OCR Text |
Show Bank of Commerce ON Commercial Cigar Store H. CENDAGORTA & Co, CANDY SOFT DRINKS CIGARS and TOBACCO 200 25th Phone R. L. POLK St. OGDEN, UTAH Jens Opheikens John Opheikens John Opheikens Tjerk hlpr r 588 O driver T mason r rear & P b 1863 240 W Oram Oram Oram Mary student b 1128 Oak. Myrtle laund Troy Lndry b 663 30th. Parley oilerO U R & D Co r 1007 46th. Grant 1128 Oregon Lumber Co GREGON SHORT W H Cheevers Tel 2500. OREGON SHORT av. SERVICE, missary Mrs Mrs I’ W Bldg, . D &R Gentsch Union Supt, Station, Florence nurse Lillian hairdrsr 2523 M A From the Smallest To the Large Contracts A Complete Line of ELECTRICAL DINING E P W Tel 2500. Brinker ay Gray rms FIXTURES WASHING MACHINES and VACUUM ORPHEUM CANDY Manufacturers of and HIGH GRADE CHOCOLATES, ICE M E elk i Soo wt farmer Clark’s SHOES r N F N ni been 473 4th. Modern 1939 Wash D Mp Wallav. He av. F A elk Interstate Sugar Co r Hooper. Nellie E (wid Raymond CG) tehr Quincy Schl 27th Albt L lab Amal Sugar Co. enry mach L J Haight r chat Se ih ce nite 2 L H brkmn U P rms 2 inco : lab U P & L 2358 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah ‘Ogden Typewriter | House | H. C. CHAPIN, Propr. Fred J hlpr S P r 440 4 : Sel) Lawrence C lab Amal Sugar Co r 2853 GI ant 30th. 665 r Co T & F'B emp Ashton T Shoel} Phone 212-J av. Ogden. Theo laund U P Lndry rms 2539 vr ane av. sani : a Thos S propmn Orpheum Theatre r 2635 Walter C clk The Crystal r 2254 Madison, av. Frank 8 dentist r Ar ane bbl ia Franklin C moved to Los Angeles Ue . Walter J wehmn We ae Co r' 287 W 33d. Herman W carp r 2783 Grant av. Wilma bkpr S J Burt & Bros b 278 28th. Felix lab b 2336 AND}; Repairing Ogden. Ruth F student b 2671 Good HOSIERY Sin i bkpr Ogden State Bank r N ‘i av. Alfd H mach b 3411 SG ‘ M student b 3411 Adams —_ C wehmkr J S Lewis & Co r 2555 Monroe av. lasbelle b 3411 Adams av. ok b 2671 Wall av. Wks Co rms 260 20th. Iron Ogden jan . Benclin Henry jan Bamberger Elec R Rr 1314 Jefferson av. ak died Apr 30 ’20 age 70. ower Kennedy’s Cafeteria r 2671 Wall av. cbt #450 Grant Chardsep: Ms Orpheum I. L. CLARK & SONS Co. Co rms 2809 Jackson rms 669 av. All Makes Sold, Rented and Repaired Typewriter Supplies Adding Machines Given Careful Attention ro) 159 25th. 2422 ID MOT CARS, Browning OR Auto Co Distributors,||Hudson. Ave.|} 19522 washington AV. may mgr r Huntsville. set dr View. eum J farmer r N Ogden. farmer r Hooper. Henry SHERBETS abe Phone 2452 Wash. 581 Ave. Hotel. Oren Roby lab Amal Sugar Co. Orgill J D lab Amal Sugar Co. ORIENT INS CO (Hartford), Kelly & Herrick ington av. Qrix Saml J clk P O r 2337 Jackson av. Orosco John lab r 269 W 21st. Orosco Manuel student b 269 W 21st. Orpheum Block 2514-2524 Wash av. ORPHEUM CANDY CO (George and John D fectionery and Ice Cream Parlors, 2522 Tel 1941. (See adv). Pp leader Goss 136 31st.. ‘ vO Et Oedee es has Elabr rence V clk Geo A Lowe. Co or UR&DC O Francis H insp Sila : RAILROAD Orell Chas L moved to Montello Nev. Grell E S$ lab Amal Sugar Co rms Broom WE DO WIRING Bhilip L. farmer D C Eccles pres 621 Eeeles LINE RAILROAD (Union Gen Agt, 214 Eccles Bldg LINE Erickson J F sik OUR & D Co rms 15 Argyle Apts. ee Oak. Richd clk UI Cr 663 30th. Wm R (European Hotel) swehmn O’Reilly O’Reilly Light house av. Jos 3120 J proprs r 3210 20th. D & R Gr A clk The Leader rms Go Childs Oram mach r Wasitre Orchestra 2d. O P David C swchmn Theatre 371 —1921. Co House Opera Grand AND SAVINGS DIRECTOR’ CITY. OGDEN Oram Oram Oram 3022 & Co’s heikens Hyrum lab b 33d and Pacific av. Opheikens Jacob whsmn Scoweroft’s r 268 Opheikens Mrs Jansje b 1863 Childs ay. Opheikens Jennie b 588 2d. Opheikens AVENUE COMM™ ACIAL Re ce Ee RVE SYSTEM mJITS. DRESSES , COATS 5 av, Tel 2281. Tel, 236 Continental Building, Loan & Investment Co.) CAPITAL $50,000.00 | ’ PER 2375-2377 HUDSON AVE. Insurance—All fe, ae ee en TEL. 380 Bonds, Kinds, Surety Sound and Profitable MONTHLY SAVINGS |