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Show Wright's eS BROWNING AUTOMOBILE CO. CADILLAC GARAGE, ACCESSORIES, SUPPLIES 2450 Grant Ave TRUCKS Ogden Transfer a Storage Co. 106 ; R. L. POLK & (ye a REPA Ogde AND Evrula (wid Saml) r 2212 Wall av. Chugg Carl student b Farr West. Chugg Geo W died Apr 20 ’20 age 71. Chugg Hannah (wid John) r Farr West. Chugg Leila student b Farr West. Chugg Mabel tchr b Farr West. a ‘f Chugg Moroni farmer and bishop L D S r Farr West. Chugg Nathan G farmer b Farr West. a Chugg Orley J framer Boyle Furn Co r 357 Patterson, Chugg Ray R farmer r Harrisville. a Chugg Vera student b Farr West. a. Chugg Victor lab r N Ogden. oh Chugg Victor lab b Farr West. ‘a Chugg Zena (wid Jos) r Farr West. Chugg Zolo student b Farr West. a WE Church of Jesus Christ of L D § tabernacle Wash aj MOVE 22d stake offices 429 24th 523-524 Eccles Bldg for the deaf 734 21st. as ANYTHING — of The Shepherd (Epis) 24th ne cor Gt Churstrom see Good Cherrstrom. WITH ||Chureh Chynoweth A lab. Interstate Sugar Co r Hooper. h, TWO Cieri Frank P lab moved to Wells Nev. i CITIZENS INS CO OF MISSOURI (St Louis), E L Ferd ENDS Eecles Bldg. Fy Chunning I E formn Interstate Sugar Cor Hooper, City Cafe (Theo Geffas) 110-112 25th. City Cemetery see Ogden City Cemetery. CITY COAL YARD (A A Shaw), 156 W 27th, 2340 Grant Ave. Tel. 910 adv under classified CITY COMMISSIONERS, Affairs, Finance Streets, Parks Coal). Frank and and a ua Tel 107 Water Public Works, Property, lie Safety, City Hall, Tel 489. City Courts crim diy Hudson Chris J R Ward CITY HALL, Washington av sw cor 25th. City Hall Square CITY City Jail Hudson Junk House OFFICERS. Stables 768 bet 25th a and 26th Wash a and Grant ay av bet 25th and 26th. (David Kreines) 2258 Wash (See page Clancy. Gath (wid a i farmer r coer A . . id jr farmer D rear ; cementwkr Globe G & M Co. ae Clapier bs av. a 13). e Wash av. Be Alberts opr U P Lndry b 2203b 2833 Adams k Alice M steno EA Stratford av. n - @lark Alonzo lab r 3021 Lincol Insurance r 2358 Jackson av. Olark Andw T (The Fashion Shop) Olark Art hlpr rms 2818 Wash av. Olark Garl formn Utah Pkg Corp b Roy. Olark Garl D cond U P r 2948 Lincoln av. Olark Chas formn C F Dinsmore & Co rms 2456 Grant av. Clarence firmn Utah Schl D and B. Olark | 581 Cross. Clark Claude RlabU P&LCor CLARK CLYDE S, DC, Ph C, Palmer Graduate, Hurst Bidg, 2441 Hudson av, Tel 389, r 1111 2804 Wash av. b 339 30th. 26th, Tel ea under classified Chiropractors). K Dan! jan Lorin Farr Schl r same. Clark Darwin S trainmstr UI Cr 777 27th. Clark Ear] mech Clark Edwd rms A mach Clark Eliz (wid Clarence W) Clark Emil S trucker b 1878 OU r 509 26th. R & D Cor 615 Childs av. ee ener L clk Wright's b _ - Interstate Sugar Co (See caida Representativ av, Tel 98. r 3 La Frantz Apts. r Hooper. 0 rb Warren. aark Fred R pass dir O U R & D Co r 2633 Hudson av. Clark Fred Be 2033 Hadcon as . eo wa U ormn Pr 2833 r Roy. Adams av. ak Geo H insp 0 UR & D Cor Cl Geo V lab b Geo Glark. 555 i Gordon L formn b 3021 Lincoln 20th. .C arriet lark Henry < cashr Prudential Ins Co b 624 F btchr r 724 W 21st. Jefferson av. 20th. Close! Bith Tanners as i and West*** TELEPHone EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE—MOVING VANS 328! Twenty-Fifth Street Telephor 781-w a * Dealer in Hides, Pelts Tallow, Beeswax& Furs 2417 HUDSON AVE. Phone av. Glark pont2h L (wid Jos) r 2752 Wash av. ——— REAL ESTATE LOANS U.S. BONDS a ams ne cor Wall Mlark Ezra T (Crown Painless Dentists) 3163-M. 21st. ee a TT B SEED CO Wholesale Seed Growers, 2kth coh EVERY KNOWN KIND of av. Alvin hlpr S P rms 263 21st. 30th. Amasa R lab O P & P Cor 849 ont av. ' Glark Andw A farmer r 3024 Wash ark Emma G@ . av. J. J, Brummitt av. Adams 2686 Apartments av. Lincoln 2215 2300 Adams Everett GC clk P O rms Clapperton rms G & M Co Globe ey comentwkr > Flyg@ ay bet 25th and 26th ely. 2510 Lincoln av. Sofia) Emma Mire ; Set | 244 30th. Glait eyohn H clk P Orof Education rms 2923 Childs av. Bd Clancy Jon M clk David) limits. city nr r W 1st Con Hall. ay City Dairy (Jos Bingham) Marriott. Ee CITY DIRECTORY OFFICE AND LIBRARY (RL Pot with Carnegie Free Library, Washington av nr 208 City Estray Pound e s Wash av nr Ogden River Bridge City City H C Hall Mgr, Moving Vans, Express, BagTRA gage at Drayace. Quick Service to All Parts of City, il, 233 25th, Tel 474. me Francis Mayor and 107 DIRECTORY—1921. CITY OGDEN a" Christopher H § chemist Interstate Sugar Co r Hoopei Christophersen Howard E lab rms 2214 Wash ay. . © Christopherson June techr N Ogden Schl rms Ogden, ~ Christy Eva waiter Ranch Cafe rms Utah Hotel. q Christy Studio (Frank McIntyre) 2469 Wash av. Chron TO TRADE A GOOD\PLAGE CO’S OGDEN’S ONLY DEPARTMENT STORE Always in the Market at Top Market Prices Reference Ogden State Bank OGDEN, UTAH 2263-2269 Wall avenue 59 |