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Show : National & CO. 5 He gt Bhs au aay OR i i Ph :; i ay F we teu 1 Ps } > Bi fi tai ' errian : : }y ]’ {} ttbi | Pee ; ati Wm 27th FIRE & NAT UNION nw . ‘ " oie HE ; CIGARS Tel 1494,Propr-M| 26th, © oat SCOVILLE r A U0,L PRESS, A L Scoville ae r Lithoa: ;- ei : . il 1 } 1 onl i } t aa 1 ny 4 ‘ i! yh “ : 7 ’ ik ¢ iy : } ‘ } 47 if}? 7 i t 7 hid _ 4 ' mo} 73% : ; Ba: im { i se Tier eee WEYESDO i Broom a ale-Scoville 1956-J. the Scoville Louis student b 864 ee 24th. cee week pete ane: 2429-2433 Grant av, Tels 398-399. amenrly LTER tell B Asst Sec MG Scoville So ns f sphoneoa | Scow san, eudgnl?m 2416 Madison ay, Se . ‘| (Se 5 Scowcroft Fletcher dept mgr r Browni Py TH = | i CR TOR oO CKER mec Scowcroft Y Pp PE . a = 2 d SHOES Co, A Products, ; Modern F sismn r 14 Fea eatt & Sune ND HOSIERY Shoe Repatrins Co rms 2747]| Phone 2T2 2358 Virginia : Ave. | | Sugar Co r 2580 Jefferson av. TSR ers ae 432 Co r ft & Sons : .. | SP bWallseh aysill Aik endder Louis tohr eng eb) MarthaO asst Scudder Gramercy 2760 Utah Whol Gro Cor ee E mpl r SEAGER a ROY A, Dealer reach ee 1641-W. r 3137 in and 2972 Poultry, Jefferson . . Searle Jas H depot eT merle Jennie M Fag agt Amer ay av, Tel 75 Washington av. @hinlsell av, 2802-J3 + on 7] B 7 aan if oy Haves. ne 25th. i gg , Adding Machines Given Careful 242 o71th. ou t are iti ecurities (ieEREST ON MONTHLY SAVINGS acs All Hudson, Ave Tel, 236 & InvestmentTEL. to,389 The Continental Building, Loan HUDSON AVE. a aie Propr. oly 7 $50,000.00 2375-2377 ep CAPITAL "|‘RealautHoriz l belt hay eur Loans, insutanee Estate, i 0 u S e wiley Sold, Rente and Repaired . Typewriter Supplies , aes Cee, R88, P) 180" Adare a e if ypewrt ef eh b 2412 Harris. Carle Lawrence Rearle Mre Mary b smstrs arris, r Sear | sea. Staple Groceries, and Fancy Seaman Allie smstrs Amer Linen Co b 327 - Sea hi rin r 706 21st. tr jehn t tiewshrS P rms 228 23d. 3Searle Gretchen student b Fone Sat > Ogden Seriven Opal G b 2707 Grant av. er Kate b 2564 Wall av. #. has = ‘ deren : Biiiriven Fred soc Spargo’s Book Store 78 Avon Apis. Se Seriven Lawrence GC swchmn OUR & DCor 2 ? | Y ichardser-Tt 4 Foo ae Ogden, Utah ; Scowcroft’s 2540. antSs, ager! Clark’s Good mies Pad of Kni i Blue Pine MeeGeager Herbt S trmr F M Nye Cor 732 27th. MeeeSeager Leah opr Tel Co b 739 27th. ae V-Pres, H B Scoville Sec-Treas, W B Scoville As A Complete Line of ELECTRICAL Mfrs and Wholesale Br i | APPLIANCES | Tel 117. come and We 1 oeae SUPPLIES and FIXTURES sigh ehae aes PAPER CO, A L Scoville Pres, H B Scovill Vv WASHING L Scoville See, L S Scoville Treas, Wholesale Pa an uae ACUUM ll av, Tel ee een ee Scowcroft Mary ee To a tt sila eeetuden eident b'ban 26utld ia Treas ; . Pres-Mgr Washington "—_ i M G SONS CO, F L Scoville Pres-Mgr, LSS ||} SCOVILLE Contracts Co, , Seo car Co and UIG RR Co, r 533 26th,av.Tel 507. See. Bircrort Laura H (wid Albt) © 2350 ae a Paper Co, Secie |/SCOVILLE LESTER S, V-PresScoville M G Scoville Sons Co and Paper Co, r 831 2: Smallest To " iiayU2 Sons Co, Sec Scoville Paper Co, r/S642m SCOVILLE MG Aredeesresh loch Adele ec-Treas,Hats, Grocers, Sug " Scowcroft Mrs Vivian E clk Amal ) Scowcroft Willard sec-treas John Scowero —— FRA NK L, Pres Goodale-Scoville Co, Pres-WV SCOVILLE : 4th. COT JOSEPH, Pres-Mgr John Scowcroft & wens scowcR Oeden Iron Works, Lion Coal Co, V-Pres Amalg | P WIRING = |[ Scoville Jos G musn 2441 Grant av Tine Creeeea Large : ; house From the 3: we v | 'o ; ‘ i ' ft Light » > | th b 795 ‘ UE Printers’ Sup ‘ Pt - ; : ahi ts i f 4 ie |fri ‘ THE . f : iy ky yt student Beecroft John W v-pres John Scower . T Wrapping - p 0m at | : John | Te econ Boxes, Pails, Napkins. \ y i o; ue Cor & Sons Scowcroft JON ceotreas, A Ten’s Furnishings, Mfrs Me Work Clothes and Balls, | i Papers, Woox ee Twine, Sundt i : Rt, i aaa ea & Sons Cor puyer Scowcroft’s r 2668 Brinker av. vad » 795 24th. Scowcro Fs : & Ware Wholesale a Pencils, Stationery tend baa Scowcrof:t John Jo JOHN & SONS CO, Joseph Scowcroft |Dpeoweroit HO oe scowcrort ye ee ee Dy ee ; Oo; Bags, 3022 i Gi i 97th. avg 5 OGDEN, UTAH e Paar Mita |i , ant F Be: (Edi and Copper Plate Prini (See adv). 26th St. ne . geower oft an “geowerott fi 4 nouraaa Press, Pres Printers, Engravers Grant av, Tel 267. po 795 24th. seower oft pee he INS co ay. V Washington Agts, L,2500 HerrickALVa [SCOVILLE Propr-Mgr A L Scoville ‘ | i SOFT prinxs ie . F a SCOTTISH |20 i. 4 ; tbE ini Phen) i a OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1921, Mee tsi mgr Terower oft Heber v-pres- asst ty ii hig Gl 20 ay ae ‘DU & | fa i U P r 125 26th F cond a aS ‘ean i " CANDY and TOBACCO h i i a 205 rms clk P “a Res Mgr J A Hogie & Oo, cott Wm O lab r 118 James ct. | Dh Theo CO’S Scott Walter carp Globe G & M Go . |{Scott Wm D hipr S P. q H. CENDAGORTA ; : Scott & eee af Store Ci M JR, POLK | a SAVINGS ee rT SYLVE SYLV STER SCOTT L. COMMERCIAL i Ean SR Commercial ! ey a R. WASHINGTO | | SERAL EMBER RESERVE SYSTEM eee idk Pilea ies a 2453 AVENUE eas Individus N 5 Hn of Commerce of Bank AO GOWNS, W 2 MILLING‘ae |