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Show Ogden Utah Knitting i ' ' 1 “LD i OGDEN’S nh: Hi { - ae 14 Ne S” y cen : ih ; i Hm Het f i , } een id: a i : hid hi 3 if ie; , r ; 4 { BT fi! fF 7 1 Phil : Urban iy) "8 Ri:Ae f i} : Ht |iA i a {Fi ay } Hf} ' , j ; . A. B. C. { if) ie (aah : Seen ' 7 Inter- e: | | ' \ 1 j } |; Mm f i Hi} ii vit ries a ha Pat Math Hint UR ' 4 n tht mh : Hi ' H re hi ‘em, ei oa ‘ TAXI & Transfer CO. : i ‘ j 1 { af ea Ui rhe 4 Br } 4 f ia) Of ; am |) | ip aa |b i nai t ita ' Hi - * ra q f eu) mae Hitt t he a Pe bri tt il} a ail t an! :7 eye 5 a0 Six Dodge } : Chevrolet rf ay iaouem f ' | ih wa t to a = Ford 262 24th Street PHONES 676 AND 1378 HOSIERY AND UNDERW: Prowse Jas waiter Weber Club r 137 26th. Library see Carnegie Free Ice & § Co r 468 24th. (Pearl Apts) r 2703 Grant a Pullins Luther A r 2703 Grant av. . Pullman Co The M E Carson agt Union Station. PULLOS GUS (Palace Gandy Co), 2323 Washingto 3079, rms St Paul Hotel. I LeRoy carp r 1003 22d. | Pulos Alex clk Travelers Grocery rms 2522 Wall PURCELL JOS W, Tailor, 2482 Washington av, Purdie Dera W clk Scowcroft’s b 1954 Jackson ai Purdie Jas W jan Pingree Schl r 2837 Childs av. Purdie Leona P b 1954 Jackson av. ‘ Purdie Robt S blrmkr S P b 2837 Ghilds av. Purdie Wm formn A L Scoville Press r 1954 Ja N elk r 1242 Jefferson av. Purdue Wm C hiprS P r 1355 Jefferson ay. Purdy Blanche C student b H A Purdy. Purdy Christopher musn r 2852 Pingree av. Purdy Florence M student b 2815 Adams av. Purdy Gladys R steno b 240 28th. Purdy Heber J jan Scowcroft’s r 760 27th. Purdy Helen student b 2815 Adams av. Purdy Henry A repr S Pr Wilson la. PURDY HERBERT A, Insurance, Bonds and son av, Tel 485, r 240 28th, Tel 1681-W. Purdy Jas R lab Amal Sugar Co r 746 24th. Purdy John F clk r 758 27th. Purdy Lorna b.760 27th. Purdy Louise student b 2815 Adams av. Purdy Mary E (wid Jas B) b 228 28th. a ao 1 urdy Wm rms 202 28th. ardy Wm E cond S P r 28 Adams 22 ardy Wm H signwriter®445 25th r av. rin Benj repr S P.r 2750 ae oe ‘T rear uri ¥ Loans, (See ee) ie oe : TELEF Van (ues n pITY DAIRY CO. Sales Agents ay Ogden Portland Cement Holst), High Test Clean and Pure 12374 Shop aonb Milk and Cream, 665 SN Jas D barber Roya Mrrington Jacksoniaeel b 2650 Hocles av. ington Lucille M clk O P & Peo Beer Eccles av. Mirrington Margt (wid ist Co. R) ‘ Sugar Murrington Ray lab Amal eae ington R Lee bkpr UL & P Cor 339 Be : ceuis irington Stanley A clk nes paver ee ae : ¢ Sugar Murrington Wm M lab Amal av. ington Wm W formn O P & P Gor 2877 Monroe Union Portland | Cement Purvis Malden E mason rms 3154 Pacific av. utnam Clara clk b 3214 Orchard av. Mitnam Edwin G mach b 3214 Orchard Putnam Esther nurse Dee Hosp b 3214 av. | aint I (wid Andw J) r 3214 Orchard uizey Mrs Maret (Washington Hotel) i. Mona b 2474% Wash av. 218 see also Building Specialties av. r same. 515 Pile. yle Aiden F clk A R McIntyre D Co rms 345 27th. Yle Lawrence C clk R M Srms 758 26th. Der see also Piper. Furn Co r 2763 Madison av. yPer Robt A phn ECCLES BUILDING ska John hipr rms 2720 Lincoln av. t Co. Inc. American Union Pain disinit PAINT Oe Le INTER-MOUNTAIN Ufacturers BRAND of Floor Paints, Enamels, Railway Specialties, and Mill Specialties and Paints For All Purposes © actory Wall and Rushton av. Phone 178 Go. oh Ls ah a Glen A clk Amer Ry Exp b 3214 si av. Guy hipr Boyle Furn Co b 3214 Orchard Jennie A (wid Amos W) r 469 13th. i av. Julius driver b 3214 Orchard Uinam Lena Kelly & Herrick 5. 3s . murdy Saml W tchr r 2854 Adams’av. Ae Mitnam Uuinam tnam utnam ak 2500 WASHINGTON AVENUE COMPANY Assets Over $135,000, 000 Ogden City, Utah UTAH SALES r 2369 Van Buren av. urdy Milton E telr First Nat Bank ‘ a Norma M student b 240 28th. PUGMIRE LE ROY, Physician and Surgeon, Practice Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, 224-229 Eecles Hours 9 to 12am, 2 to 5 p m, r 2532 Kecles Bld ay.| Utah Agent 9373 Hudson Ave. Pugmire Clinton student b 2532 Eccles av. Pullins John J dockmn INSURANCE INSURANCE LIFE AETNA i. Pugmire Florence clk rms 2666 Eccles ay. Pugmire Leonard L driver S P r 524 15th. Pullins Mrs Gwendolyn 399 IABILITY, AUTO AND ‘HEALTH AND PLATE Ga oIDENT, ON a BURGLAR NSATI COMPE Library. av. 197 PURDY AND Local Pugh David J clk City Treas r 9 Ivy Apts. Pugmire Arch Y hlpr S Pr 247 224. Wm i: TELEPHONE DIRECTORY—1921. CITY A. LOAN; S Danl shiner Royal Shoe § Plp rms W Saml candymkr The Wistaria rms W Pudney Frank lab’r 2039 Quiney Pugh Danl slsmn r 670 28th. Purdie Postal Automobile Forres Psihogios Psihogios Public glary, 94TH STREET OGDEN t A steno Standard-Examiner rm ; av. Prudential Ins Co G W Breon asst supt 5 Utah Pruss Jos ironwkr rms 426 22d. Pryde Janet clk rms 2946 Ogden ay. Pryde Margt laund Model Lndr Pryor Bessie died Oct 24 . Pryor Pilate Glass fornado, Bur- F R. L. POLK & Co's SESE SEE ACI Nfl a pa oe AEE a nae ESOS ry me a —S |! ? i SSP % Six Studebaker i; nip k i 398 Pullum {fv My a pas Hi : 7) Service Buick i 1 i by oY Hi Night and Day “Uta-Maid” | #367 Washington Aveye ___ seCT taka a Garments EXCLUSIVE Ml ; Brand Goddard “=: INSURANCE 9g Ogden, Utah |