co b 3301 I’ student : 2592-W. Candy Co b 932 2is Lottie hlpr O P & P Co b 2624 Grant av Melvin mach r 2624 Grant av. Minerva (wid Danl) r 2020 Robins av. Vera student rms 134 W 27th. Walter C farmer r Taylor. Haynes Se ioric pm, 23d. Hayes Lillian pkr Shupe-W Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes rms r 2479 Hayes Fredk R carp 8S Pr 932 21st. r 539 2 fn Wm M hipr lab rms S P rms 283 306 28th. 24th. farmer r Riverdale. et Howard tmstr P J Moran rms 3245 Grant av. et Caroline tehr Lorin Farr Schl rms 2516 Orchard burn Peter died Feb 12 °20 age 25. av. aus Henry ctr O P & P Co b 2 Wilson la. A Jmach § Pp. r eve student b 667 23d. eber J bkpr r 667 23d. €rn student b 2034 Jefferson av. Jogalong Transfe r ; & ot pg EXPRESS th 3282 ; > :5 AND BAGGAGE Twenty-Fifth Street —MOVING. a” Tele FIRE C. etal Ave. av. DAVIS SURETY BOnbs, AND L Utah National Bank ices Satisfaction” 2422-2428 Washington 4: 7 : Heal same, Gibson Drinks (A F Miller) 104 25th. ence J bkpr White Sew Mach Co rms The aly: Hotel Soft Headley Minnie maid Marion Hotel. Healy Abigail G clk b 114 27th. \ 5 rms r 24 ‘ Haworth Mrs Margt r 117 36th. Haworth Nathan F live stk 2763 Headley Headley fe . Haworth Haworth Head ee hi‘ oh ahi Hawley Mabel maid Dee Hosp Haworth see also Howarth. av. Hotel. Healy ee New 2746 Adams Sugar Cor Gerald E asst Amal 221 DIRECTORY—1921, CITY OGDEN 35th. Hawley Harry K appr S P b 3772 Wash av. Hawley Harry W acct S P r 3772 Wash av. Hays is i 7 / é 7 os ’ a oY eS . oe ae ie/ i i - IGNITION wl - iw et ie , BATTERIES, STARTING AND Pas ib } r 207 CO’S Hawkins Wm H rms 2916 Adams av. Hawley Chas L storekpr r 548 23d. Hawthorne / " 7 BY, am ee ai Thos & G Cleon hipr The Wistaria b 2676 Wash “F ‘ : Hawkins POLK Haworth Robt B sls mgr Burroughs Add Mach Go Haws ‘i ee Hy . ‘ ; Pas i SUPPLY , g i 4 | Dey wT wae - , OGDEN FELT AUTO L. e ir - , » R. eee eee ’ im 2 220 ee ee } ee ee i bs i 7® 4 SLLi oh! p. opi DPE Be tee : ; Ave. WARM AIR FURNACES T METAL PRODUCTS FING ; KINDS OF ROOFING AND WATER-PROO Phone 1952 Established 1910 OGDEN, UTAH HUDSON AVE. De! bk 5 Washington Ab 4 ‘Ei St t » 2410 wee ee # ; A Bet 5, 10, 15, 25, 50c Up to $1.00 MERCHANDISE9CoF bony hit H / ee q & PACE JACKSON oes we=57 ‘ i ; q SF 4 i ; "7% Wi EY. iq 0 i f fi HEE Piiy | ERP ‘ Q0 Ld aGE Ti REAL ESTATE Telephone 913 Ogden, Utah Phone 2261 |