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Show RACT TRIN 240 R. L. Howell Evan painter S P r POLK & 1037 16th. CO’s ‘yer, 625-629 Eccles Bldg, Tel 396, r 2561 1088. Howell Howell J ‘a Howell Oscar S clk Amer Ry Exp b 2153 Jackson Howell Reese Co J A Howell sec real est 2475 W Howell Reese & Sons W_C Howll mgr gen mdse Howell Howell Howell Howes Howes Howes Howes Howey Howie oxer Richl farmer r Slaterville. Wm C mgr Reese Howell & Sons r Wm D clk OU R & D Co b 2153 J see also Howe. Edmund farmer r Roy. Kenneth V supplymn S P b Edmund Edwin L printer U S Forest Serv r 873 Robt G clk Amal Sugar Co rms 2741 Ethel L tchr High Schl r 2557 Adams ava) Deborah H. student b 2540 Jefferson ay. HOXER JOHN, Propr Ogden Tent & Awning ‘ton av, Tel 264, r 2540 Jefferson av, ‘fel cover). Hoyrup John F r 3875 Wash av. Hoyt J L mgr Underwood Typewr Co r Salt HOYT OT Manager The Troy Way is the Right Way Wall Av. Tel. 2074 B, Mgr Hemenway & Moser Co, Tel 939. Huband Frances P student b 866 22d. Huband Frank P r 866 22d. Huband Heber A jan N Ogden Schl r N Ogden. S. H. 2538-40 RALPH Huband Laine Huband Mabel Huband Myrtle Hubbard Alfd C Hubbard Earl P Hubbard Jesse Hubbard Julia Hubenthal Rae student b N Ogden. t E clk Scowcroft’s b 866 22 A clk r 866 22d. swchmn O U R & D Cor 2941 swchmn O UR &D Cor 2941 L clk r 1970 Jackson av. tehr Lorin Farr Sch] rms 887 x-ray 325 Eccles Bldg. ° Huber Wm barber Marion Hotel rms 2946 | Huckins Wm A sls supt U P & L Cor 7638 24th. HUDMAN HENRY H, V-Pres Nat Bank of Blackman & Griffin Co, r 2227 Jefferson Hudman Howard H mgr Blackman & Griffin Co Hudman Mabel tchr Pingree Schl b 2227 Jeff Hudson see also Hodson. Hudson Arwall Co J Welch mer phonographs 4 Hudson Auto Top Co (R E Knowles) 1747 W Hudson Col Building Hudson av sw cor 24th. Hudson Harry C mgr Ogden Com Co rms 521 C. E. Armstrong Sporting Goods, Kodaks, and Printing, Bicycles, Lamps, Franco Flash Rubber Stamps, Toys Photog Talking Lights’ ison Repair Shop Safe and . b 2153 Experts Lock REPAIRING FITTING, BICYCLE AND NOVELTY LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED M Smart Works, Fittsug, Novelty .(See adv). Exav, Hudson 2469 av. Ogden Stm Lndry r 960 Hudson Pe. Sherratt Etc, Lock and Safe Mgr, av. Hudson 2343 Soderberg) J M SHOP, REPAIR Key os. | P. (f rs Shop ee Utah Ogden, Ave. Noodles, Open from m to 3 am, 2437 Hudson av, Tel 941-W. WELDING & REPAIR CO (L P Murdock), 2463 Hud- THE iiakai), Chop (Kay av, Tel 1984-J. Mn: (See Suey and adv). > 45 Childs av H lab rms 26 ilds av. Jos J gen mgr Gunn Supply Co Clarence E blrmkr S P b 358 r Los 11th. Cal. Angeles & Claude trucker O U R & D Co b 358 11th. Everett Nannie W M mech (wid Alden Robt Trans E) Co r 358 b 358 11th. 11th. Robt beemn OU R & DCo b 358 11th. Geo trucker Amer ae ae rms 283 24th. Mrs Hettie r 2469 Van Buren av. Jos O firmn S P r 2314 Adams av. Elmer carp rms see also Hewes. 304 The One-Price 25th. Welding & Repair Co.| Levi Murdock, Store Propr. WELDING Phone Cylinders and Water Jackets Repaired Without ‘ HEAVY Preheating JOBS OUR Ave. SPECIALTY 860 Phone McKELL Fourth Phones 1984-J & McKELL CHIROPRACTOR Suits 409-10-11 and 401 hic with 241 J. M. Smart, Mgr. a av. Olive Iemp Ogden Stm Lndry Oscar farmer b Slaterville. | 734- 175 . DIRECTORY—1921._ CITY OGDEN Howell Mrs Florence with Reese Howell & Sons av. HOWELL JAMES A (De Vine, Howell, Stine & Howell Mrs Jennie r 2349 Adams CLEANERS PHONE DERERS AND DRY -FIFTH STREET 2428 Hudson Ave. Co. Laundry Steam _ Floor Col. Hudson Building X-Ray Laboratory 426 630-757 Ogden, Utah |