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Show STREETS AND SHEUARD AV—now East. SHERBURNE AV—now Union av. SHERIDAN AV—e from % bik e of 539 N Wash ay. SHERIDAN AVi—now Brinker av. SHERMAN AV—e from 539 N Wash ay. SHORTEN AV—e from 2639 Wall av. SHOSHONE—on a line with W 31st 2 blks w of Weber River. SHUPE LANE—now Willow. SILSIE AV—now Liberty. SIXTEENTH—e from 1540 Wash av ane from 800 Canyon rd. SIXTH—e and w from 600 Wash av. SLATERVILLE—nw from Five Points beyond Marriott. SMITH—a continuation of Jefferson av s of 39th Linwood pl. SOUTH BOULEVARD—bet W 46th and 47th 7 biks w of Weber River, SOUTH COURT—now Healy av. SOUTHWELL—e and w from 115 N Wash av. SPENCER—now Harris. SPENCER AV—now East. oof continuation of Adams av s ofr th. SPRUCE—on a line with W 41st 7 bliks w of Weber River. SPRUNT—now Oak. STEELE AV—now Eccles ay. STEPHENS AV—n and s from 140 W 31st n from 140 w 20th. STILWELL TRERRACFE—2760-9780 Grant av STUART LANE—now Ogden av. SULLIVAN ROAD—e from 3040 Jefferson av and se from Monroe av. SUMMIT—now A ay. SWAN AV—e from 2940 Custer av. TANNER COURT—now Gramercy, — TAYLOR AVi—s from 1501 19th 14 e of Wall av... TAYLOR WARD—a farming district s of West Weber. TENNESSEE AV—now C av. TEN TH—e and w from 1000 Wash ay. THIRD—e and w from 300 Wash av. THIRD AV—now Healy av. THIRTEENTH—e and w from 1300 Wash av THIRTIETH—e and w from 3000 Wash THIRT Y-FIRST}—e and w from av. THIRTY-SECOND—e and w Wash av. ‘ THIRTY-THIRD—e and w from ay. THIRTY-FOURTH—e and w Wash av. THIRTY -FIFTH—e and w from Vv av. THIRTY -SIXTH—e and Ww from av THTRTY-SEVENTH—e Wash THIRTY -EIGHTH—e av. THIRTY-NINTH—e av THOMAS and av. LANE—w w 3100 av. Wasn from 3200 3300 Wash from 3400 3500 Wash 3600 Wash from 3700 and w from 3800 Wash and w from 3900 Wash from 2410 Grant av. R. L. POLK & CO’S AVENUES. THOMPSON AV—now Fowler av. TOOELE—now Healy av. TRACY AV—now Oak. TREMONT—now Glasgow av. TREVOC TERRACE—201 Wash ay. TRIBE COURT—now Porter av. TWELFTH—e and w from 1200 Wash av. TWENTIETH—e and w from 2000 Wash av TWENTY -FIRST—e and w from 2100 Wash av. TWENTY-SECOND—e and w from 2200 Wash av. TWENTY-THIRD—e and w from 2300 Wash av. TWENTY-FOURTH—e and w from 2409 Wash av. T Wee CPR TE and w from 2500 Wash TWENTY-SIXTH—e Wash av. and w fr station on the § P 6 miles w of Ogden. WHEELER AV—w from 3739 Jackson WHEELWRIGHT AV—now Capitol ay. WHITE TERRACE—rear 143 220. WILLIAMS AV—now Gramercy av. WILLOW—e from 1840 Stephens av Wall av and e from 1830 Custer av. WILSON AV—now Ogden av. WILSON LANE—from w end 24th nw Marriott. we WARD—w of Ogden, ay. (Copyright ay. CITY te XxXIV. Attorney—Wade sw cor Physician—R 25th. Crop Road Road H Master—Mrs Supt A F R Alsup. ae A Naisbitt. Affairs, Precincts—One — City election, first COUNTY : Finance Court House—n §s STATE and Tuesday after GOVERNMENT. COUNTY OFFICERS. 