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Show FOLEY VARIETY STO} 735 or Slaughtered on Commission, Bro Tels 556-557. (See adv under clas same, Stock Breeders and David B student DAVID Adams av, b 2206 Adams K, Pres-Mgr Tel YT eR av. Newman © ' ' . Co r 555 & Stuart > > Do, I i STUART D CALVIN, Contractor and Builder, Estimatesia 5 ished on Applicat Work 3310-R. Stuart Edna E a Specialty, student b Shop 2206 Adams Mabel Stuart Verna Stuckey John John clk Last & Thomas student b 2206 L timekpr S Pr baker Federal formn r 2665 Stuhr Marguerite Stultz steno BertA b taxi 278 b 2952 Wall-av. av. rms Adams 743 2362 av. 25th. System Grant b 2665 av. Sturm Henry Sturtevant jr swehmn Mary OU C died Mar R & D Co 26 °20 age r Vas Things ce av. J cigarmkr RACHEL Specialty, Drug Heitman es Co & 756 Tr M, Graduate 2945 Adams av, r 2234 Nurse, r Se 27th. Thomas a Lincoli Confinement same. 24th. J (wid Michl A) r 126 W rd. 22d. Trey ca rear. i Pres-Mgr Summerill Stove Repair Works, r 2135 Jefferson av, Tel 722. r 2139 Jefferson av, Tel 722. SUMMERILL FRED JR, V-Pres Summerill Stove Repair Works, Simmerill Jos whsmn Sterling Whol Co r 437 42th. Simmerill Jos F b 437 12th. mMmerill Kenneth M student b 2135 Jefferson av. Ummerill Louis L student b 2135 Jefferson Ummerill Ray moved to Salt Lake City. MMERILL cae. | EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE—MOVING V. aes 328'2 Twenty-Fifth Street Telep hone ' eae REPAIR WORKS, “The Fred Summerill Pres- Wholesale and Retail, Office and Sales Rooms 2279 aa Jogalong Transfer Ct STOVE av. gr, Fred Summerill jr V-Pres, Thomas Clarke Sec-Treas, DS Fletcher, L W Maddox and J H Maddox Directors, New and Second Hand Stoves, Repairs for All Makes of Cy Capitol ie (Emil Keller jr), Fancy and Stap eG to Eat, 740 27th, Tel 3. Sullivan mgr SUMMERILL FRED. 4 iH 1029 W MRS a Bulser Mattie : ¥ av. Sully Felix farmer r 85 Harrisville rd. av. — : s ies, Choice Cuts of Fresh Meats. Fruits, VegetaD Good Cases av. Grant Grant Simmer T B lab Amal Sugar Co. Bummerill Alfd H hipr ‘ At 1940 u i id Alfre rms Madison 25th. b 1631 Sullivan Raymond J hipr S P r 2684 Madison av. Sullivan Stephell wehmn Globe G & M Co r 530 W Sullivan Wm H mech Binford-Kimball r Layton. av. Grant John Sullivan Michl 2415 Jefferso Stultz Sybil (The Raymond) r 278 25th. Stumpf Daisy E smstrs U P Lndry b 2583 Stumpf Edwd A & r 2583 Grant av. SUCCESS MARKET liven , 4 rms student Sully Leona M steno b _ cept Sully Melba student b 85 Harrisville rd. Guaranteed First and Res 2952 W: Stuart Floyd C bkpr Utah Nat Bank Stuart Gilbt C carp r 2005 Taylor Stuart > 1 hee All Work Frank sy Sullivan John B eter i John W r 3 ash av. SULLIVAN 2396-W. ion, Sliven © Sullivan Frank N brkmn S$ P b 2144 Union av. U Dealers). Struhs Herman W farmer rms View. Struthers Walter S hdmiller Sperry Flour Stuart see also Stewart. Stuart Chas E formn r 254 28th. Stuart Claude E clk P Or Uinta U Stuart isFe r, > ia! ue — ie 25th. ea 1242 Ce 26 Sullivan Mgr, Prescriptions ORUG oo UW Compounded, Toilet Articlés, Cigars, Etc, full Mhington aw Tel i137: : 2% ivan Evylyn M student b 2234 Linco In av. thee rms vi DP SULLIVAN Browning Bn ei Hosp Co E av. i Court Judge, : 414 First Lawyer and Juvenile : SULL See or Bids, Tel 888, r 3573 Washington av, Tel 3563W. on avy. wt Su NaN Dee 14 2, r same. Grant av. Helm Apts 8 P r 1631 M jan brkmn Biivan Alonzo an Chas D gulliv Wp Hotel. Union Depot Alfd firmn U P rms ree 1887-J,rs av, Tel Grant 2428 Reasonable, 2339.| Was ae steno Water Wash rms Prices Suey Parlors, iP M Canyon Schl ed Tel City, Lake S Salt and Chop ington av, Tel 364, Branch 2141 Jefferson av, Tel 441. Store, Warehouse (See adv i Nellie Pingree 516 Dooly Bldg, 613-616 Japanese Noodle oe tehr a page and Reo Works 478). Store of Satisfaction” 2422-2428 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah Phone 2261 Nae E 477 - Mae STUART — Mary b Huntsville. Minnie b Huntsville. Oscar farmer pr Huntsville. Bratz sec 417 Eccles FE STRUBEL FRED J, Live Stock F Dealer, Beef, Calves, § Hogs Bought r ‘ DIRECTORY—1921. CITY W, Sec-Mgr R L Polk & Co, Directory Publish- Se PHONE Huntsville, - UTAH = AVE. Cor Stromberg Thure V carp r rear 1977 Strong Grant appr Jackson & Pace. Stuhr 2205 Sugar OGDEN, BP wt. Stromberg Stromberg Stromberg Stuckey Wm WASH. Amal Stromberg Elroy M student b 2040 Jefferson ay. Stromberg Elroy M student b 2040 Jefferso n ay. Stromberg Herbt E R student b rear 1977 Stromberg Jos contr 2055 Adams avr same. Wash ay. oo Repair BATTERIES, STARTING AND IGNITION lab suDBURY FRED FURNACES amet 1 t ma. DAVIS ©, ee ee — OGDEN ~~ . —— = . Accessories Vulcanizing David AVE. }oag0 HUDSON CO’S AIR En Phone AND ROOFING 1910 <i Stromberg Strong Tubes & Alfd G carp r 2040 Jefferson ay. i Arvid S ecollr Standard-Examiner p 2055 Stromberg Carl E farmer r Huntsville. Stromberg Chas W farmer r Huntsville. Strong’s Tires POLK Stromberg Stromberg Strong Diamond L. KINDS OF Established WARM | FIRE INSURANCE, SURETY BONDS, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS [8nder utah National Bank Bldg. Telephone 913 MY oe R. ~ OGDEN FELT AUTO SUPPLY CO. 476 ALL PACE & JACKSON “sHEET METAL PRODUCTS 5, 10, 15, 25, 0c Up to $1.00 MERCHANDISE OF | 2410 Washington Ave. |