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Show BROWNINGCO. AUTOMOBILE | ¥ OGDEN’S CADILLAC af. ACCESSORIES, SUPPLIES AND rep a Linen Ogden ‘a Co rms av. 437 Binfore a i.. gratfors Se | Stout John rms 2518 Lincoln av. . Stover W W carp Globe G & M Co. Stowe Geo lab r Huntsville. Stowe Hyrum farmer rms 624 7th. Stowe Hyrum B 2d hd gds 1800 Wash avy r same. Stowe Jas rms 4100 Adams av. Stowe Jas P lab OO UR & D Co b 200 W 28th. Stowe Wm transtmn City Eng r 644 7th. Stowell Dan! A clk r 641 Kershaw. a Victor pee moved W to Los Angeles Gal. otel. . . Tel r 1972 Washi 2304-J. Stratford Allen L student b 774 21st. — Stratford Ardel bkpr Proudfit Sptg Gds Co b 774 21s) Stratford Carl E lab Amal Sugar Go b 2102 Monroe av Pac STRATFORD CHARLES H, Furniture Repairing, Remodeling a Specialty, If Its Broken Try Us,3” 635 21st. Stratford Chester L lighter STRATFORD 2270 S P rms Be a Keeles FIRST NATIONAL BANK STRATFORD Furnished a Spe Phone/ BLDG. COLLECTION (Ed Paints | DECORATING CO (H B Stratfo and Glass, 2318 Washington right. side )s ae av, Tel 49: lines). ae “= (J. A. McCulloch Ager REAL ESTATE, OFFICE TEL. 301 INSURANCE AN Office Under First National Bank BROTHERS STRATTON 9093 Washington | ‘ Auto 21st. ls b 774 : . Repairers). Tel la. ue av. 42-R-2. Stratton), Auto Repairers, (Arthur E av, Tel (See 688. adv un der Co) Bin Horace B (Ogden Welding & Repr av. " Sratton John L r 429 Binford. Sratton Laura (wid Wm) rms 743 27th. ration Wm grocer Riverdale r Burch Creek. ~ Sraty Wm btchr O P & PCor 154 25th. > Strawn Chas J brkmn U P r 978 21st. a classified r 2428 Monroe Sireeter Edwd B r 403 W 48th. Art Singfellow ; j Poe clk Binford-Kimball Sinefellow Mrs Valera asst EH Atr ingfield J L (Big 4-Calif Com ort | Mgham MOmberg Laura A (wid John C) Ada U student b 2040 ; Siosaty Connected : pith ie Tanners . both West | and r 505 Plaza Apts. Smith r 505 Plaza Apts. Co) rms Brigham7 Hotel. rms 218 N Wash Jefferson av. av. Always In the Market 0. LOTS and HOUSES on Easy Payment Plan 2417 HUDSON AVE. Sireeter Calvin G carrier P O r 266 23d. Geo C farmer r Plain City. Henry O farmer r Wilson. Edwin eng r 526 17th. Mamie b 526 17th. BUILDING in everything of value considered av. av. ~ Siteet W Louis student b 458 40th. Seeter SWickler Stinger mtinger Co. EQUITIES - Street Wm T jan Burch Creek Schl r 458 40th. - Investment TRADES av. Sireeper Ethelyn steno b 713 Wash av. ireeper Florence student b 713 Wash Sireeper Laurence carp b 713 Wash Sireeper Saml W carp r 713 Wash av. ~ A EL r Riverdale, 688, Tel a ( ford), 411 First Nat Bank Bldg, Tel 755-J. bone and under classified Collection Agencies).— STRATFORD a H 2324 Jackson ) Gratford Virgil G painter Redfield-King b 2093 Washington av, STRATTON ARTHUR E (Stratton Bros), » DGD & REPORTING CO : : ) Sratford Phoebe T r 1972 Wash av. _ CO. Rentals Tel 1474-W. | Sirayer Allen F r 457 16th. Block 242-246 Wash mee Our Bond for $5000 is on File with the Sec’y of S COLLECTS ALL KINDS OF BILLS EVER Mercantile Reports Loans Negotiated A 21st. " COLLECTIO! REPORTING student b 774 se , rd John appr Jackso % a a iC Sratford Lizzie O clk Bramwell Bookb 2324 eeJackson avy. Siratford Myrtle clk Paine & Hurst E, Real Estate, Loans and It av, Tel 993-W, © 774 21st, eaTFORD HORACE B (Stratford Decorating: Co), r " sratford Horace eae ALFRED d Haines me mgr Boston Hairdressing Parlor1 2254 Washington | ht Tel 755-J, ord Mrs Georgia E r 2324 Jackson av. er Strait Ward B pkr Sperry Flour Co r 44 La Frantz4 Stratford Albt E r 2324 Jackson av. 7 STRATFORD Bldg, ae Bord Erma L clk Paine & Hurst b ane TROON . 1 rd Francis W pres Co Bd of Education a we av. W mach S P rms 2759 Wall a Stowers Mrs Mary steno Utah Constn Co r 2450 Harris¢ dae 9 7th. & Reporting Collection A (Stratford First Nat Bank eT nials and Loans, 414 a, 2 Monroe av, Tel 2617-R. 3 r 36 Bldg ord Frank 4 4 eratford Geo E farmer r Wilson. Stowell Edson M clk Rialto Billiards r 2843 Reey Stowell First Nat Bank 441 elk Stratford Dec Co b 774 21st. EDWIN ‘sirat TFORD Story Robt W mldr Ogden Iron Wks Co r 2843 Jefferso, Story Roy tmstr Ashton FF B & T Cor528% 24th. ‘Transfer & A ins ~ East 781-w —— Tallow, Beeswax& Furs at Top Market Prices OgdenSeats 3 eee n k Sa@DEN, UTAH Wal! Avenue —- Story Helen mangler Amer Story Luther S carp r 3660 Capitol. ee ae ——_—_____ S P r 1025 DIRECTORY—1921. Phone 59 an Story Geo H blrmkr CITY OGDEN — NT Ogden R. .. POLK & co's Rieti ee AE TRUCKS 474 DEPARTMENT TO TRADE A GOOD * REE OE GARAGE, 2450.Grant Ave ight..."STORE |