OCR Text |
Show 14 STATE GOVERNMENT—U. S. OFFICERS—BUILDING ASSOCI ATIONS. a eaeCy Labor and Statisti cs Comr—| Carolyn I Smith. Live Stock Inspector—R W Hoggan. Pension Comr—Mrs Eliz M Cohen. Sealer of Weights and Measures—W m|vU Boyden. U § Bureau of Public Roads—403 Col Hud. son Bldg. B J Finch, STATE JUDICIARY. SUPREME L Capitol Building, Judges—E Frick, E A Weber, Terms—The Supreme at the Capitol of convene year, viz: and February, On hold May Chief S H W the R and J Clk. terms second in held shar A W Atty. The it Office S 2 nN D J ; ’ , omens UNITED STATES Doxey e Neslen, ; y Bas Helm Stilwell U S Weather in U S Office—City che. Dept le of a Insp in chg. U S Dept of Office)—-208 or. * Seren clk. . Agriculture i Bldg. Hall. Chas (Bureau 309] Bass AND poe 0; mas iculture (Forest Service) a Hutede, dist forester. av. Wash Adams Ap ay. ; q 27th o hie . Je Aparenenteainhan partments—2620% ; Sl. : Cobeeieete h Apartments—2248-2950 j ponent ; First—680 arr Apartmnts—2583 Grant av. Apartments—2703-2711 Grant Apartments—-Adams av nw cor av.25th, Apartments—2518 Wash ay. Terrace—2610-20 Monroe Terrace—2339-43 Adams av. av. Apartments—663 25th. Apartmentg—274 Apartments—278114 Apartments—3 343 j q . ; 4 28th. Grant av Wall ay. Wash and 1 ] ay. Jas é Section. ; 5 “a 144th 1625 344 ars, 12th—2604 ay. av. Wash be 1st, { Jackson ay. Adams av 234d. Harriartie ae Hooper—Hooper. , Huntsville—Huntsville, rane ah eae: ; ynne—3 arrisville rd. Marriott—Marriott. Plane Gece N Ogden. Plain City—Plain City, OF LATTER- 42% 24th. Secon Wotherspoon; Houses Gin Wckens ‘ot 028 14th—3750 , Office, aioli aterville—Slaterville. Counselors, Taylor—Taylor. oun V_ Bluth and Francis W Stratford; | viow. view, Clerk, caja MMi Sant neoumians Bishops Chuge; of y ar Harrisville, Warren—wWarren. Richd R D Brown; Lynne, L W Sherner; ‘Marriott, Lawrence Ritchie; Ogden Third, son; Ogden Tenth, Plain City, Wilmer : T Myrony B P Richard Timoth Terry:J Maw; Slaterville, Taylor, Wm Wayment; West Weber, . one gden 524 West West Ogden—W and Warren—w 24th Warren. G West Weber—W Wilson—wWilson Geo A Hes' la i CONGREGATIONAL. ay Second—Five % Bldg. av. Weber. H Jardine West Ogden,; | pirst thews.0464 Adams av. Stake Eccles .| st GHPane Points. Rev Godfrey Mat« Rey EPISCOPAL, Otis May oe Wr ard Pinte City ysiop. President, Thos E McKay; Counselors, Sam] | ° ; G Dye, John Halls; Clerk, Eli Holton. Bishops of Wards—Eden, EVANGELICAL. Geo A: Huntsville, J L Peterson; Liberty Fuiler: German—580 234. Shaw; Middleton, John M Grow;, Jas L| gt Paul’s—582 23d. Rev A § North Ogden, Fredk LUTHERAN Barker; Ogden Fourth, : ‘ Hyrum E Lund; Ogden Sixth, : Owen M| Elim— 575 234. Sanderson; Ogden Seventh, Wm Rev A E Olson. Carey. 24th ne Cop Persch, Budge; METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Ogden Eighth, W W Rawson; A Pleasan t 24th. View, Reuben T Rhees; Rev Hugh Neville Ogden Thirteenth, FiDegas 454 9817 Pin sd oe Rev John H Jenkins. B F Mec Branch Geneus h for the Woodbury, BUILDING, SAVINGS AND : LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. Classified q 4 — See 4 q i M Cush-| ee 13th. 13th—1 OF JESUS CHRIST DAY SAINTS. Office, ; P Madison . 478 fern Rev 24th. CHURCH Wm : 7th Meeting Madison 8° Pen Morris, CHRISTIAN, Chas R Dana; ieee ash ay. John W H Rene eben * 4tlt—21 29 eo 24th. Rev W L Mellinger. