OCR Text |
Show OYLES EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME eee Uintah Dairy Products Jos and Retail MILK CREAM BUTTER AND ICE CREAM 3650 Adams Isidore Louis Wm F Clothing (Utah Shoe hiprS P 133% 25th r 1412 r 224 Rugg Be Benj G brkmn § P-r 2902 — ee Win cond U P r 2820 av. my) Jerome C firmn S P r 1957trist,Monroe i Manufacturing ian Optician, ER JOHN on the Premises, 2464 tinh h 2 payor olicated Lenses ( Tel 1849. ington av, Tel 1939-W, r 2547 Adams av, ~ Wall Ruland Jay W elk RM § rms 633 25th. Runchel Jens lab O P & P Co r 2172 Tyler Runchel Johanna b 2172 Tyler av. CONNECTED BOTH WITH Reference: OFFICE AND State Bank, 2263-2269 3355 ‘S see eet erties oe ensecee pe* re r* . RUSHMER Established s 464 WASHINGTON dust mer Lawrence Ssell Alex TANNERS Ph ‘dh Hh. Ls Ogden — WALL A 5 Optometrist and Mfg. Optician} in Ogden H Nineteen student b 2547 age Brown Transfer & StorCAR-LO/ PIANO MOVING AND PACKING RES. PHONE 262— iz HEAVY MOVING AND LONG DISTANCE HAUL! OfficePh r Adams Years trucker O Ya s vey gae Sugar Sell Francis CG mach Utah Co 3209 . b 2409 gk . Wash 3520 HUDSON av. Jefferson Merchants Co r 3224 Credit . ; PROGRESSIVE STATE OF UTAH Adams Phone 917 av. Bureau aa $5000. E Si 202-203 seta,EcclesreaBldg.areas, Seese aes PhonesBacnined 691-838-3549 . a THE Ore People than 29 FOR AV. av Constn Co r 3 Scoville Paper H slsmn TO FARM LANDS We Buy Sell or Exchange av. Sell Frank trucker b 3520 Jefferson av. EFFICIENT BONDED FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE UTAH OGDEN, - i Edwin F supt ah i Corp r Roy. — eH Klien P (wid Jas B) r Roy. | 488el] Elton H vo Carnegie Free Libry reve cae ‘Sell Frank LOANS Roy. ell David W lab r 32 188e]] Bacar W lab Amal es 2463 Hudson av, seescae AVENUE farmer Bell David . Game - A. BROWN, Mor. on sates : Seseesssts sekosn: STS ussell Alex W tmstr r 3520 Jefferson av. Sel) Mrs Annie r oh, ee Bh ean Sell Dale lab Interstate Sug AND PU RUNYA Ogden Fitted rt Notice aoa a i ay. EAST AND WEST) WAREHOUSE: Frames Properly on Dealer in Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax, Wool an Phone for Glasses round to Order sssell Adam farmer r Hooper. US : Agnes (wid tn) r 332 30th. Always in the Market at Top Market Prices O. M. Eyes Examined tec al Lenses g , REAL ESTATE \ . adv) . 46. Fowles Ete, 2263-2269 Wall av, Tel 781-W, r 631 lines). “bith, Tel 944. (See right bottom 24th. Myron student b 630 eo 3230 Lincoln av. re r Go D olor OUR & mya Wall av. Us ey av. i Rugg Estella R laund Model Lndry b 2902 Rugg Luella mangler Model Lndry b 2902 Wall av. Wall ay. Rugg Walter D brkmn b 2902 Wall av. * Rugge see Van Rugge. Ruiz Miguel lab Amal Sugar Co. Rukavina Eli clnr 0 U R & D Co r 2668 Wall av. Rukavina Jos lab b 2668 Wall av. Rukavina Josephine steno b 2668 Wall av. Rukavina Mary b 2668 Wall av. Rukavina Nicholas lab b 2668 Wall av. Ruland Delphia opr Tel Go rms 2468 Wash av. Ave. 548 : ; Beene E tchr Dee Schl r 317 Plaza Apts. “an Lophelia b 630 24th. ER M, Dealer in Hides, Pelts, Tallow, mere nyanan - Pkg Co r 2585 Fowle sp rms Nurses’ Hom Ruess Wm hipr S P. Rufus Thos died Feb 25 *20 age & . ny AN OLIV > Furs, Wool, . Pp <q Rudd Jesse carp r 308 8th. Rudd Raymond D hipr b 308 8th. Rudegren Pehr E died Apr 21 °20 age 85. Rudich Mich] lab Interstate Sugar Co r Hooper. 342 Harrison ay. 'Froerer r Roy. nt is 25th. ay. 425 DIRECTORY—1921. mer r Roy. SAquist Chas A far nt b C A Rundquist. and de n¢ ist Ellen stu 317 Plaza Apts. ay. r same. Jefferson CITY y Adams Hospital) OGDEN Albt L farmer tf ay. . ee Royse Grover C drftsmn Globe G Royse Robt L mining r 2355 Quincy& Mav.Co r 2160 Polk ; B e Rozie John lab Amal Sugar Co. CLOSELY Washington b in Wholesale 3667 30th. C farmer Royle Josephine A student b 3650 Royle Wm farmer r Wilson. Ruby Proprietor - ROYLE WILLIAM, Cabinetmaker and Finisher in Har 3650 Adams av, r same, Tel 3267-R Rubin COMBE, Dealers Royle Rubin Co. HENRY R. 1. POLK & Co's Royle Eliza V asst H W Nelson b 3650 Adams ay. a Royle John S lab S P r 219 i UTAH |