24th bet Washington Skeen, Fae E S. PRECINCTS. West Weber, Wilson, Hooper 1 and 2, Randall, Riverdale, Uintah, Burch Creek, Farr West, Liberty, Roy, Warren, West Warren and Taylor. Election for County Officers—Every two y : Election Day—Second Tuesday after first Monday in November. Commissioners —- Frank Publie Streets, Parks and Public Property; W J Streets, Parks anl Public Property; J Ray Ward, Supt Parks, Public Property and Election and Green, GOVERNMENT. STATE U U S S OFFICERS, Senators—Reed Smoot and Wm H King. Congressmen—E O Leatherwood and Capitol Building, Salt Lake City. Governor—Chas R. Mabey. Secretary of State—H E Crockett. Auditor—Mark Tuttle. Treasurer—W P Sutton. Attorney General—HHarvey H Clufe. Supt Public Instruction—Geo Thomas. Librarian-—H W Griffith. Bank Commissioner—N T Porter. Bank Examiners—W E Evans and A Cone aLIN6 ‘Thenectek Solas Geantonds Clerk and Auditor—C T Recorder—Mrs G N Fiet. Assessor—A G Berrett. Engineer—Geo F Fish and Game Dairy and Food Comr—R H Siddoway. Comr—iW M Boyden. Attorney—D J Wilson. Supt. of Schools—B A Fowler, Sheriff—R D Pincock. Surveyor—J C Brown. Adjutant General—iW G Williams. Architect—Jos Monson. Insurance Comr—Rulon §S Wells. Crop Pest Inspector—H R Hagan. Treasurer—D W_ 30 : Pest Inspector—c E Pettigrew. Agt—A S§S Allen. ; Supervisor—L L Bingham. ELECTION Wilson. Sewer eS ne Sexton}+—A BE Wilson. Francis, Wilson. Ogden—1, 2, 3, 4, 5—-wards same as city election precincts Huntsville, Eden, Nortn Ogden, Pleasant View, Plain City, Harris- Street Supervisor—C H Martin. Building Inspector—Thos H Davis. Milk Inspector—John Felt. Sanitary Inspector—J M Coal Oil Inspector—R C Taylor. Sealer of Weights and Measures—Chas Pound H Johnson, Engineer—J M Tracy. Chief of Police—Jonathan Jones. City Court Judge—D R Roberts. Juvenile Court Judge—D E Sullivan. Chief of Fire Dept-—G A Graves. Physician—R 1921). Supt County Infirmary—H D Brown. Board of Education—L H Froerer, Clk, First Nat Bank Bldg. OFFICERS. City Hall Washington av Mayor—Frank Francis. Recorder—cC O De Wolf. INFORMATION Secured GOVERNMENT. CITY ee to 1921 MISCELLANEOUS R R s of Weber ver, WOODLAND AV—now Childs ay. WYOMING AV—now Orchard av. YRUBDUS COURT—now Gramercy VOL. 26 ee TWENTY-SEVENTH—e and w from 2 __Wasnh av. oe 'WENTY-EIGHTH—e and w from 2800 av. ee "WEN TY-NINTH—e and w from 2 Wash av. it TYLER AV—s from 1301 20th 12th e of Wall av. ‘ UNION AV—s from 241 W 21st and from 227 W 31st UTAH AV—now Hudson ay. UTAH PLACE—now Patterson. VALLEY DRIVE—e from 1850 H arrison av. VAN BUREN AV—s from 1101 19th, 10 e Of Wall av. VIEW—6 miles w of city, bet N Ogden and Utah Hot Springs. VOLKER AV—now Liberty av. WIALL AV—s from 101 18th, 83d wor Wash av, dividing line bet streets running east and west. WALNUT—on a line with W 42d, 7 blks w of Weber River. WARREN—13 miles northwest. WARREN LANE—w from 2155 Adams av. WARREN ROW+—w from 2155 Adams ay to Stuart Lane. WASATCH—now Dan. WASHINGTON AV—s from W 34th, 2 blks W of Weber River. WASHINGTON AV—now GC: av. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS—Wash av from 40th to 71st. WEBER AV—now Harrison ay. WEST BOULEVARD—s of W 40th, 12 blks WwW of Weber River. WEST COURT—s from 521 23d. WEST OGDEN—25th Ww of Weber River. WEST WEBER—a OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Evans. Chemist—Herman FE le. Harms. | ‘eae Cee Foe , — a: 2 SE. PS -_ — q eee Dey Onge Yo no) gS ¥ Pe Rae ee es So a -<—et5 : Leo gy pu es ee ¥ ne ee r, } REA Ce 12 |