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Show 46 WEBER COLLEGE WEBER COLLEGE 47 tion, fractional equations, exponents and radicals, ratio, variation and proportion progression, binomial theorem. Five credit hours. Text: Wells and Hart's "Second Algebra." 2. Solid Geometry. Lines and planes in space, polyhedrons, cylinders, cones and spheres. Five credit hours. Text: Wentworth and Smith's "Solid Geome try." (May not be given in 1923-24) 3. Trigonometry. Trigonometric functions, solution of right angles, logarithms, solution of oblique triangles, applications, general trigono metric analysis. Five credit hours. Text: Wentworth and Smith's "Plane Trigonometry." 4. College Algebra. Advanced work on fundamental principles, a study of series their application, permutations and combinations, probability; and introduction to determinants, to the theory of equations, and to higher equations. Autumn quarter. Five credit hours. Text: Rietz and Crathorne's "College bra." 5. Analytic Geometry. Methods of co-ordinates, construction of equations, the point plane, the circle, the parabola, the ellipse, the hyperbola, general equation of the second degree, higher plane curves, polar co-ordinates, and transformation of co-ordinates. Winter and Spring quarters. Ten credit hours. Text: Riggs' "Analytic Geometry." Calculus. A general course in differential and integral calculus and application, sufficient to meet the needs of the general student who may know something about this interesting subject of mathematics. It covers all the ground usually given in the first course in calculus, differentiation, functions of independent variables, applications of calculus, maxima and minima, rationalization, integration, etc. Autumn, Win-1 Spring quarters. Fifteen credit hours. Text: Granville and Smith's "Differential and Integral Calculus." May not be given in 1923-24) THE DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND LATIN Professor Noble Professor Lind Mr. Blake FRENCH 1. Elementary Course. Aim to acquire French pronunciation, free from English habits and pe-wliarities of speech. Grammar and reading. Text: Newson's "First French Book." Au-n quarter. Daily. Five credit hours. Professor Noble. 2. Elementary Course (continued). Drills in grammar, phonetics and conversation; synonyms antonyms used as a method to increase vocabulary. Text: Newson's "Second French Book." Win-^ quarter. Daily. Five credit hours. Professor Noble. |