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. First—780 33d. Bldg. ot 24th. nahan. Ward ist—305 J A Neilsen. CATHOLIC. jas A Slater; Warren, av. Hudson eines. St Joseph’s—500 President, { ay. Rev Col BAPTIST. i ood j 23d. -9t00, 97 #1 Apartments—231 eemente 1 a 7 FLATS. ash 686 E D Kennedy, . a pen are Federal Bldg. : W | 25th. Stilwell Terrace—2773-85. 272-278 28th. Wilson Wright Animal er | Lundquist, Clerk Mole Apart ments—2331 ay.av. Apartments—-2854 Adame Wash US Referee in Bankruptcy—S T Corn. First Nat Bank Bldg. Taylor, WH Nelson Park Pearl Peery Plaza Raine Reed Smith H Bldg. Apartments—2566 Wash av. “Apartments 2ist ba wnat ‘Lindquist OFFICERS 7 q ate tiesgPos erie ice—Bri HOUSES vl Apartments—264 Geffas R A Moyes, | | 29th. r ; ay. Federal HG Day—469 Mission—221 7 ay. pe . en iv Aparunonte uae tak ; iting Geena ve oper Farr, : : Rufus ADVENTIST. Seventh Utah ay Jae Green; Ogden First, Datus H Ensign: Ogden Second, Ogden Fifth, Jas W tresWm’E Ogden Newman Ninth ; Wituoy : O Ridges, Ogden Eleventh, Nathan A Tanner; Ogden Twelfth, Thos B Wheelwright; Ogden Fourteenth, e. Morris; Riverdale, Adam A BinghamClarenc Roy, Martin P Brown; South Weber, C ;C Earl: Uintah, as A Fernelius. ; —- . m Apartments—961 i den. Nn, ee Board of Civil Service Examiners—Fe deral Bldg. A R Ward, sec. Ogden Arsenal—317 Col Hudson Bldg. Capt! Ora Bundy, Constn Q M. Railway Mail Service—302 Federal Bldg. W Bldg. | j av. Washington 111re) ONthe Service-—302 : hi Apartments—638 Corey avey 3 Sec; | j 7pm. Carver Apartments—539 22d. Apartments—2 Utah School for the Deaf and the Blind—| 20th cor Monroe av. C Clarens E F Corey, to Washington Claremont Ogden. Pres; T A Williams, V-Pres;‘W N See-Treas; Dr E S Hinckley, Supt. Mrs Grant a m Postmaster. Browning Apartments. State Industrial School—:Washington av, % mile ne of Five Points. J W = Abbott, Pres; 8 enue tain View—bet 33d and 35th, JefferMoun and Madison avs. aadien City—bet 19th’ and’ 20th, Madison -|» ‘and Adams avs. Plain City—Plain City. Union—North Ogden. | Argyle STATE INSTITUTIONS. H cor —+s hart Hotel in chg. Bond in from 1—2479 i Station ; Ry Mail 1 | ait T Avon Located sj open A Garner nw CEMETERIES. CHURCHES. APARTMENT Judge. W = Blake. POSTOFFICE. Dateen tides. Terminalaa Rane Railway Judges; ‘ TUVENE COMME First Nat Bank Bldg. Pg eas 418 Inspector—H STATES 24th Station j Ua COURT. Agee, UNITED of| Station A905 Cour:| County COUnE HOHaD Judicial Eimball and District—G s peers Wilson, eacn| Mondays October. & Valen- Court shall be the State and three deem proper. . DISTRICT ' Second 8. { Peete Justice; Thurman, Griffith, j may a pe “edera ( Salt Lake City Corfman, J tine Gideon, U es pice COURT. CEMETERIES—-OHURCHES, | dist eng. U S Internal Revenue Service—209 Federal Bldg. R H Argubright, rep. S Marine Corps—414 25th. Geo Mason ae U S Navy ie cae Sta—414 25th, J P O’Connor in chg. Deaf—734 Pres. Weber Stake 21st. Max | W ; u 8 gn. . PRESBYTERIAN. Central Park—3111 Wash av. Rev J & Carver. Office, 523 Eccles Bldg. First—2400 Adams av. Rev J E Carver, President, Lewis W Shurtliff; Counselors, | REORGANIZED CHURC H OF eta CHRIST John Watson, Geo E Browninara OF LATTER g; Clerk, -DAY SA Evert Neuteboom. 1501 Wash av. R F Hewes, branch pres, _ e : |