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Show 18 ACORN Tennis Celebration Monday afternoon, October 18, was set apart to celebrate the completion of Weber's tennis courts. Assembly was called at 1:15 and was started with some rousing yells and school songs, which were followed by extemporaneous speeches from the students. Assembly was then adjourned to meet at Lester Park, where the sports of the afternoon took place. The first contest was a sack rush between the Senior and Junior boys. The winning class was to have the privilege of painting their numerals on the tennis court. The Juniors were declared the winners. But there was one more contest between the Juniors and Seniors. This was a stick rush. The contestants in this case were ten girls from each class. The Seniors won and as a result the Senior banner will wave over one end of the tennis court. Next was a shoe string rush between the Sophomore and Freshmen boys. The Freshmen carried off the honors. Then there was a "stick rush" between Freshmen and Sophomore girls. Here again the Freshmen were victorious. They sure have the physical power and the mental is but Avaiting to be developed. After these contests there was a tennis game between Faculty and Student Body. The Faculty's representatives carried off the honors. To complete the celebration a matinee was given. Refreshments of peanuts and punch were served. Everybody had a splendid time. Story Writing Contest Through the generosity and kindness of our principal, Brother Barker, the Acorn will be able to conduct a story writing contest. He has shown interest in the Acorn and its welfare by offering ten dollars for the best original story written by the students during The Year. So get busy. You can win the prize. Moreover, show your appreciation to Brother Barker by manifesting an interest in your school paper. Write your story. The students of Weber Academy decided that they wished to advertise their school by placing a large, white block W on the mountains. They selected a spot directly east of the school and work was begun immediately, and in a short time it will be completed. Then when visitors come to this city they will learn that the most important thing in Ogden is the famous Weber Academy. The W on the mountain will show that education is encouraged in Ogden, and it will show that THE school of schools is the Weber Academy, and that the students are wide awake. ACORN 19 Richards-Purrington Medal Lorenzo M. Richards and R. Lee Purrington of the class of '14 have manifested their interest in Weber by offering" a gold medal to the best extemporaneous speaker in the school. The contest is to be inter-class and to be held in the near future. The school appreciates the generosity of these alumni members. It has been customary for the last two years for the Ex-President of the Student Body and Ex-Editor of the Acorn to offer such a medal. We are pleased that these students are anxious to continue the practice. The Student Body thank them heartily for their gift and for the interest they take in the school and its activities. The Student Body Dance The Student Body gave a very successful dancing party on the evening of October 23. The Faculty were the guests of honor of the Student Body. The hall was attractively decorated and delicious refreshments were served. Everyone enjoyed themselves and proclaimed the Student Body royal entertainers. Our New Conservatory of Music A Conservatory of Music has just been organized to afford the Weber students and their friends an opportunity to acquire a musical education. Our Board of Education determined to be satisfied with nothing but the best, and it is to be congratulated on the splendid, talented instructors it has obtained. Professor Ballantyne, for so long the head of our musical department, is to be in charge of the Conservatory, with the following instructors: Prof. Joseph Ballantyne Vocal and Harmony Charles Shepherd Piano Bert Shepherd Violin Oge Jorgensen Cello E. W. Nichols Band Instructor Hallowe'en Dance On Friday, October 30, the Domestic Science and Art girls changed into ghosts, witches and goblins, and royally entertained the students and their friends. After going through many unheard-of terrors the crowd gathered in the Assembly Hall, which was fittingly decorated with corn shocks and pumpkins. A fortune teller was there, |