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Show 32 WEBER ACADEMY The application of these principles as seen in seelctions from Addison, Goldsmith, George Eliot, Shakespeare, etc., will be an important part of the work. Regular short themes with occasional longer compositions will be required. Composition and Rhetoric by Brooks and Hubbard is the text used. Five hours per week during the first semester. English d.A continuation of English c. Five hours per week during second semester. English e.This course has a double purpose in view. First, to familiarize the student with the chief periods of development of English literature; second, to give drill in composition work. Representative classics from the different periods will be read and compared. Special attention will be given to the Elizabethian age and to the age of Romanticism. Difficult matters connected with paragraph and sentence making, and the study of the right meaning of words will continue. History of English Literature, by Long, will be used as an outline for the historical part. Written reports and weekly themes will be required. Three hours per week during the first semester. English f.Continuation of English e. Three hours per week during the second semester. English g.Composition work in this course will give practice in the various kinds of writingexposition, narration, description and argumentation. Students will be encouraged to express their opinions clearly and effectively, as well as correctly. Selections from Burke, Carlyle, Ruskin, Shakespeare, Milton and Browning will be discussed in class. Manual of Com- WEBER ACADEMY 33 position and Rhetoric by Gardiner, Kitteridge and Arnold is the text used. Three hours per week during the first semester. English h.Continuation of English g. Three hours per week during the second semester. English i (Designed for the second year of the Choristers' Course.)This course consists of a thorough study of the elementary principles of rhetoric, with special attention to paragraph structure and connection, and the study of the right meaning of words. Regular short themes with occasional longer compositions are required. Manual of Composition and Rhetoric by Gardiner, Kitteridge and Arnold is the text used. Elocution a.The object of this course is to acquaint students with the fundamental principles of interpreting the author's thought through the printed symbol. Correct habits in this must be formed before one can hope to progress in any other studythe power to interpret is absolutely necessary to success in any of the courses offered. Selections from standard English and American authors will be read. Five hours per week, first semester. Elocution b.In this course special attention will be given to the literary anaylsis of some of the best English selections. Besides the poetical and prose studies, one drama will be given. Some attention will also be devoted to public speaking. Principles of Vocal Expressions and Literary Interpretation, by Chambers and Clark, will be used for reference. Five hours per week, second semester. |