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Show 18 WEBER ACADEMY EX-GOVERNOR E. W. HOCH, Of Kansas. DR. J. EVERETT CATHELL, Lecturer. JOHN B. RATTO (Matinee and Evening), Character Impersonator. ADRIAN M. NEWENS, Dramatic Reader, Monologist. EDWARD RENO, Rapid-Fire Magic. THE STROLLERS' QUARTETTE CONCERT COMPANY. DICK-BERGEN COMPANY, Maximilian Deck, Violinist. Alfred Bergen, Baritone Soloist. STUDENTS' EXPENSES. Tuition is free. An entrance fee of $10, payable in advance, is charged all students. Laboratory fees: Chemistry........................................................................................................$2.00 Physics .............................................................................................................. 2.00 Botany .................................................................................................................. 2.00 Zoology ............................................................................................................... 2.00 Physiology ...................................................................................................... 2.00 Domestic Science ............................... ..................................................... 2.00 Domestic Arts ........................................................................................... 2.00 Manual Training ....................................................................................... 4.00 Students pursuing the commercial courses will be charged ten dollars extra. Students not registered for the commercial course may take typewriting on the payment of an extra fee of five dollars. WEBER ACADEMY 19 After a student has once registered he will be held responsible for the payment of all fees, even though he change his course or discontinue. Mid-year students will be charged one-half the entrance fee. A fee of three dollars will be charged for the diploma issued by the Academy for the completion of any of the four-year courses. These fees in all cases are payable in advance. All the students of the Academy are held responsible for any injury done by them to its property. Board and lodging can be obtained at from three to five dollars per week. By students' renting rooms and boarding themselves these expenses may be reduced. On application to the secretary students may obtain permits to purchase student tickets at half price on the Rapid Transit car lines for use in passing to and from school. ADMISSION. The Academy is open to students of both sexes and of all nationalities and religious denominations. Candidates for admission must be of good moral character, must furnish evidence of honorable dismissal from the school they last attended, and must signify their intention to keep themselves in harmony with the spirit and teachings of the institution. The use of profanity, tobacco or intoxicating liquor, the attendance at pool rooms or public dance halls, or the excessive indulgence in any similar form of amusement is not in keeping with the spirit of the institution and may bar a student from entrance. Students are admitted at any time, but it is to their advantage |