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Show a st 5, 1963 A 19 with $3,295,348 for the previous. t ended. ‘his was more than six mil- year. corporation tax, cigarette and sales and use taxes totalled $31,738,305 which was four and two-tenths per cent above the about the previous year’s $30,448,111. OIL COMPANIES maintain|: action on a decisonwhich both The state’s reserve fund, disputed taxes, 583 which that the state started collecting garnered from income and corsides agreed tope fiscal the state’s coffers during taxes authorized in a 1959 Legporation taxes was $59,849 for year which ended June 30, 1962. islature amendment one year study. 1963 and $24,612 for 1962. | | they consequently | THE TOTAL does not early and lion dollars above the $105, 084,was taken into the AND has which $7,553,644 include keen collected at the county and local levels under the uniform sales and use tax. A report have either paid the tax under 1963 for tension of time for payment. _ issued Tuesday by, |for fiscal 1963 compared to the previous year. ONE OF THE exceptions general fund and which is cur- Heke une subject of ee u FOR THE GENERAL fund, which is the largest single cate‘,|gory for state expenditures, the insurance, mine oleomargarine use taxes. and | fund, motor vehicle control and dealers’ administration funds, jautomobile drivers education, .|the sales tax cash bonds, the motor fuel, vehicle Fpistra. a special fuel cash bonds mileage fee cash bonds. and the a Seen FUNDS | COLLECTED ‘tor the, state’s special funds include portions of the income and corporation taxes, the car and bus taxes and the boat *|fuel tax. | Others are the firemen’s pen- sion fund, the Public Service -|Commission fund; school lunch ees Commission Tax State |the showed that nearly every major category of taxes was up was the mine occupation tax state’s the into goes which the protest or have received an ex- fund which incl Contributing to the general fund. are peer and | |eigarette ‘ena et apa The tax commi sion and repoil comresentatives of | he panies met inforn lly Tuesday nt i took no on the matier, was $41,542,818. tion, special fuel taxes temporary permit. fees. et S111, 104, 068 lected under the mine occupaiene Utah fe =i \|in taxes during the fiscal year tion. tax this year compared $IIIV Million. Taxes the figure for the previous year ace | tah Year Rings Up 1963 total was $45,249,445 while sl she ik Ne Tribune, Friday, July Sn The Salt ‘Lake Theb |