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Show ee Rt ‘a esis wo as Leyte R. L. POLK & cos. 7 Murphy ClarenceJ engOUR&DCor Wholesale and Retai} « Eliza M (wid E Mark) r 478 28th. Emanuel M trav agt Pac Fruit Exp Co |Murphy Geo Genevieve nurse Dee Hosp rms Nurs Geo W soft drinks 101 25th r 2783 W jr grocer 103 25th r 2753.Wash Murphy Harold L firmn § P b 570 29th. Murphy Howard clk G W Murphy r 2777 Murphy Jas P brkmn r 2651 Adams Wash av. MURPHY JOH N D, Attorney-at-Law, Bldg, Tel 1648-J, r Harrisville, Murphy John Er 315 oiler O UR & D Cor 526 22d. Murphy J Carlyle clk b 422 27th. Murphy J Waynard clk S§ P r 570 29th. Miohe Tilian M smstrs U P Lndry b 2775 G@ Murphy Jos CREAM Murphy Margt Murphy Mary BUTTER Wash av. b 2753 av. Mary Moses A A student r 313 Adams Murphy Norma student b 948 Wash av. Murphy Peter MILK AND ICE CREAM ene Washington a a (Murthy & nec Lincoln Grant Wm Wm B b 3143 Adams av. L lab Amal Sugar Co ar ae | | 24th. Fresh Meats, a, in Fancy and Staple G os Free Delivery to Any Part Us for Quality and Service, 1012 22d, Tel 13 Brown Ww. A, BROWN, Mgr. RES. PHONE 262 PIANO MOVING AND PACKING CAR-! HEAVY MOVING AND LONG DISTANC vaa 2463 Hudson av. Of sate Bary an ee student b 2572 Quincy Quincy ESTATE av. Vhipr S P. 3215 Stephens ima pairs Vernon hipr b 3215 Stephens Wm P carp r 2556 Cole ct. Ogden REAL av b av. same. LOANS av. : fave Mrs Zettuin inmate Co Infirmary. man Ruth (wid John H) janOUR&D Cor 26038 Lincoln Ve aoe ' r Mrs Alice A tchr Harrisv ille Schl r 2900 Pingree av. ©r Danl lab , Amal Sugar Co r 41 Argyle,\ Apts. t Mrs Delia moved to Los Angeles Cal. _ r Roscoe S electn UM & F Y Cor 2900 Pingree av. AL CREAMERY CO, Einar Nielsen Mgr, We Make a Spe-|| lalty of Maid O’ Clover Butter, Eggs and Cheese, 102 258, el 318.8 AGENCY, V E Carlson Mgr, , Skilled Md Unskilled Laborers for All Kinds of Work, 153 25th, .AL LIFE INSURANCE CO OF NEW YORK, J P Corry Dist}| av. MURPHY & KEETER (RT Murphy, F W Keeter),| Brown Bros, Dealers Cuts Ruth JAL EMPLOYMENT av. r 230 Robt A mach § P. av. Fowles av. fave Thos Manufacturers, 325-320 24th, Tel 595. Wm cond rms 2645 Murphy S P r 2572 av. Stephens aye Jos L hostler H farmer8 P r b Plain 483 17th. City. : MURPHY WHOLESALE GROCERY CO, Adam F AG Fella nd Patrick Healy jr V-Pres, A L Br Murphy Treas, Wholesale Grocers, Importers1g. Murphy Murphy Rds r 3215 Elsie M laund Model Lndry r ee Oak . | 948 Was Pub fave G H inmate Co Infirmary. pave Harry C clk P Or 483 17th. T clk Amer Can Co b 268 29th. Roland hipr § P. Rose ( wid Datl 260 2305 a Thos blrmkr § |)P ¢rms Patk mach Stephens bert Fred lab b 750 B opr U P Lndry r 1 College ct. i Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy 3667 P U S Bureau & ay. rave Chas C carp 8 Pr 3215 Ogden rave Mrs 36-R- || Murphy Murphy John John SJ mach mach r$ 2945 P r 570 29th. av. Lincoln Fr oerer hert Fritz btchr Westn Mkt Co r 750 Ogden av. ; Ae First Tel Stilwell Ter. ¢ ae). M mech b 3215 Norma tA Auto Service oe. | Murphy {Murphy HENRY comBe,||Murphy Proprietor {Murphy in Pub Rds rms T he Ogden 345 2571 ee Co r Hooper. lab b 3215 Stephens av. Best ¥ elk UIC b 2572 Quincy te . Dealers De Lo s eng US Bureau | ta Murphy MURPHY EDWARD F, Mgr | Adams ay, Tel 1391. . Kenneth tat C0 ~ Jas swehmn O U R& D Cor sy J O formn Interstate Sugar WA Products Murphy Cletus H meat ctr Skaggs Cash Harrisville, Murphy Dallas M firmn 8 P b 570 29th.Stores r 2 ‘i Murphy Danl J agt UI C r 2775 Grant av. iy . a: H insp Pae Fruit Exp Co r 468 25 treas Murphy Whol Gro Go r 4 22 Chas § DIRECTORY—1921, id Kenneth M) rms 115 W 29th. isp Amal Sugar Co b 3215 Stephens av. ancis R student b 2572 Quincy Te eb av. . te a * <a Murphy CITY Sopliz (wid Dan! A) r 2721 Grant av. te b 268 Murphy Carlyle J clk Murphy Whol Co b 422 27¢ Murphy Castle ” alr OGDEN & is tA Murphy Arnold L mach b 2651 Adams ay, Murphy Bernadotte M clk Murphy Block 101-109 25th. U § Forest Serv tA 344 : | & YLE EVERY THING FOR THE HOME ofce Cloth sien CTEINS Cy IN THE | 9 ; - 7 Soriety oo FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE FARM LANDS we Buy Sell or Exchange 9409 Mbt, 429 Eccles Bldg, Tel 372. MERCANTILE CO, Co-Operative, George W Kellogg |HUDSON AV. =Cme , Abies eceties, Choice Cuts Fresh Meats, Fruits, Vege- A Toke pi: 2223b 1701% Washingt on av,av. Tels 1100 and 551. Yohn brkmn Wash See also Mayer Meyer and Mires. > Benson H emp Amal Sugar Co r 76 ag Dosin ' r aoe 217 ae 7th. UTAH Bureau PROGRESSIVE RELIABLE BONDED TO THE STATE OF UTAH FOR $5000.00 m €rchants Credit Bureau Collects More Money and Employs More People than All Other Ogden Agencies Combined ~=-208 Eccles Bldg. 917 OGDEN ry Credit |Phone la. Beyoe eerie ad ‘erchants EFFICIENT he Wilson Phones 691-838-3549 |