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Show EDITORIAL Welcome My Fellow Students: After three long months of vacation we are once more gathered together at dear old Weber, whose walls seem to echo back the joy they feel to have our voices break in upon the stillness of the past months. I extend to each and all a hearty welcome and a wish for a bright and prosperous year. We have great possibilities before us which we are sure to realize. Although our school has changed some this year, I am sure its goal is still success. We have at its head a wonderful man. Fellow students, he is for us; our interests are his interests. If we analyze carefully every rule which has been made this year, I am sure we shall find that each one is for our best good. We have been given an opportunity to govern ourselves. Are we going to keep it, or are we going to have it taken away from us? If we wish to keep it we must be united as a Student Body. To be united means, first, that all, instead of half, support our school paper; second, that we all be at our games of basketball, baseball, tennis and also our track meets; third, that we all boost for Weber and make it the big, the bigger, the biggest of schools. Now, fellow students, your wants are my wants. Therefore let us make our wants known. If we do, we shall have everything that will make us and our school bigger and better. HARVEY TAYLOR. Board of Control The Student Body have changed their form of government this year. Instead of having the Council as the representative body of the students, we now have the Board of Control as a representative body ACORN 13 of both the students and the faculty. We think the new plan an improvement and that better results will be obtained. Now all activities are being represented and a united force is working for Weber's best good. Now the faculty and students are one. With this strong unit, behind all of our activities we prophecy a very successful year for Weber. In all things co-operation is necessary for success. In unity there is strength. A Little More Zip Yes, a little more zip that's the thing. In other words, put your whole soul into everything you do. Quite early this year Oscar Kirk-ham, speaking to the assembled students, said: "For heaven's sake, when you are out playing tennis don't be thinking of your studies; and when you are in class, whatever you do, don't be thinking of tennis." Fine idea, isn't it? He meant that we must have enthusiasm the steam that makes the Student Body engine go. Let us study with all our consciousness centered on the question at issue; let us play with all our might, mind, and strength; let's attend every game and dance: during the year, for these are the most memorable things that school can give us. We must be enthused for Weber! If a student has attended this school for even one year and doesn't love Weber all the time wherever he is, there is something wrong. Boosting is the most fun in the world. Debating Awards We are pleased to see that greater interest is being shown in debating this year. Already some of our live wires have organized a society and are getting down to real work. Debating has long been a branch of school activity that has not been appreciated, although our teams have been very successful in the past. However, more could be done by the teams if the students were more interested in this line of work. A good start has already been made by organizing a society and having a school debating manager. Students, rally to the support of your society, your class, and your school teams. Give your school debaters awards, if possible. If not, at least boost them on to victory. They deserve it. This activity is part of Weber and an important part. |