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Show ALUMNI Yes, the Alumni Association is still alive, if organization makes it so. With Will iam J. Critchlow, Jr., '11, as president; Beatrice Brewer, '11, as vice-president; Irvin Poulter, '14, second vice-president ; and Lloyd Millar, '14; as secretary and treasurer, yon may anticipate a year of activity by the "Has beens." As a starter they have arranged to hold the annual Alumni Day on the 20th of November, 1914. The day will commence with a good, live program in the morning, which will give some of the "old timers" an opportunity to throw off some of their penned-up enthusiasm, and end with an informal dancing party, having as its object the uniting into one force those who were and those who are. Another feature of the evening's events will be the first basketball game of the season, in which the "vets," headed by the captain of 1911's team, Clyde Clark, will battle against Male's youngsters. Bearing in mind the Weber's illustrious record of the past, you can imagine a struggle that will make the present European conflict sink into significance. You may also be interested to know the whereabouts of a few of our members. The cause of higher education is being well supported by them. The halls of the University of Utah are being graced by such worthy representatives as Kathryn McKay, '08; Heber Hancock, '09; Calvin Geary, '12; Lyman Gowns, '12; Peter Kasius, '12; Scott and Bruce Taggert, '13; Victor Belnap, '13; Frank Fowles, '13; Vera and Lorenzo Richards, '14; George Croft, '14; and Lloyd Millar, '14. ACORN 25 Weber's high standard is also being maintained at the Utah Agricultural College by such stalwarts as Alma Wilson, '11; Ernest McKay, '11; David Fletcher, '12; and Irvin Nelson, '12. The showing at these two state institutions is creditable, but there is great room for numerical improvement. Outside of the two aforementioned schools Lawrence W. Richards, 11, is registered in Law School of Chicago. The Misses Helen Taylor, '14, and Kathryn Volker, '14, are also attending "college " From the head of Weber's Purgatory (Preparatory) Department to assistant professor in the School of Education of the University of Utah is the record of Leroy E. Cowles, '03. We are proud of him and wish for his continued success. Weber's Faculty derives much of its prestige from its members that are graduates of the school. Charlotte Stallings, '09; Male Watson, '11; Leone Engstrom, '11; Gladys Ensign, '12; Jeanette Bowns, '13, and Arthur Grix, '14, comprise the list. It must not be construed that the above mentioned graduates are the only ones who are named among the great and near great. Some have become absorbed in commercial activity; others are teaching-school and some are preaching the truth of revealed Gospel in the various mission fields. But no matter where they are, they are establishing ideals of human service which should inspire the present Student Body with the determination to maintain this altruistic standard. We join with the Student Body in complimenting the Board of Education in securing the services of such an efficient, enthusiastic and prominent educator as James L. Barker. We feel confident that he will continue the excellent record made by his predecessor, W. W. Henderson. We want to meet the new Principal, as well as the other new members of the Faculty, for we realize that only through the combined efforts of the Faculty, the Student Body, and the Alumni Association will Weber become the vital force in promoting the culture, the welfare and the happiness of the community. |