OCR Text |
Show OYLES ae The Store Tha LEG) Uintah! Dairy Prod ucts| COMBE, Proprietor Dealers Wholesale and Retail MILK CREAM - BUTTER AND ICE CREAM R. Washington Ave. 548 i “EVERYTHING hs POLK & CO’s Pacifie OGDEN hants evor Remy Marion Renell Jas Sugar P elk Golden r 2637 Eccles Co rms 861 Cresensio lab Ama] Sugar Co. Louise waiter Union Depot Hotel rms Mrs Esther H died Sept 14 ’°20 age 69. Harriet (wid Henry) b 980 23d. Henry cloth printer r 980 234d. Mina hskpr 312 32d. rum a feabelle Cor 2531 Sptg Gds lab r N Ogden. Fillmore av. Co r 2625 Wash (wid Dwight E) r 134 28th. B steno slsmn r 2625 Wash av. b 2531 Fillmore av. Se A slsmn Scowcroft’s r Spring lab r 2214 Jackson av. be eee i av. fad Ervin surveyor b Nacho. gtd eac eac i farmer r Plain L civ eng r City. bernie farmer b Plain City. av. _ He av. ie r Plain City. ees Art student b View. ; ®s Chas farmer b View. _ es Chauncey W farmer r View. 3 to Salt Lake . es |Brown Transfer & Stor 2 W. A. BROWN, Mgr. RES. PHONE ROP PIANO MOVING AND PACKING HEAVY MOVING AND LONG DISTANCECAR-L HA vrree ae |HUDSON AV.|} é ‘Helen E student b View. ®S Herbt farmer r View. $Hilda J messr S P b 3655 Ogden ®S Horace farmer r View. av. ‘Josephine student b View. =vUne student b View. N erchants EFFICIENT i, Credit Bureau aa PROGRESSIVE BONDED TO THE STATE OF UTAH FOR $50 eine ‘The Merchants Credit Bureau Collects More Man hetained More People than All Other Ogden “*82-203 Eccles Bidg. Sell or Exchange 2409 eS Eliza P (wid Chas H) r View. Ces more G student b View. =s Geo farmer r View. ®8 Gilbt L driver Ogden Bkg Co r 3655 Ogden av. Renstrom Geo P farmer rms Huntsville. City. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF am SAINTS, Rev Roy F Hewes Presiding Elder, 1504 ton av. av. OUR&D M clk Proudfit fad see also Read Reed and Reid. fad Claude student b Plain City. . % 2463 Hudson Grace vane nc son W labr gden. olds Pheline student b 2531 Fillmore av. ms Aerie W mach r 2756 Jefferson av. sa b 136 W 2d. ae Reno Leon R drugst Five Pts Drug Co b 136 W 2d. moved nolds Mrs eac Reno Mrs Nellie r 136 W 2d. Reno Victor r 198 W 24. Reno Victor Gr 152 W 2d. . 25th. Pac mS lab Amal Sugar Co S see also Rees. fes Alta E b 3655 Ogden av. . A , 225 molds Olive acrieae “a Reno Josie L aud Wright’s Chas b D Co r 3025 Adams av. Pact wynolds molds John Mabel wnolds Mark molds Nephi ia Co. av. Ss P Deru) os ic Cross. Rule Mer opr er. Harry student b 2534 Fillmore av. Typewriter Co J C Stewart mgr base Utah Bldg Rengel Renner Rennie Rennie Rennie Amal iE Snolds Henry T pres Utah Whol Gro Co r Springville U. Reinshriber Harry (Nat Outfitting Co) r 1 Helm Apt Reinshriber Jos (Nat Outfitting Co) Reiter Harvey emp Ashton FB & T r 2734 Was h ¢ Co rms Central RELIABLE LOAN OFFICE, Frank Gross ' and Gents’ Furnishings, Shoes, Etc, man Prop Money Lo Kinds of Valuable Articles, Bargains in U Pledge lab av. Hotel. av. (S B Steck) 225 25th. Btheatre Sing Ari W mach , wa ‘ia s, 370 25th. Bldg. & DCorms Rds rms 424 274730th. Wash Pub gH slomn b 297 28th M ial (Chas 2s see also Riley. Thos jan aon Howard a Weber Norma] Coll rms 2446 Was Reimer Harry W (Eagle Gro C) r Reinard Jas D eng rms 2941 Childs 205 27th. av. Reinh a DIRECTORY—1921., 202 Eccles a Reid Ruby J (wid Walter F) r 508 12th. Reid Thos A plstr r 984 24th. Reid Walter F died Dee 2 4°20 age 46. Reilly Julio CITY HOME thor! Car Er oni 0 5 Buen Pub Rds rms Gates eform Chas rds basese 180 225th r 2362 Madison one SP b 257 28th. wore Athle wor David G + } brkmn U P r 257 28th. steno De Vine Stine & Gwilliam b 984 Remirez Assn jail Mere H swechmn OUR an John : Emma E b 981 24th. Eva L asst b 981 24th. Neal hlpr rms 274 23d. art Frank J mach § P r 442 Reinke Geo W r 2548 Jackson av. FOR. THE 7% av. Regan John blower Interstate Sugar Cor Hoope me Rehberg see Reberg. Reich Walter farmer r 576 Dougl as ay. Reichardt Walter L moved to Portland Ore, Reid see also Read Reed and Rhead . Reid Andw firmn S P r 2539 Adam Reid Clyde E driver r 3283 Ogden s av. ay. Me Reid Edith M rom Phone L. Reeves Wesley W cook r 2724 Kegan see also Ragan. Rennie 3667 tee ie a a teats 408 Reilly in : Wt , Reid Reid Reid CO. HENRY / PDuiety Z THE QFECCLES BUDDING OGDEN.UTAH. ig Agencies Phones 691-838-3549 |