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Show 32 WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH The second phase of the Weber College curriculum is the out-of-class activities. Guidance Program Weber College administers a guidance program which assists the individual student in his adjustment to college life. For the purpose of assisting the individual student so that he may make wise choices from the college offerings which are best suited to his needs, the college guidance program provides pre-registration periods, preceding each quarter, which offer opportunity for valuable personal contacts and ample time to meet registration problems. Each incoming student may choose an adviser when he applies for registration. The student keeps this adviser for the duration of his stay at the College unless his interests are better served by a change. The adviser counsels with students on many problems of an educational, vocational, leisure or a vocational, moral or social, health, and personal nature. He helps the student by giving suggestion and encouragement rather than by making decisions for him. Each member of the faculty serves in the guidance program. Each member of the faculty serves in a guidance capacity. Consultations with individual students, to help them master subject matter and correlate it with their study plan as a whole, aim at stimulation in academic attainment and in personality development. At the close of each fourth and eighth week of the quarter, instructors file with the Registrar the scholastic records of all students who are doing unsatisfactory work. These students are given individual guidance consideration by advisers. Students who have failed to maintain a ratio of one grade point or a C average at the close of the quarter are placed on probation. Their registrations may be limited for the following quarter. The student is urged to seek advice and counsel from his adviser or any other member of the College staff at any time. Emphasis is placed upon the guidance of students with exceptional abilities. One of the aims of the guidance program is to encourage those with superior gifts to take superior places in society. The guidance program provides tests to determine abilities and traits. The guidance program provides all students with an opportunity for taking psychological tests of their general scholastic ability, special aptitudes, vocational interests, and personality. The results of these tests are discussed with students in a friendly but professional manner. Some of the vocational tests are too expensive to give to all students free of charge. Consequently, a small fee is charged students who choose to take such tests. The guidance program requires a course in freshman orientation. Another important feature of the guidance program is the courses in orientation. All regularly registered students are required to elect one of these courses. They deal with problems of mental hygiene, personal and social adjustments, methods of study, vocational problems, etc.; and they acquaint many students with the curricular programs, registration procedures, administrative policies, student body organizations, and other activities at Weber College. WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH 33 The Dean of Women and the Adviser of Men assume general responsibility for student welfare. It is the function of the Dean of Women and the Adviser of Men to direct the interests of all students in their educational, financial, and personal problems; to be concerned with the social activities of both men and women through their contact with organized student activity and living groups; to advise students to make wise choice of recreational and social relationships; and to aid in providing an environment that is favorable to their all-round development. They are concerned especially with the orientation of new students to college life and work, their purpose being to help the students to discover and develop their potentialities in order that they may get the most out of their college experience. The houses and dormitories where Weber College men and women room and board are under their supervision. Health Service The health program provides protective and educative benefits to every student. The physical development of the student is sought through the health program, the function of which is to extend protective and educative benefits to every student enrolled in Weber College. Medical treatment and diagnosis are functions that are the responsibilty of the home and the community. The specific functions are: (l)to give a medical examination that should be regarded as a screening rather than a diagnostic examination for every student upon his initial entrance to Weber College; (2) to give special attention to those in need of medical or dental care through a follow-up program which will, where necessary, guide students and parents to sources of medical and dental treatment; (3) to take care of accidents occuring at the College and to take care of sudden sickness; (4) to provide opportunity for conferences and consultations for the students with the physician; (5) to reexamine at reasonable intervals students with physical defects; (6) to provide a healthful environment for student life, and (7) to initiate protective measures against the spread of disease. Visual Education Weber College maintains visual and audio-visual aids for student instruction. Weber College maintains a department of visual education for the purpose of assisting the faculty in securing and using visual and audio-visual aids. It is known that the proper use of such aids in classroom instruction heightens interest and helps to dispense in formation efficiently and effectively. The College has the latest equipment for the use of sound and silent 16 mm. motion pictures, sound or silent 35 mm. film strips, lantern slides, opaque objects, and microscopic slides. Many visual and audio-visual aids are obtained from industrial firms, and producers and distributors of educational material. |