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Show Marriott-Siaterville History June 2008 Mr. Morris told the council that IRS wants additional space for an office/warehouse building along the far south of the property located at 1135 West 12th Street, along with retail type space fronting on that street. There would be at least one ingress and egress from the property onto 12th Street, and some fencing installed. The Marriott Ditch which crosses the property will be piped. The existing homes on either side of the property will be demolished. President Dennis Illum asked the applicant, Boyer Company, about access to the property. They would like a separate access to the site. After discussion, the council approved Ordinance 2008-06, for approval of the zoning map amendment from A-1 to C-2, also amending the concept site plan to recommend UDOT direct traffic to the signalized intersection at IFA. Resolution 2008-I supporting the Taylor's Buffalo Springs project was discussed. The city has been approached by the Taylor family to obtain a conservation easement for property in the city that has intrinsic value for preservation. It would constitute the preservation of a number of areas of prime farmland, and also the preservation of a portion of an ox-bow pond near the Weber River. A conservation easement on this property using LeRay McAllister Critical Lands Conservation Funds would have multi-use public benefits, including agriculture preservation, storm water storage and recharge, wildlife habitat and wetland area along the Weber River. Mr. Morris explain that passing this Resolution would express city support for its application for grant funds to complete this project. After discussion and further explanation, the Resolution was passed unanimously. Mr. Morris explained Resolution 2008-J, which would approve agreement for secondary water and sewer maintenance services with Marriott Construction. They will help the city with certain maintenance services for the secondary water and sanitary sewer system at various locations in the city. Because the special district needed the secondary water services, the agreement has been signed, and the administration is asking the council to ratify the agreement retroactive to the date of signature. The resolution passed unanimously. Mayor Keith Butler invited the council to the grand opening of the IFA store on Tuesday, June 24, 2008, at 9:00 am. There has been a problem with the dumpster at the Slaterville Park, which people have used for personal and construction waste. Two residential cans replaced the dumpster, which, it is hoped, will eliminate the problem. Mayor Butler remarked that the city is starting its 10th year. He praised the Planning Commission for the great job they do, which is appreciated very much. The city building is being used by different functions almost every day, and he suggested that fees may need to be more competitive. The bid for the new bowery at Slaterville Park will be on next month's agenda. Staff asked for pre-approval of the traffic study for the intersection at 1200 West 400 North and for security fencing at Marriott Park, also set for next month's agenda. Mayor Butler has talked to IRS regarding security at the Marriott Park, and they will try to watch the park as much as possible. Councilman Scott VanLeeuwen asked that staff contact UDOT requesting that they fix the shoulder on 1900 West by the D. J. Nursery. The Davis Weber East-West Transportation Study Open Houses for June 11 (Davis County) and June 12 (Weber County) were announced. Residents' input was encouraged, and current planning ideas will be available. The Weber County Open House will be from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Theater Annex, Union Station, 2501 Wall Avenue, in Ogden. "Don't Throw Pets Away. The litter stops here". This was the message delivered by he No More Homeless Pets in Utah by mail, listing the dates for their "Big Fix Mobile Spay/Neuter Clinic" in our area. Pet vaccinations and microchips are also available. |