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Show VOLUNTEERS JOIN HOSPITAL STAFFS Red Cross Ceremonies at CampB FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. — The American Red Cross volunteer capping and recognition ceremony was held in the hospital chapel with 27 Gray Ladies and one Staff Aide receiving pins, caps and certif¬icates. Mrs. Laurence Legere, the new chairman of volunteers presided over the program. The invocation was given by Chaplain William Fleming, and Col. John K. Wal¬lace II, commanding officer of the hospital, welcomed the volun¬teers and guests. Speaker for the occasion was Maj. Gen. Harry H. Critz, com¬mander, 101st Abn. Div. and Fort Campbell. Mrs. Critz, honorary chairman of volunteers, presented the graduation certificates; Mrs. Hope Ridgway, chairman of the Gray Ladies, presented the pins; and Maj. Mary Berg, Chief Nurse, presented caps. The ceremonial lighting of the candles was per¬formed by the senior and junior volunteers with the largest num¬ber of hours, Mrs. Mary Mork and Miss Paula Eschenburg. The new Gray Ladies are Mrs. Sue Arrant, Mrs. Georgia Barrell, Mrs. Claudia W. Braxton, Mrs. Mary Ann Diedrich, Mrs. Mar-jorie L. Dzingleski, Mrs. Patricia Anne Fujimoto, Mrs. Barbara M. Gibbinhs, Mrs. Sylvia Graves, Mrs. Dorothy Mae Gonzales, Mrs. Wanda M. Hart, Mrs. Ann M. Kennedy, Mrs. Vivian Laderach, Mrs. Arnie L. Marrow, Mrs. Hilde-garde Mitchell, Mrs. Leila Morris, Mrs. Joan Keagle Pim, Mrs. Doris Therese Pratt, Mrs. Ruby Lou Ross, Mrs. Jacqueline Shade, Mrs. Edna Smith, Mrs. Anita L. Sweet, Mrs. Barbara Carol Thomas, Mrs. Janet S. Trively, Mrs. Betty A. Warren, Mrs. June Mary Winkler, Mrs. Ida Mae Wood and Mrs. Myrtle E. Zimmerman. Carolyn Byrd was capped a Staff Aide. Awards were presented to Gray Ladies for volunteering at least 100 or more hours during the past year. They were Carolyn C. Berry, Jean Hollstein, Caroline F. Johnston, Bonnie Landrum, Mabel H. Mayhew, Mary Mork (with 1000 hours), Teresa Ray, Hope Ridgway, Mary E. Smith, Mildred Shoemaker, Jessie Tasson, Mildred H. Tindall, Suzanne Wall, Frieda Willis and Billy R. Woff. Junior volunteers receiving awards were Paul Eschenburg (250 hours), Cindy Kinns, Ruth Miller, Sharon Rice, Tilly Stefko and Thomas Wilcynski. Following the ceremony a re¬ception arranged by the volun¬teers was held for the graduates and guests in the Red Cross Lounge. Redstone Caps 34 HUNTSVILLE, Ala.—The larg¬est Red Cross Gray Lady class was capped in a candlelight cere¬mony on November 18. Thirty-four volunteers repeated the Gray Lady pledge before an audi¬ence of husbands and guests. Maj. Hazel L. Evans, Chief Nurse, Post Hospital, capped the new volunteers. Mrs. L. 0* Cox, Gray Lady chairman, pinned them with the Red Cross service pin, and Col. Thomas V. Cook, post commander, presented certificates. The new class was presented to the post hospital by Nicholas Fachilla, Post Field Director of Red Cross. Col. Harry McClain, Post Surgeon, accepted the class on behalf of the hospital. Mrs. Glenn Bass, chairman of volunteers, presided at the cere¬mony. Chaplain W. R. Bottoms gave the invocation and Chaplain D. W. Kinney offered the bene¬diction. Mrs. T. W. Holland was the organist. New Gray Ladies receiving their caps were Mrs. E. D. Arnold, Mrs. J. Bain Jr., Mrs. D. A. Betts, Mrs. D. A. Braithwaite, Mrs. R. Brouns, Mrs. K. Brown, Mrs. J. T. Cunningham, Mrs. G. W. Doyle, Mrs. H. Duke Jr., Mrs. M. O. Elmer, Mrs. D. Ewart-Evans, Mrs. H. Gautreaux, Mrs. W. Graham, Mrs. I. V. Gulbran-son, Mrs. R. Hammond, Mrs. J. C. Holmes, Mrs. R. Holton, Mrs. D. Jinnett, Mrs. W. L. Kelly, Mrs. V. J. Laver, Mrs. T. M. Lewis, Mrs. C. Martin, Mrs. G. A. Mc-Bride, Mrs. C. D. Nielson, Mrs. F. C. Norvell, Mrs. C. E. Real, Mrs. J. M. Sloan, Mrs. R. Teruya, Mrs. J. Vance, Mrs. R. Vorba, Mrs. C. E. Ward, Mrs. H. L. Watson, V. C. Wolfe and MRs. A. Q. W ward. Certificates of recognition outstanding volunteer servi were presented to Mrs. D Cos hospital and publicity chairma Mrs. I. O. Drewry, blood program chairman; Mrs. R. D. Lawrenc Staff Aide chairman; and M L. R. Wright, vice chairman recognition and records. Capping at Ruck Fort Rucker, Staff Aides and 14 of the Red Cross |