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Show 38 WEBER COLLEGE themes of 1500 to 3000 words each. Required of each student in his second quarter of residence Open to students who have completed English I. Daily. Winter or Spring quarter. Five credit hours. 3. English Composition: Narration. A course designed to teach the principles of narration and to give practice in narrative writing. Prerequisite: English 1 and 2. Daily. Five credit hours. Autumn quarter. 4. English Composition: Exposition. A course designed to teach the principles of exposition writing. Daily and longer themes. Prerequisite: English 1 and 2. Daily. Winter quarter. Five credit hours. 5. English Composition: Argumentation. A course designed on the basis of practical logic, in-volving critical study of logical processes of thinking, handling of evidence, detection of fal-lacies, and the like. Daily and longer themes Prerequisite: English 1 and 2. Daily. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. COURSES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE 6. Shakespeare. The reading and interpretation of representative comedies, tragedies historical plays. Daily. Autumn quarter. Five credit hours. 7. English Literature from 1798-1832. A tailed study of the literature of the period designed to give training in methods of literary study and presentation of the result. Daily. Winter quarter. Five credit hours. WEBER COLLEGE 39 Enqlish Literature from 1832-1900. A study of the poetry and the prose of the period, designed to give training in methods of study and in the appreciation of literature. Daily. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. 9. Colonial American Literature. A study of colonial literature from the beginning to 1840. Daily Autumn quarter. Five credit hours. 10. American Literature. A study of the New England group of major poets and essayists and i their immediate followers. Daily. Winter quarter. Five credit hours. 11. American Literature. A study of metropolitan, southern and western literature, emphasizing the spread of literary activity and the development of the short story and the novel since 1860. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. COURSE IN PUBLIC SPEAKING 12. The Forms of Public Address. This course gives training in the principles of constructive thinking, writing, and speaking, and includes gathering of information, organizing it for a define purpose, and presenting it to meet varying conditions. The problem of organizing one's thoughts is approached through the analysis of masterpieces of public address. Prerequisite: English 1 and 2. Daily. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. |